The Deep Facial Remodelling

Cilck on this, in the OG post

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So, it’s withing the face / head

I hope captain someday makes the one that would work on entire bone, or spine


There are 2 bone density osteoporosis fields. An old and a new one, free on YouTube.


@anon83343177 I have 2 questions, it would be a great help if you could answer them. Thanks!

  1. Does this unlock the sutures of the skull to make the bones more flexible to change?

  2. How long do you personally listen to this for the most efficient results? (Like looping for hours?)


Bone Strengthener. Highly effective field.


@anon83343177 take your time my dear, looking forward to ur response !

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I need something for eye wrinkle lift and rejuvenation. Does this work for it?

i just read it works for lifting, what about wrinkles?

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Best gifts are the ones we know ;)

enjoy your birthday!


This here may affect the whole bone area; as the target is to create an openness to the process of bone formation (osteoblastogenesis) using the body’s natural process

there is a host of cellular processes; these are influential for the body’s processes as well.

this here is targeted for the face; since a complex field like this is ideally a focused one.

the only part requested to include the full system is the exoskeleton.

It works on the internal systems including the face.

If you want my recommendation Xian-Like Wolverine, Tao-Like Bone (private project)


There is a few approaches that can target wrinkles incorporated here; the beauty treatments are (hyper compression into tissues - high oxygen content ) - Endolift (Laser full lifting) and - targeting the core process behind wrinkle formation (fascia, tissue, softer pads, angular adjustments, etc)

The bones are indeed made flexible to change. Take a look at this release where advanced changes to bone microstructure is induced Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (Energetic Field)


thanks!!! did you see a reduction in your eye wrinkles with this?

second question: how does it provide a blepharoplasty? does it mean it reduces the amount of skin around the eyes?


Wow, this field has lots of possibility, thank you for all the info


This sounds great though it’s private project
I hope audio field of this or similar one will be available for anyone to purchase in the future


My last message for you @anon83343177.
Could u kindly answer my question above, as I really want to know why I am not set with the fields I already own. I don’t mind if u don’t want to answer. But I would be pleased if you do so.

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I’ll write to you in response today, I apologize to you, been getting many private messages on the field as well.
but I need to ask - have you considered all the other benefits that are within the field, outside of the treatments and social concepts? In your decision to buy the field, there are 5-6 factors (systems) that this concept is geared towards; the more remodeling one needs, the more you’ll naturally dive deeper into the concepts
for example, one might need a mild treatment for their face, for this they can use the Microcurrent+, and it will be sufficient for them.
One might need only the maxilla growth (although, when one needs this area in particular to be adjusted, it if often a sign for the other parts of the face to have possibly been affected, and it is rather showing most on the maxillary areas)
And while it all depends on your needs, this concept here provides you with…a tailored new face. this is what the concept is about; it is tailored, it is you, but it is completely novel. (and in a magical way)
the other approaches (mechanical), by that… I mean the word, mechanical. it uses adjustments to the present model (your face) with added negentropy, yes, but without fixing what your face stands on (the bones) and the skull. It uses adjustments of the proportions, but without tending to why the proportions are this way, or what can you do so the proportions do not revert back to their state; the added negentropy will help with that, but practices of the body and its natural positioning will be inclined to revert the state, and so it will be an energetic imbalance specially if you have more things to rebuild around your face.
this concept here is tailored to work from the very minor touch ups to levels of deformities of the face and severe maladaptions of mechanical structure within the face, tending to the biological, cellular, and nervous system, in addition to the social and the magical.
this is my answer to you :slight_smile:


can you AI generate a post with all the answers to all the questions you received about this field?

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uhhhh so manyyyy haha

I’m very glad this went public, truly a humble feeling. I get it, one doesn’t have to predominantly suffer from a facial deformity, but the face is the most expressive part of us… it is… us. So many ‘minor’ problems but big in our eyes and determines our quality of life. Yes, every part of the face affects us. We move a certain way, we talk, we move our face in expressions, we do it all with our face.

humble; and grateful.



So this gives us the absolute best version of our face? And younger too. Would you pair it with anything else or would you say this is a total / complete beauty field?


Made to be a total / complete beauty field - Yes.

This is the very goal.

It will give you a face that is beyond your best version; your best’est’ version :)


Ok, I’m curious about how things will turn out, so I’m going to get it tomorrow. I’ll update in time! Thank you :pray:


Don’t forget to take pictures to show off your new beauty ;)

take a picture of the front, side profile, left, and right, showing the skull
loop the field the first night
take pictures after 7 days have passed;
see the difference :))))


@anon83343177 thank u for your detailed answer. I kinda knew that u be getting many questions abt this field. However I kinda feel like I purchased the field marquardt masterwork for nothing after seeing this. Could my fields still have benefits even if I buy this. I know, another question😅.
Thanks from me and everyone on this sub for ur kind words and support.

Wishing love and light ur way !