The Deep Facial Remodelling



We are all secretly waiting for it ;D


Hey there @traxsubliminals

Nice to see you crystals


Iā€™m tempted just to satisfy my aesthetic sense :joy:

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Haha trust me, it is the most important.


Would you say itā€™s like a Margot Robbie before and after (whatever she has had done)? @anon83343177


Let me take a look! Post some pictures in the meantime letā€™s see what she has done!

(this thread is turning into real tea topics here haha -celeb talks :D)

beyond this is where yā€™all are going


Noowayyy! This is how she looked like? She is stunning in my eyes I absolutely love her beauty but sheā€™s taken herself a few many levels up!!

Love this

Yes you can say it takes you to this level of transformation if thatā€™s what you are asking

Btw I always love stage 2 celeb beauty that gets crafted by professional surgeries that get them woo; next level!!

Iā€™d say this field does this all - ahhhh guys just look at the artwork haha, itā€™s a masterpiece truly. like - you can see how many levels the face still emerges and advances into the next one - by the final one youā€™d THINK itā€™s all over and then wow, another beauty rises in!!


@anon83343177 is there a Mandela with this as well? Or just audio?

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Mandala + Audio version would probably sell at +$2000 plus lol. Iā€™ve always imagined this field to be for everyone and as a gumroad release, even when the capabilities and the knowledge available was not as refined and precise as todayā€™s model. Iā€™m indeed grateful that everyone can enjoyā€¦all of this at the fraction of the cost anywhere else,


Audio only shining star :)


Can i share this with a brother?

Lol if its a beauty field he buys it, if its a brain field i buy lol.

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No doubt! With all these concepts in there it definitely is worth it. Thanks :pray: :purple_heart:


Hahahaha love this. I want this relationship!!

Itā€™s copy protected dear so I think youā€™ll have to buy your own copy.

My senses have all been praising this field to contain a lot more than is stated - Iā€™m indeed sure it uses harmony and a very distinctive type of beauty as the base. Everything was so much more elevated. Itā€™s his craft and he did everything with it.


I think the misconception is the definition ā€œRoyalā€ which is associated with some single cases, but overall beauty / intelligence is strongly correlated to the high societal class / aristocracy. There are also many studies which proof that, intelligence / beauty is strongly tied to each other.


Sooā€¦ I have intense research to share on this. But Iā€™m not sure if this is the right moment yet - the changes have been implemented in the Luxury and Pleasure Model.

Iā€™ll share the research from the original PDF of the topic, it may not be summarized as the information is very interconnected. I have the same context occurring with The Superior Mind NFT as truly such complex terms are best read through the many articles / presented in scientific literature.

With that saidā€¦

[[ 3. The Self & Personal Agency:

the self arises from different brain regions and the interaction between these part; the integration is asserted with the necessitated neural connectivity. Each of these areas is responsible for a processing function of the self and body; some are relevant for both the self, and the body. It remains that proper processing within these areas and the correct relaying of information, as well as the increased neural connectivity is a prerequisite to formation. These areas do not only guide the body ownership, but also represent self-agency within the individual. A broader definition of SRP (Self Related Processing) includes the coordination of various basic emotional processes and bodily interoceptive stimuli (e.g., emotional, motivational, homeostatic, bodily need states) with exteroceptive stimuli (e.g., sensory stimuli) in relation to the organismā€™s goal-directed activities. The areas are also relevant to reward processing which indicates a similarity and a connection between the two of them. SCMS (Subortical-cortical midline structures ) and their networks (e.g., right posterior insula, right inferior parietal cortex, ventromedial PFC) represent neural correlates of the ā€œcore self,ā€ defined as the continuous interaction between intero- and exteroceptive stimuli allowing the self to feel as a unit ā€” A crucial concept of design and of application; the core self is then to be considered as the subjective experience that oneself is the agent of perception, action, cognition, and emotion.

