The Conceptual Conglomerate

Rather the engagement of you replying, bro!
Mentioning that It’s a wiring field wasn’t the premise of my question rather getting some more insight what the field is supposed to accomplish. As I suggested in my previous post, you could take that into account for the upcoming descriptions to avoid any misunderstandings. Thanks again, Doc! Be good! :100::muscle:

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Doing my best, everyone likes their descriptions a certain way, including Dream.

Still, I balance things with a lot of explanations and metaphors and threads. A lot of it no one explained to me.

Cutting in the middle

Thank you,
I’ll re-work the description :slight_smile:


All good, brother! The effort you all putting into this is remarkable and highly appreciated, no question about that. I only wanted to give some input in form of a constructive suggestion, hopefully, It provides some value to you.


It’s funny how you think after looping this for some hours that you have “answers” now. Then you loop other brain fields and then loop this again and those “answers” keep getting updated. Then you realize how little you really know. Makes me not want to speak on these threads LOL. The brain is so complex, so many quadrillion compartments in it and so many different operations are going on simultaneously. You can never truly drop the anchor of this ship, it just keeps going, even after you’ve finished circuitry of each field. They just keep giving and giving. The rabbit hole is so deep…


Can’t wait for the new description. I might have to turn around and loop this only for 3 months after I read it lol.

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Now you’ve gotten me interested :exploding_head:

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Dude… Seeing people’s thought patterns and the decisions that accompany them really changes you. You can never really be the same at some point lol… I feel like I’m looking through people and I wasn’t really invited to do so. I have always had good pattern recognition, but this field makes the pattern recognition insights between conscious and subconscious much more efficient. Some days it’s like having Dejavu 24-7.

I won’t speak anymore lol, but wow.


Yeah it’s crazy. Oftentimes all I’ll need is a simple phrase or word, and it’s enough to tip me off as to how someone likely came to their conclusion(s) and their level of sincerity.

It’s not just about deconstructing statements head-on, but picking up on the subtleties of language, recognising the underlying thought patterns, intention, motivation etc behind what is being said.

And by factoring all of these dimensions into our thought process we can come to a more informed conclusion of what people truly mean to say.

Better yet, we can use this same methodology on ourselves to understand our own biases. Take this post for instance from another CC user (I hope you don’t mind me quoting this here @Dyslexic_Professor):

So it seems even the most dogmatic of beliefs can be eroded, not through force, but rather, the gradual correction of one’s thinking to an extent where holding onto these beliefs just doesn’t make sense anymore.

This is an incredible achievement.

This field is well worth the price. It’s going to save you a lot of time and headaches, so to those who haven’t got this and are on the fence about buying, I highly recommend you get this one.


Can anyone please share some thoughts on how this is different from other conceptual enhancement fields, especially Tapasya of Savitur?
I’m thinking of getting this one during the sale but not sure yet.
Thank you! :pray:


If you haven’t read all of this thread I would suggest that you do to gain some insights on all the benefits. Also from some of @Matt1 and @Jojo’s experiences this one is the first to get. So if you don’t get any other brain field besides Manhattan method as stated by Dr. Manhattan make sure you get this one if you can. It’ll revolutionize your world.


2 words:

“Sacred Geometry”.

I want to use this with White Matter, Snapping Synapses and Brain Key.
How should I stack them?

  1. White Matter
  2. Brain key
  3. Snapping Synapses
  4. Conceptual Conglomerate

That was fast! Thanks!


Must’ve been the white matter. :rofl:

Enjoy Conceptual Conglomerate, one of my top 2 favorite wiring fields.


@Jojo @anon26800771 guess what?






Don’t surpass us yet bro I was suppose to get this today to but some unexpected things came up. Guess I’ll play unexpected gifts to get my way and probability wave.


Who is “us”?

Gotta be more specific this time around. :rofl: