The Deep Facial Remodelling

a simple yes doesn’t explain which parts of the field will truly enhance the jawline structure to be of the correct dental position.

Let’s take it to someone who likes to explain things :)

Question: Which parts of this field will help to correct underbite?

From [1] Mechanobiology:

  • Shifting load points towards the fracture or areas with less density.
  • Enforcing the ideal length for each muscle at the sarcomeres level.
  • Identifying and preventing defects in the zygomatic complex.
  • Increasing mechanosensitive growth factor MGF24E for higher bone mineral density.

From [2] Bone Metabolism and Biomechanical Adjustments:

  • Applying midline mandible load at the coronal plane and posterior load at the sagittal plane.
  • Targeting biomechanical load sensitivity for rebuilding with adjacent contribution to masticatory function.
  • Applying force at angular distributions of dental formations for stabilizing shape and support.

From [3] Facial Aesthetics and Muscular Balance:

  • Increasing malar eminence.
  • Adjusting bizygomatic width.
  • Individualized width-to-height ratio for the desired appearance.
  • Elongating and sharpening the ramus bone.

… and many more adjustments in fact :)


Thanks a lot, I’ll be getting this soon enough🙂


You’re welcome! I should thank you as well. Now I can post the section that details specific adjustments to the face and what this means for each individual face.

thank you!

I wanted to post this section separately - while all the specifications are not only limited to that, these changes have been requested and are considered transformative of the facial features from an unbalanced face or withstanding some problems to a completely coherent and… “hot” one.

Facial Aesthetics and Muscular Balance - Specific Facial Adjustments:

  • Increasing the malar eminence (cheek prominence) in the face.
  • Considering impactor geometry (circular/cylinder/flat) for facial bone impact, considering geometrical structure and adjacent force generation.
  • Creating an exaggerated canthal tilt upward (8.5 for women/6 for men).
  • Bizygomatic width targets of 13.5 cm for women and 14 cm for men.
  • Close-set eyebrows and browlift endoscopy.
  • Addressing lip volume, lip shape, proportion, and reshaping the cupid bow.
  • Increasing the width of the eyes.
  • Individualized width-to-height ratio to transform the face into a “hot” appearance rather than a cute one. Establishing dominance via facial features contributing to the desired condition.
  • Intercanthal tilt increase, ensuring a smooth eye-lid cheek junction transition, and maintaining a homogeneous height of the pretarsal space from the nasal to lateral aspects of the upper lid.
  • Elongating and sharpening the ramus bone with an angel/warrior gonial angle. The ramus height is targeted at 8.6-9.03 for men and women, with a sharpened transient slope.

What does this mean for the face?

The envisioned face resulting from the described modifications is characterized by a harmonious blend of refined features, imparting a distinct and captivating aesthetic. A detailed description is as follows:

Facial Structure:

  • Prominent Cheekbones: Sculpted and defined mid-face, adding a touch of youthful vitality.
  • Considered Impactor Geometry: Precise and tailored facial augmentation, ensuring a sophisticated bone structure.
  • Exaggerated Canthal Tilt Upward: Eyes with an uplifting outer corner, conveying a perpetual sense of energy.
  • Bizygomatic Width Targets: Well-defined cheekbones contributing to facial symmetry and balance.
  • Close-set Eyebrows and Browlift Endoscopy: Upper face uplifted, framing the eyes elegantly.

Features and Proportions:

  • Addressed Lip Volume, Shape, and Cupid’s Bow: Lips with balanced volume and a defined cupid’s bow, enhancing facial aesthetics.
  • Increased Eye Width: Widened eye area, creating an engaging and captivating gaze.
  • Individualized Width-to-Height Ratio: Balanced facial features, exuding confidence and dominance.
  • Intercanthal Tilt Increase and Smooth Eye-Lid Cheek Junction: Defined inner eye corners, seamless transition between eyelids and cheeks.

Jawline and Bone Structure:

  • Elongated and Sharpened Ramus Bone: Defined jawline with an angular and sculpted appearance.

Overall Impression:

  • The face reflects a unique and captivating beauty, achieved through meticulous attention to proportions and contours.
  • Balanced features contribute to an overall aesthetic that exudes confidence, sophistication, and a timeless allure.
  • Each modification enhances specific aspects of facial harmony, resulting in an individualized and striking appearance.
  • The envisioned face embodies a harmonious synthesis of classical beauty ideals and contemporary refinement.

I have a good maxilla but lower third is not forward enough so I hope this helps

Also having more bone mass in my face would mean my face would be defined even at higher bodyfat levels

Thanks desire !


This will create the elongation and strength that you want; absolutely!

