The Deep Facial Remodelling

That sounds so fun! Before and after comparison, and see how Sapien field make difference in our life. Great!

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Of course, I get the importance that this field holds for people, so thatā€™s another reason for giving out detailed answers about this field. And hey!! Donā€™t worry about it! the Negentropic Marquardt is still an OP field! Itā€™s just that the approach has its limitations due to the biological processes of the body - and a true facial remodeling needs a comprehensive approach, presented here in this model.

Yes, your fields will have all the benefits of course! Iā€™d recommend sticking with this one first and see if any adjustments need to be made. After that, you will be able to discren which fields are needed and which fields have served their impact for the time being making room for something novel :)

:heart: :pray:t4:

ahhh youā€™ll need a lot of pictures for that ;) haha :)))


Iā€™m so confused as to if I want/need this field

If someone got it, it would be awesome to hear reviews and first impressions :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This can fix overbite/overjet?

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Just purchased. I will try it for a month with the following fields:

Remodelling X3
Maxilla X3
Acu-Automaton X3


This question got already answered. Look above

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celebrate your beauty darling :heart:

This will fix overbite.

This part here is also beneficial for both overbite/underbite

This part will help with a complete redjustment of the other compartments of the face to the new changes; it will re-establish a new baseline.

this, as well.


Side note, I sincerely recommend sticking with the deep facial remodelling in the beginning to assess the changes on an honest scale. From there, you can diagnose whether more mechanical force is needed to be targeted to the maxillary area. Maxilla is the only field imo that might be needed as a complimentary approach and an extra mechanical force added to the face - due to how largely important and critical this part is to the full face.

But very complimentary, and not need-based. Remodelling provides you with mechanic biology and application of geometrical structure change as well. See how much the field provides you with and after a week of consistent use, re-assess. :)


Thank you for your valuable advice. I will try Remodelling alongside Acu-Automaton for a week, and afterward, Iā€™ll assess whether to incorporate Maxilla for a more targeted approach. Indeed, working with just one specific field makes us more aware of how it operates.


Damn trying to decide between this and white wolf such a tough choice but since there ainā€™t enough info on white wolf and reports I may as well get this now and try white wolf later.


So glad I got this looped it like 9 times yesterday and my face already looks more harmonious and biggest thing is my eye area I have quite bad under eye development so the change this has already done is crazy, went to sleep woke up and I can still see the difference!


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

haha this makes me so happy!!!

wonderful!! I have heard about people waking up being ā€œbone soreā€ from this one haha; amazing stuff ā€¦ life changing

psst :)



For those asking about how many loops - looks like Invictus has gone with 9 and seen tremendous changes already. :pray:




Is it face bone sore?

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Oh I havenā€™t asked them!! I assumed it was Face yes. Iā€™d tag them but they messaged privately!

would be looping a whole night too much ?
Iā€™m buying today canā€™t wait I really want to better my eye area itā€™s making me so bad looking whereas my other features are not as bad.


Nope!! I would experiment with this and see how I wake up and go from there

Maybe add a field of elemental balance or acu-automaton

You can add the Five elements balanced for the free version or Formula of Balance :balance_scale: for the paid one

Safe to loop!

Something tells me the new Diamond field would be absolute with this :gem:

:diamonds: Full List of ALL Crystal & Mineral Fields (Sapien Medicine & Psychic University)


Would this be considered an ideal face field with the most extreme and dramatic changes and effects being applied up to and including bone reconstruction? I had bought and was listening to my copy of the Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork field and was listening to it for an hour or 20x times with no sensations of any kind unfortunately.


Yes. Thatā€™s exactly the goal :)


Thank you for your timely response and clear confirmation. I am considering buying a copy.