The Conceptual Conglomerate

Looped for over 2 hours tonight. Can’t wait to see what type of dream I have.



Ohhh Steve.


Lol :rofl:rainbow-2888

To balance things out :wink:


It is very difficult for me to say anything about such fields, but I still felt like writing this review. First of all, I want to note my inconstancy in relation to many fields, but at the same time it did not prevent me from getting quite serious changes in my life with this field. One more note: I’ve never had Conceptual Realizations field before so I can’t compare these two

So, the first and most serious change was a full “revision” of my past experience. Quite a lot of lies surfaced naturally, while most of what I experienced was questioned. I have received and am receiving quite a lot of answers to questions from the past, and many of these answers are radically different from what I knew before. Thanks to the Conglomerate I have gotten many realisations about the Universe and how the things actually work. The worldview has completely changed because the perception of the world has changed. The field pushes me to search for the truth and brings a deeper “understanding” of things.

I am gradually starting to practice this kind of thinking, while not relying on anything and listening only to my heart. At the moment I am doing it successfully. That doesn’t feel like a guidance from the field but just bringing me to the state in which I should have always been. Still, it’s pretty hard because of a completely new dimension of operating but some time I will be able to integrate it in my daily life!

Difficult topics that were not given to me at all are getting easier and easier, I see what I have not seen before. Speaking of this, it is worth noting that I began to understand the descriptions of many fields, NFTs, terms, which previously seemed to me just strange. Talking to people, I try to understand what they are saying and sometimes it turns out very well, and sometimes, unfortunately, not but I see the progress.

Debates on serious topics are becoming deeper in terms of studying issues and this has greatly helped me in understanding this life.

Lately I have been contemplating on unusual questions in terms of complexity and without a doubt I can say that this field is an indispensable assistant.
You understand not only this life, but also yourself




Im very temped buy this field.
But i have a little question.
I haven’t used aby advanced brain fields from gumroad yet.
What would be the best to start with?

Something for the beginner please.

Thank You :slightly_smiling_face:


If you prefer to start with something for “beginners”, start with Manhattan method


Thank You Doc :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes id rather take it slowly.
Im already little crazy .lol


Slept with this overnight. Let’s see what comes

I’ve been having some very thought provoking inescapable dreams. Very revealing.


This field did not give me a “special dream” at night time, however, 2 hours after I woke up I realized how drained and tired I still was, so I went back to bed, napped, and then saw a glimpse of my future, but not only did I see my future, but I also saw the future in a way that lined up with a few readings that have been done for me, and it was in congruency with goals I’ve written in 2022 January.

I’ve been seeing through people and their intentions with ease (I recommend a shielding field if you are energy sensitive unless you’re “ready” for this because it can cause you to build resentment if you’re not careful). Understanding complex things has become much easier (I liken some of this to Manhattan Method as well.), but I’ve also noticed that when I don’t understand the words I actually still get the message, it’s as if my brain’s information processing centers are not the only one doing the research.

Whenever I misspell words from the past, (many of us have words that we still misspell out of bad habit lol), I’ve been able to picture that word in my mind, take away the wrong spelling from it, and then send it back to my subconscious intuitively. This is just one example, but I do it with many things now, I view something, realize the error, figure out why the error is an error, and then it becomes second nature to not make the same mistake. I’m sure if I sat down to do this and take more time out of my day I’d be shedding habits a lot quicker though lol, as I’ve only used this newly acquired skill in class and while driving for the most part.

As stated previously, my higher self made me get this. I was new when I got this, maybe 2nd day, and I didn’t understand what it was supposed to do, nor why it was so amazing. But as stated previously with many of my other posts, I’m not even 20% done with this field if even 15% done lol. I can go on and on but I’ll leave this here for people who wanted more information.


Yeeeeeees. Sounds too similar.

So Emotional Mastering Protocol will have a stronger version in the future? nice
when will be released btw?

So far Dreamweaver has taken some personal time off.


Looping this overnight for the full 8 hours. Let’s seeee.


Just to avoid any misunderstanding, this field helps us to change our “way of thinking” to develop / enhance our intelligence, did I get it right? Maybe some of you more experienced “brainiacs” can give me some insight about it, how this differs from the other wiring fields.

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Yes, it is a wiring field.

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Well, bro, that’s not a real response though lol
You gotta be a little bit more explicit than that concerning the question. Just a good intended suggestion for future “descriptions”, try to be more concise with them. For example: Name some more details to the enhancement like, the affected skills / abilities which are going to improved, related “Genes” - those who get involved in the process (that way, everybody can look it up for himself), and the different areas of the brain (same principle as before, so anybody can figure it out by himself) which get enhanced.

Either way, thank you for your reply, bro!! Have a great day!

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You mean my fake response ?
Sure, you’re welcome

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I have a new idea for the description

But keep in my mind, I’m just the assistant and everyone likes it a different way, also I operate within constraints. Those constraints are not obvious to onlookers.