Wow you caught on!

Amazing! Yes, many people who gain weight are quick to see a difference in their face but those who are blessed with beauty and a strong facial bone do not phase out! Maybe slightly because sure, the added lipid does make a difference, but their overall appearance and beauty does not change at all.

This will help everyone with such conditions. By the way, this goes all the way down to the chin (Neck) with deep plane face lift, induces a full brow lift, and a complete eye beautification with blepharoplasty.

So all of your facial aspects should be in good hands :heart:

Welcome back!


This sounds the epic-est of the epic!

You really put your all in researching and thoughts its admirable!


You did it :clinking_glasses: Thank you @anon83343177 :sparkles: Thsnk you Dream :pray:t3:


Can it shorten the philtrum?


There is a mathematical intelligence of measure and force included within this concept. So any of the chnages your face will go through will be consistent with the full facial profile. If a short philtrum will make you all beautiful, then yes it will give you that.

All according to your facial structure.
With this field being smart about its adjustments, If there is a desired change that you think is more suited to you, I think you can tailor the field to give you that
Perhaps, with a paired subliminal as well.

With these creations you never know :)


I have had Maxilla for a while now, made some changes, recently bought marquardt and use both overnight simultaneously and feel /see changes over time. Now I saw this new one here and thought, Do I really need it as I really struggle with my eye area looking very tired and tilted negatively. My question is: shall I buy this or use what I got a few more months and then buy this when I’m ready too.

Thanks in advance

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Do you mean there is perhaps a droopiness apperance to the eyes?

If yes, then this is a bone structure issue. This is one of the concerns that cosmetic treatments like fillers do not really solve, and they usually require surgical approaches to deal with. These approaches are cosnidered in this concept from many sides (eye beautification, reconstruction of eye area, remodelling of loss and added harmony to the face)

One more important thing, the fields you have mentioned are very mechanical in nature (they are great, but this is their approach) while the Deep Facial Remodelling covers all the root causes and rebuilds the face from the start.

If this is an isue that affects you, then I’d honestly say to judge with the intuition and the artwork and observe… Is this transformation contributive to my facial desires?

If yes, then you know what to do :)


Thank u very much for the insight, but what do you mean exactly by mechanical approach ?

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I have a question about the Royalty aspect.
How prominent is this?
How does this express?

For example (and of course this is a personal judgement)…

UK Royal family, very unattractive.
Monica Bellucci, extremely attractive.


So many great fields being released this week! This looks really cool. Can’t wait to hear some testimonials on this!

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This is what I was hinting towards with my query.

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I understand the royal aspect as high up in social status considering the theory that beautiful people get an extra push because of their looks, to climb the ladders.
The field aims for that classical beauty that most people agree on in the society/culture you live in. As a smart field it can adjust features to your own liking.
But let’s hear what @anon83343177 has to say about this. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am very tempted to buy this for the lip benefits, cheekbones and the deep plane facelift.
A little scared though about the exo skeleton stuff, haha! :wink:

But I will probably get this one in the end anyway.

Waiting for testimonial from Maoshans GF. :smiley:


But you can say Monica Bellucci looks royal no?
she is highly beautiful with a specific set that is…unique to her face
it is the type of beauty that you cannot get with facial filers or cosmetics, it has to be in you
this is Royal beauty
the concept of Royalty itself is tied to extreme ‘valuable’ beauty that is…clean.
the features are distinctive; the face expresses elegance and timelessness, allure

this is Royal.

it doesn’t connect you to any specific family or heritage; rather — the very concepts of Royalty itself and its associated refined beauty

some tea talk ;D

When Megan married into the Royal Family, one of the first things you can notice; if you look at them in a combined motion, you can either see Megan standing out because she looks more naturally beautiful with soft features or standing out because she doesn’t have the rest of the royal package. (face propositions, characteristics, and general look) depends on you as a beholder of course - She will stand out for sure as a result of not having what the general royal family has of features. How she stands out will be up to you - but this is a reason for all this, she just…doesn’t look like them. the ‘token’ of royalty is missing from her facial profile. this is what the field adds to you, this ‘token’.


you caught me with this one :) haha
if you look at the artwork, you will observe such plump and refined lips with lip lines being very smooth on the image
you will see the lip shape adjusted to be more prominent and… really just kissable at this point :D haha

Yes, the lip benefits is an important touch :) Lips, Smile, the coherence of the lip shape with the face; they add a lot to the face ; hence the special treatments.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Royal family, not so happy with my talk :rofl:


yeah… I could buy this field just for this only reason. :kissing_heart:

Thank you and Dream for this creation!