Subortical-cortical midline structures (SCMS) are brain areas that enable self-related processing; this is where the core self is structured; the cerebral regions are responsible for the constituents that form such personal agency; that is the self-agency to right posterior insula, right inferior parietal cortex and motor-related areas, self-ownership to right parietal, ventromedial prefrontal, and insular cortices.

the degree at which the insular cortex is active is directly relevant to the degree of personal agency; the insular cortex provides a conscious representation of bodily-self related information; This body-ownership dynamic involves a complex neural network comprising the right temporo-parietal junction (which tests the incorporeability of the external object), the secondary somatosensory cortex (which maintains an on-line representation of the body), the posterior parietal and ventral premotor cortices (which code for the recalibration of the hand-centered coordinate systems), and the right posterior insula (which underpins the subjective experience of body-ownership; Several approaches have attempted to explain the sense of agency and the sense of body-ownership: these two senses jointly constitute the sense of self and seem to derive from an interaction between current multisensory input and internal models of the body

Multi-sensory input and experiences can unite emotions under their assigned qualities; Among the findings that uphold pleasure, It can be noted that Self-Agency can, despite the neural circuits, be shakeable in the presence of counterfeit emotions. This leads to a new discovery that asserts the potency of positive emotions within a pattern; (remember, the patterns emerge unconditioned). Persistence of positive emotions is a valuable pillar that further assists the states of persistence and intrinsic motives; the emotions within are

strengthened and the mental states and bodily capacities are strengthened to withhold positive emotions for a longer and more resilient timeframe; making the states of positive emotions and their capacity unbreakable.

It leads the findings to assert a status of increment upon the psychic apparatus of energies required to initiate such momentum of activities, be it within the brain or the bodily parts. Itā€™s of a generative quality such discharge released within the brain and the neurological connections. Intense somatic activations are derived I the regions of neural groupings specialized in the detection of homeostatic physiological parameters and the autonomic neuroendocrine systems within the brain. It is of note that the initiation of the patterns and the rewiring systems indicate a placement that is filled with its retrospective patterns. It is within the various systems that change is generated; starting at the BBRUB system and the brainstemā€™s medial and ventral reticular formations; change is onto the ascending projects of the system to enhance the sensorimotor response as well as the descending ones that enhance the autonomic response of the organism. The merge of individual consciousness within the system is hypothesized to be relevant to the brainstem relevancies, but is not only limited to these changes. The system as a unified construct is brought to advanced levels of neural connections and operational procedures. The seeking/desire system provides the opportunity to create new patterns with additional neural wiring at their end-goals neural circuits at the level of subcortical regions and neocortical areas. These patterns can then be distributed upon the brain in terms of pure pleasure, motivation, and intrinsic drive. Personal agency increases to full ownership, of the core self, of the self, and of the body and its functions; the process is mediated through the increase of activity of the insular cortex and the systems such as PFC and and Subortical-cortical midline structures and their networks, described in full detail and linked to the Luxury and Pleasure NFT.

It is the association of qualities that asserts a critical measure for sensivity and therefore, pleasure. the quality of openness is identified as a critical measure for sensitivity to Novelty; generative of pleasure by natural order. It is the sensitized appraisal for the experiences of Novelty that assists in inviting Pleasure into oneā€™s life. The idea that the enjoyment itself has a prerequisite is connected to further models within the project; first the assimilation of the self itself and the presence of beauty observances within the measures of the perception; second the notion of selective regions that construct the self at its points; and third the quality of openness that serves as the last step towards the physical enjoyment of pleasure. It could be considered as an analytical and neurological approach to obtaining both factors of beauty; that is, beauty itself, and the beholder in its make up and identity, the third factor herein is the experience itself; the emotion connected herewith is enjoyment.

For the amount of pleasures that can be experienced within oneā€™s mind; pleasure is then considered an aspect that can be connected to any experience; and this is a core goal in itself, to bring in the emotions of pleasure to any of the personā€™s actions and environments; pleasure can be as complex as a ā€˜release of confusionā€™ in an AHA! Moment and its insights, or as simple as appraisal that is also connected with interest as well as pleasure. Pleasure is therefore placed within a network of emotions that activate each other and work towards the neural circuits of pleasure; one could say that an emotional circuit exists as a generative force of pleasure.

