The Conceptual Conglomerate

Just bought conceptual realizations this sale … had I known an upgradation was coming I would have got this one instead :confused:


@Lanos it happens to everyone. It was a good field.

Emotional Mastering Protocol may get included in a future release. Unless people me not to include older, similar audios. A case could be made for that.


lol :joy::joy:

I figured, new users won’t have to buy the older fields to complement. I already spammed them for years, it’s not included for me, so if people don’t want them included, that frees a little bit of space. Not that much but still.

I’m on the saving money team


Well… I no longer have to put off buying Conceptual Realizations now.


I do want you to include EMP…since I’m sure in the entire context of the field that you have designed…it does a necessary role…EMP is just reference to the desired effects… isn’t it?

We all are… that’s why we wait for the discount season.

maybe we should move this to the brain guild requests section…instead


If i buy this, would i still need wholistic thinking?

listen to this fields for a while and ask this question again…I’m sure you’ll be delighted.

the change this field brings is that, the “self-popping” questions…and that is tremendous, based on each individual’s situation…I’m just 48hr old user of this field and I’m lovin it!!


I’ll be getting it today and I can afford one more. Drop of memory, the brain game, wholistic thinking was the secomd candidate. Just wanted to see if this one overlapped wholistic thinking? Im looking to take spiritual journey and meditation to another level.

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No overlap, they will complement each other


I encourage you to embrace an abundance mindset and avoid dwelling on what might have been.

Life is full of changes and growth, much like upgrading your wardrobe or transitioning from a PS4 to a PS5. When I gained height and outgrew my old clothes, I didn’t regret buying them. Instead, I embraced the change and saw it as an opportunity to upgrade my wardrobe.

Similarly, when other people don’t take it to hear to upgrade their gaming consoles, they look forward to the new features and experiences awaiting them, rather than dwelling on the previous version.

Adopt this same perspective with the new release. Every upgrade, be it in products or our personal development, brings fresh possibilities and opportunities to explore. Instead of regretting past decisions or feeling constrained by them, focus on the idea of abundance and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Think of each new release as a chance to explore and experiment with something new, like acquiring a new set of clothes that better suits your current situation or a gaming console with enhanced features. Embrace the changes and the chance to grow, rather than lamenting what could have been.

So, let go of any feelings of regret or scarcity, and embrace the journey of continuous evolution. Welcome new upgrades with curiosity, enthusiasm, and the belief that there’s always more to discover and enjoy. By adopting an abundance mindset, you’ll find yourself seizing the opportunities that lie ahead with open arms, just like I did with my wardrobe and gaming console upgrades.

This will be invaluable in your future of wealth women and the rest of the world stuff.


This has sealed the deal for me. Next 15 - 20% off sale I’m going for it.


I’m grateful! to be able to afford this playlist and a few other goodies. but this post inspired me to get the brain key for now, but the brain game is a serious contender, because I picked up smoking weed to deal with some issues. :weary: guess wholistic thinking might have to wait a few weeks. but ??? if I were to add brain key to my playlist for precious time sake should I remove The plasma brain of youth and smart Stemcells from that playlist? Honest opinions because I’m trying to get the perfect half hour meditation session. also I would take advice or best order of playlist. after reading the comments from all the brain fields, I think manhattan should be second or third after brain key


lmao :joy: :rofl: silly ego me, I had it ranked based on $$$ amount lol


I would use plasma brain every 2nd day. I didn’t use it for a while and after not sleeping good for a good week and changing shifts it helped with A LOT of brain fatigue from other fields and overall tiredness. Brain feels normal.

So when you get brain key 1-2 times is all you need to feel the effects for quite a while. And every 2nd or 3rd day throw in some rounds of PBOY. That’s just my analysis and could be completely different from what you need. It just works the best that way for me.


Hey @Viardiny, using all of those fields would be a lot to process for your brain.

I’d start with Brain Key, then choose whatever wiring fields are the most aligned with your goals.
And use Plasma Brain of Youth and antioxydants fields whenever you feel like it.

This backed up by good nutrition and Omega 3 supplements.

You might want to consider the Basal Ganglia Massage field or Parkinson’s Help to balance that out, instead of going for another paid field for now.


Some people seem to prefer keeping it. I use brain key for maybe 7-8h a day when I don’t sleep with it all night, then I use ABP and Brain game 1x each at the end of the day instead.

Plasma brain grounds the brain and boost energy levels, but calms it down as it repairs and trim the axons. I had asked for the grounding etc to sleep better.

Brain key on the other hand keeps exciting and boosting while repairing :joy:
Some people may need a break while they get used to it.

I still believe that’s just a period of adjustment


Also I believe there is a lot about our current ruleset.

On my end, I can’t play Brain key after 5pm or it’ll disrupt my sleep.

And it needs to be backed up by a higher daily intake of Omega 3 + antioxydants fields + Plasma Brain of Youth.


Absolute monster :rofl: sleeping to a booster brain field. You’re gonna be moving cars with your mind in about 5 years.



How do you think all these brain fields got their safety and counter-side effects ?

The new stuff is as gentle and easy to handle as possible because someone accepted the burn and side effects to experiment.

When others might say, “my head hurt, I better stop” someone else might say “F yeah, it’s working, it’s the pump, the burn. No pain no gain like going to the gym, the body is gonna learn and adapt”.