The Deep Facial Remodelling

If you got the money I’d say go for it been the best face fields/sub I’ve tried out of a lot.


When someone calls morphic fields a subliminal I always think about this toxic community within the sub space. Would be a nightmare if they invade the community here. I know I’m off topic.

About the field.: I currently experiment with looping all night or listening at work. If I see any changes I’m gonna give updates.


Understandable though honestly havnt really used subs in such a long time :joy: just morphic fields and energy fields

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compare to the face sculptor?

Don’t forget yourself and how you talk to people.
Suspended until tomorrow,


Don’t know how it compares but been using through out the day and trying out looping it in my playlist during sleep and it’s been great so far so I’d say this is a good one.

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Everything u need to know is written down.
If you look at the details from face sculptor and this one, you will know what the difference between those are.

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Hello I can see that playing this field can help with bone issues such as missing teeth causing maxilla issues and eyes to sink, etc.

My question is, will this field permanently stop the maxilla from sinking? Like would I require maintenance with this field to stop the issues? @anon83343177

Thank you for all the help this field is something I want to get one day.


I bought a copy of The Deep Facial Remodelling field last night and looped it exactly twenty times. Within about the first fifteen seconds, I felt pressure applied on my cheekbones, on them, under them and behind them. Following that was below them throughout the cheeks themselves. Afterward, there was a constant motioning going inward, not quite as far as my jaw, but it was like a stream of a massaging or mashing effect that moved at the center of my face. For why that I was, I had no idea. I look like a distant cousin to Leonardo DiCaprio and ideally want to take a greater leap towards developing that feline/hunter appearance as that is the appearance I genuinely desire to have. I am assuming that this field will provide accommodation for that appropriately. I also listen to Vox Masculus’ Ultimate Male Beauty v2 field while simultaneously listening to this one and they seem to work in synergy with each other. It’s been more than twelve hours since my trial run with this and I still feel the soreness, puffiness and aftermath of the mild restructuring process of having used this field. I expected it to be much, much more intense than it is, but rather than it hitting like an immediate blast, it is steadily constant. Like I said, even after twelve hours, I can still feel it. In the past, I have bought and used The Face Sculptor, The Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork, Divine Beauty and Supernatural Good Looks Field (From SpiritualityZone) and have felt no sensations with them whatsoever. I am wondering if I should try using The Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork field in conjunction with this.

Anyways, for those considering getting it, yes, I felt the effects almost instantly. It’s like an alcoholic drink you would consume that at first would leave you wondering why it’s not hitting you with a heavy punch at first right away, but ten or so minutes later, the effects will wash over you, gently and you should be able to feel them easily and undeniably. I’ve experienced no pain at all from having used this. I can feel the puffiness under my eyes at this very moment while typing this, that seems to suggest that the restructuring complimenting the canthal tilt and compactness that I desire is being established via this field.


Do you see any positive difference?

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Not yet, but I’m feeling it. Like, really, REALLY feeling it. I completed my second round last night. Similarly to how Dr. Manhattan listens to his brain fields for an hour, I do as well on my days off and am doing the same thing as well with this one. I honestly feel closure under my eyes. It’s difficult to describe, but it feels like a metamorphosis happening and I’m transitioning into acquiring a catlike/feline appearance. It’s crazy in that it actually does feel like I am both consciously and subconsciously commanding this field to do as I am wanting it to in terms of the aesthetic that I desire to have and it is completely complying to it. Unlike some of my other experiences with previous fields from a number of years ago, the feelings from having used this one is constant in its long-lasting after effects. I feel it hours after using it and it’s still just as strong the next day later. The fault of me having poor experiences with other facial fields before this one almost certainly lies with me and my absence of unresolved subconscious issues. So that in itself confirms how amazing this field actually is and how Captain Nemo or Dream and Desiree as well have truly outdone themselves. I am grateful…


My features are slowly getting more chiseled and refine loving it!


Love that this field doubles as an ultimate bone strengthening field as well, targeting the chemistry of the whole skeleton. Lots of biological actions beyond the mechanical. Kudos on the level of detail and research @anon83343177 !

Took me a minute to process everything in this field but i’m diving in on it. After a whole year of Maxilla/Marquardt (that changed my face shape and bite), I’m super curious where this field will target… Feeling it in my cheekbones out of the gate… Will update as I go.


I have not bought this yet, but have a question
It says “copy protected”
So for example, you download it upon purchase. Then you want to make copies of this field to store in your USB or something. Because you copy this field, it will not work?
To store in multiple device, do we need to download each time?


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Copy protected means that the field will work on you.

I don’t think this has nothing to do with the file, whether the number or the name.

It’s like the field scans you and recognises you as the rightfull owner if you are the one


Got this feb 8.
Looped it all night during sleep, no other fields just this one.
Woke up the next day and noticed my lips had gotten fuller, especially the lower lip.
After that I put this field in my night playlist along with other fields. This one repeated x 8.

feb 10: My eyes… hardly no crepiness at all. Tight eyelids, almost invisible lines even when smiling. There is something else going on with my eyes that I can’t put my finger on yet, except for that new shine when looking in the mirror.
My cheekbones are building up. Feel sore in the muscles and soft tissue. When smiling it is evident that the cheek cushions are bigger.
During these first days I can feel a slight mewing effect. My tounge posture corrects itself automatically, and something is going on with my jaws. Tingling and activity is felt in the area, including my teeth more or less 24/7 during these initial days.

feb 12: My neck looks longer and under my chin there is…nothing. :wink: The chin is very slim and more defined than before. My lips keep getting better, the upper lip is buildning up and making my mouth more symmetrical, also my upper lip has been looking pale for a long time but now it’s getting the colour back and my mouth has a rosy red colour whitout make up. Lips are soft, plump and smooth.

feb 13: When washing my face there is a crackling sensation when rubbing my nose. That sensation will repeat over the next few days. Have no idea what’s going on there maybe something with the septum. Also a tingle at the tip of my nose will come and go from now on. Never had any issues with my nose so just curious what the field is doing, haha.

feb 25: Noticed just now that my right eyebrow is lifted to match the left brow. Since I started with this field my eyebrows (that had a little different shape from each other) over time getting more and more consistent.
During these 2 weeks my left cheek has filled up and is slightly lifted to match my right cheek. So with that, the more prominent nasolabial line on my left is pretty much erased and now has the same appearense as on my right side.
Very, very happy for that, pretty much why I got this field in the first place. That and for the jowls. And yes, I can see a slight lift in the jowls too, maybe 1 mm, probably related to the build up in my cheek bones.


Im interested to hear actual results and experiences of either not just sales page tho

Catgirls and catboys future will be real afterall?


So overall would you say this is the best overall facial product field? Since theres face sculptor and some other, I want to get and can afford only one so want to make sure its best one. Tho i will wait some time till i finish some other transformation. @anon83343177

My other concern is if anyone has experience of using both fields and subliminals is i noticed before too much stimulation and aches on my mind for me to handle the changes.

Im currently on one multistage subliminal for removing all inner blockages and another for cultivation of energetics and sexual energy, both are very heavy.

So i guess both could help this facial field thrive since less blockages and more energy, not sure how these work with fields if someone can confirm, but dont want to crash from overstimulation of changes.

Focused too long on inner work, spirituality so finally want to enjoy some mundane shallow changes hehe.

@Invictus How are the changes so far? And from your experience could you help answer some of my concerns above if you got time.
Btw you are a man right this isint just tailored towards women? Or are other products specifically for men?

I’m a dude and yah it’s been good so far biggest thing is better foward facial growth and lower eye area getting fixed up