These findings can be confirmed through fields such as neuroaesthetics; the breadth and complexity of aesthetic emotions; that isā€” A group of emotions frequently felt in response to art, yet distinct from pleasure, are the knowledge emotions. The knowledge emotionsā€”interest, awe, beauty, confusion, and surpriseā€”are associated with beliefs about thoughts and knowledge; they stem from epistemic goals, and arise from metacognitive processes. These emotions, however appearing in simplicity, are placed into a mechanism of complexity relevant to their precise sensation within an experience. This results in a crafted design that considers their complexity seriously and designs them in ways that take note of their un-alluring sides; as well as their strength points.

The emotion of interest has been distinguished from pleasure on the basis of cognitive appraisal processesā€” interest is positively associated with complex stimuli, but pleasure is negatively related to complexity; pleasure, specifically, is increased upon the heightened conceptual understanding and the aroused sensation of such. Two other states that are distinct from pleasure and involve epistemic goals are awe and beauty. The emotion of awe is felt as one tries to accommodate vast novelty, the success of which leads to a powerful emotional state. The accommodation of awe is designed in an increased end-route as well as capacity; these two form the successful experience of awe and deters away the other associated one that is of fear; Awe can be and is frequently experienced as a negative and fear-like state when accommodation is unsuccessful. Beauty is defined as ā€œthe exhilarating feeling that something complex, perhaps to the point of being profound, might yield an understanding. Beauty is distinguished from the pleasant on the basis of effort, but not on the basis of connectivity; relevant data highlights the necessity of presence of the two emotions for either to be successfully experienced; pleasure is associated with fluent processing, but beauty relies on effortful processing that drives arousal and results in an exhilarating experience. Therefore, several aesthetic states are distinguished from simple pleasure. All are elicited by complex and novel situations where understanding is required but is effortful. Pleasure, on the other hand, is facilitated by ease of understanding.

Openness/Intellect has been implicated in both of the aforementioned ways. Curiosityā€”a trait associated with Openness/Intellectā€”is associated with greater appraised understanding, which fully mediates the curiosity- interest relationship. That is, curious people feel greater interest because they are better able to understand epistemic situations, which in turn predicts greater interest. This finding is consistent with the theoretical framework proposed by for Intellect traits. Within this framework, Intellect traits are associated with processes of seeking and conquering intellectually stimulating events, which map onto interest and understanding.

As a form of pleasure and as an individualised metric; the NFT proceeds to transform the aristocrat, ultra- premium individual, into an artistic creative personality with the added intellect and openness directly relevant to it.]]


Would this field help age related facial issues?
Iā€™m in my late 50s, have started having bone loss in my skull and sagging skins and wrinkles

The description states

Does this mean this field work on strengthening skull and change the skull shape into ideal beauty?

And someone on the thread noted that she / he is having fat loss. Me as well
Iā€™m very skinny, having hard time with gaining weight
I wonder if this field would help regaining necessary fat on the face?

Thank you @anon83343177


Hey candy! Nice to hear from you again!

The field is designed to reverse all the aging signs in the face including sagging skin, wrinkles, bone loss and deformities. the field is also designed to give you a harmonized piece of beauty that its essence shines through the face (as in, really, shines and glows through beauty treatments)

correct, the description states that the skull deformities and shape will change and are targeted for precise modulation. the skull shape will follow with the muscles, tissues, fascia, and all the components of the face combined.

the field will help with designing the optimal lipid dirtibution on the face and reversing the signs contributive to any form of loss, such as downward motion of the face or loss of bone and tissue support.

I speak of the issue most elaborately here:

(reference for any questions on fat loss)

added details are here:

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@anon83343177 Could u elaborate on ur take that the fields I use are functioning in a more mechanical way and why they donā€™t are the same as this one here. Leaving out the new royal beauty and stuff.
Sorry for bombarding u with questions, since I really want to know if I should buy or not.

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Thank you for kindly answering my questions
This field works only for the head / face, right?

I hope captain someday makes the one that strengthen whole bones (that was my request)
Bone density issue is seen among older people, so I donā€™t know how much demand in this community though. But family can get benefit

My birthday is coming next week, shall I buy this field for my celebration??
New chapter of my life!! LOL