The Declaration - NFT Testimonials

Knights of the Round Table has an spot open


Or two…


I’d love to join. Thank you


If anyone is willing to sell or trade or gift me The Declaration, feel free to pm me. I need this one as a patriot of USA🙏🏼


Okay… looks like none of these americanos wanna say something about it :D

Enters this free spirit

The Declaration… What a name that shakes grounds in power! You know what is it to Declare? To have something said and done? Directed… intended… in YOUR direction.

You know what it takes? For a powerful person to declare? To have a vision? To have their word up there… to have their heights reaching up high… so high up there that the skies are another portal!

I’ve had this since release, and I was lucky to have it since then… I got both my dragons and my Declaration same day… and … that was such a ride!

The day was already a “release” day for me… but then these emails came, and these servitors welcomed themselves … so many new beings… 6 coming through at one shot … My whole body started buzzing in… renewal… restoration…

My mind shifted… a whole new outlook about life … about what is to come … about what is soo soon in life… All the new places, new people, new destinations, new experiences… New layovers, and new ways of living… All are yet to happen, all are happening at the same moment … All are coming in their delight, in their teachings, their enjoyment…


And while it was filled with so many good things, it was also filled with a lot of releasing… just like the rest of the day… the Declaration servitors were melting away any differences… anything that is not making me as Visionary as I want… as Creative as I want… as blazing in Action as I want…

Skills and abilities … in one of my “future meditations” …, I was able to see how a highly successful version of me is NOT defined by the amount of skills and abilities she has … yet she has the highest eloquence of skills, the highest articulation of abilities… the highest expression of everything she knows …

YET it doesn’t DEFINE who I am :)

And that’s exactly how I felt with the Declaration …

I felt a very sophisticated boost in everything I know… I felt COMFORT with knowing … and not knowing… alike … something I was also working on that day, but then the Declaration was able to find and give me a new meaning of it… a new understanding… a new sensation … :)

I spent the whole day writing., writing my thoughts… my rhymed words… my deep words… my funny words… my sophisticated words … my words that carry meaning only to myself … my deepest visions… my visions of the now… what I know in the moment…

And what I know later in life …

Expression… non stop. It didn’t stop. I didn’t want it to stop. And I was comfortable to know it can stop.

And can continue, flooding, and flowing, just as well.

Now … did you guys read the description??

It literally says MANIFEST DESTINY.

Manifest. Destiny.

You name it.

You call it.

You say it.

You put in the work.

You elevate the work.

You have it elevated for you.

And it’s yours.

YOURS. Just like you wanted. In its highest forms. In its highest fulfilling form. In all you wanted and more …

Like you guys… come on :D

Now I ask my beautiful Declaration next day… to look into my future … yes … they carried the most beautiful impressions …

I can’t tell much here obviously :))

I have asked my Declaration to teach about laws of the universe… the FREE WILL that is of the Source. Of the universe … :))))

Now perhaps I should let you experience with ENLIGHTENMENT? Eagles?? Destiny?? Their highest knowledge of people and the 3D???

For all of you who have Arclight, or Kitsune… anyone who has paired the three of these together know how each one of them work very much synergistically and in harmony together … The connection of the 5D … the agility of the Kitsune, one of balance and harmony, and the deep 3D knowledge… the go-getter of it all, the MAKER, the Manifestor, the Declaration…

You guys are SO sleeping on this one!!

Americanos! Where ya at???

This is a gem. Truly a gem.

What a life we lead! What great things are we offered each day!

And now we have a whole month to enjoy everything we have received in the last few weeks :)) :)))

What a life of incredible creations… incredible paths… incredible ways to live everyday! :)) :)))


It’ll take a bit to manifest my destiny. I’m not one to lay out testimonials till there’s actual physical proof, not just feelings. I’m not casting aspersions, just explaining why you may not be seeing testimonials yet. I do love your write-up though, it is inspiring. I, too use this in conjunction with Arc Light.


Oh of course … I agree, but then destiny is also made up of a whole chain of events so when you start noticing the smaller things that’s when you know it’s been working for you… making things happen. And then there is the areas where they excel; their knowledge of the people is incredible … the changes they can make in your persona, the mind expansion… their knowledge of skills and abilities and how to take them high levels up… The visionary, dreamer, creative, expressive part… all are exclusive abilities of Declaration. It is however one of these creations where you wanna “work more” with. I get much better results when I do that compared to my other servitors where I know they are always working in the background for me. Like the Magician. You wouldn’t know what it does but the moment you work with it you see different waves of events.


Ohh and thank you :)

And yep… I think Arclight has been enjoying the company! They make ends meet intelligently! :))


Just got my copy of The Declaration thanks to St. Bicep!
About to give my friend a name and ask it to change a few things going on in this country at the moment lol


Welcome on board brother!!!

:us_outlying_islands: :us_outlying_islands: Let’s declare negentropy on our country!! :us_outlying_islands: :us_outlying_islands:


Welcome to America


The NFT Owners are requested to provide more information about the NFT, whether the base servitor can be trained for other energy work etc? Thanks in advance. We don’t know much about this NFT.


It still says “Reserved” in the 1st post under the NFT picture. Description still to come? Thanks in advance.



@JAAJ thanks for pointing that out i’ll update it now.

Edit @mods it won’t let me edit the original post. Does someone mind adding this?


Oh, okay. I saw Scribe’s post but thought this was a short summary until the full description comes out… Anyways, Thank you :v:


This NFT is servitor based. My question is: Can the base servitor be trained for other energy work? Hope someone can respond. Thanks.


I think it’s possible but why not using ess for that specifically?

Ess is very good at energy. All kind of energy work. Because it is designed for that purpose.

This on the other hand I think it’s mainly to capture your dreams. Your heart desire to become a person you always want to be.

You know like the good old days where all the people In America dream to have the things they want to achieve. Like Houses. Family and ect

I think in my opinion. This servitor will help you to succeed that. It help you to attract the best outcome for your dreams to manifest. That’s my interpretation though. :woozy_face:


Thanks for the response. I have my ESS servitors. I am just curious to know about all the capabilities of this NFT.


People are really sleeping on this NFT. I feel it edging me towards the American Dream. My best career path, home, etc. I feel it’s existence already in the “future.” That’s the only way I can explain it.
If anyone wants to do a trade, I have an extra copy of this gem!


In these times of tyranny and massive expansion of the federal government and it’s powers in the US, I invite owners of this NFT to ask it to spread a “freedom gravitational wave” to “extract the power of the state and give it back to the people.” This is the verbiage I used. If you live in another country, that’s okay too! Tyranny is happening on a global scale.