The Conceptual Conglomerate

I slept with plasma brain of youth of repeat last night and felt rejuvenated. seems like brain key is a must to balance these out. I will, they ALL align with my goals actually, entering this web 3 world as a programmer.
Thanks for that other link seems interesting!


I’ll keep it as well after falling asleep with it on repeat last night. welp another vote for brain key. I need the repairing (senzu bean) for my brain, I’m guilty of going wayyyy past the recommended amount. I’m loving how I’m adjusting though, reading on here helps.
I could add brain game today as well :weary:. it’s FRIDAY just got paid, I’m single, with 0 kids my funds are for ME! :rofl:


@Dr_Manhattan On the brain field guide could you add all of the more recent fields under the correct categories?

I also don’t have kids and just a wife so having your entire paycheck to yourself is a blessing like no other sometimes. Enjoy yourself.


PBOY is still a field that holds its weight after all these new updated fields. The field is literal magic as to what it does to a tired, burnt out, overstimulated or damaged brain. Plasma brain is easily worth $600+ but I’m thankful it’s the price it is.


I completely missed the first comment. my attitude was described below "When others might say, “my head hurt, I better stop” someone else might say “F yeah, it’s working, it’s the pump, the burn. No pain no gain like going to the gym, the body is gonna learn and adapt”.
I listen to brain key 50X since purchase. I feel great though! PBOY from last night and brain key this morning. I have a much better idea now of how often I’m implement them going forward now.


When u say plasma brain grounds the brain does it mean it has a relaxing effect on it?

Grounding is a way to regulate and bringing your electrical charge to balance by getting in contact with the earth’s field. The grounding subfields does that to you brain in a nonlocalized way


Well, we sorta deviated from the neat categories I had in mind. But I think everyone’s got a good idea about which are wiring fields, boosters and which are genetics and can be played whenever as well as how to stack them.


What fields do you recommend for critical thinking skills and understanding concepts,
I have the following but still have a little trouble.
Manhattan method
Drops of memory
Brain key

I got into nursing school recently and alot of clinics will happen so I wanna understand concepts much quicker

I feel like I make mistakes on easy questions alot


Thanks @anon14224340 for your message. I unse what you are saying

Still waiting on someone who can help me with this

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I really don’t know, but I thought I would respond anyway to see if you just need a sounding board.

You mentioned concepts and since this and conceptual realizations both have the word concept in it I would assume from the titles that they would help with that as well as the other brain fields you already have. But make sure you get rest, water and nutrients as well so you can grow


Congrats on not giving up and getting accepted into nursing school. :confetti_ball:


Thing is I’m not sure if this helps with scientific and mathematical explanations, also during clinics where it’s live practice of a persons life


Yes I got accepted into the same school so they gave me another application for the fall and my orientation was just today,


It will though


Sorry I forgot the member name … but there was someone who was totally depressed at not being able to make it to the nursing school… they were manifesting for it too… was it you? Apologies if it wasn’t you and congratulations if it was you since you finally made it … great news :tada:


Ok I will buy it

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Yeah it was