The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

Interesting dream that I thought I’d share. I was having a wet dream (sorry for tmi :p) I was completely lost in this dream and I became lucid at some point and regained full awareness, and I realized I was making out with some sort of entity not sure if succubus or something else, who took the form of a beautiful woman but after I became lucid I noticed it morph into this weird looking thing I don’t have much memory of what it looked like anymore. I was able banish it somehow and felt it completely detach from my energy field, it was sort of feeding off the lower region of my aura. I actually looped lucid dream from Patreon before bed, so I’m kinda thinking this was some sort of genuine astral experience rather than a simple dream cause I’m feeling refreshed and energized this morning compared to other mornings. I’ve had sleep paralyses many times and encountered entities before but I was way too scared back then so I’d freak out until I eventually woke up.

Looping soul restoration atm. Not really afraid but rather relieved now and looking back laughing at it. I am on a the path of completely cutting out porn as I had years of history of use prior, I would not be surprised if a long the way I allowed these things to feed off me. Currently working on cultivating self love and courage which is why I think I felt overwhelming courage during the experience rather than being paralyzed by fear.


After cutting cords with dissolving soul contracts…sexual energy no more stuck at the lower chakras and so much much less urges to fap… It feels those astral parasites wanted me to serve them with my jing chi life force…I was already doing the cord cutting but the only difference was me cancelling those soul contracts


how did you dissolve soul contracts

Psychic University’s and Equilibrium’s fields have helped me


Bro thats me right now, its like im 2 completly different people. on a long streak im confident, bold and motivated to do anything (Except for talking to really attractive girls to be fair) but then when i fap im brain dead, shy and literally sub human

Im working on self love tho and releasing the guilt and shame assocaited with it and im seeing some improvements but the decrease in cognitive powers show heavily

God help us all


Part of it has to do with giving away your sexual energy, it’s not the end of the world. As long you don’t associate relapse with shame and guilt you should be good to go.


It is a shit show, once you given your energy to porn, you are dealt with cord attachments plus entities that suck on your energy.

Brain is acting like a zombie, receiving no motivation to progress, you are just at a stale moment, where nothing matters that much. Emotions are hard to express and feel because you are clouded by a desensitized brain along with harmful attachments.

That moment you watch porn, you are addicted again and can’t keep porn off your mind. Laying down on bed? Porn. Washing dishes? Porn. Sleeping? Porn. Working? Porn. That’s all you can think about.

Now with the AI enhancements and role play, it has taken even more realistic measures for people to give in and chase those cheap dopamine hits. This generation is massively going to go through a zombie state mode.



That’s a serious problem

I am dead serious fam. I wish I was joking about this.

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Imagine you could reframe that.

Porn? Yeah those dishes looking so washable.

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After 1000 hours of looping proactive brain intead of prolactin brain.


ive now come to the realisation thats all in my head, i can still be confident and social even if i watch porn. its all about self love bruh

just relapsed but im gonna be kind to myself, if ive managed to beat drugs i can beat this but this is wayy more addictiving than drugs i can’t lie, even worse its available 24 7 and its all around us

This makes me wonder tho, is semen retention just all in my head and not acutally real? I feel like its just another belief system because I can still be attractive, confident, have loads of energy (thanks to Dream lol) even if release??


Nah man of course Porn is fucked for you but i feel like SR is bull shit

Why do you relapse?

Just a lot of sexual energy?

It might not even be psychological but physiological. At least in my case, I have tremendous amount of sexual energy every day. I’m not addicted to porn, I need to release the energy

It might be your case too. If I had someone to do it with I wouldn’t be interested in porn


Yep thats exactly it, boredom and too much energy hahaha

i listen to testosterone, i dont have a partner atm and my stack is full of energy expansion audios

plus im 19 lol


It’s certainly better than spilling your sexual energy constantly lol. Unless you don’t like being healthy and having vital energies, may as well spill your essence rather.

It’s just me, but I rather not constantly repair myself when I could just retain and utilize the energy.


I can still be healthy and have vital energies when releasing tho (without excessive P)

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Then that might just be it. In a sense it is an addiction but it’s not the porn itself. You should find another way to release your urges. I don’t use porn all the time, sometimes I read erotica lol

Im 20 and listen to testosterone from time to time

It gets crazy lol

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Idk sr might work for some people but it just makes me desperate AF and just really uptight even after taking cold showers, meditation, excecise the lot

i think this will be a practice for when Im older lol

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Yes you can still masturbate if you want, and get the benefits from fields but I do recommend if you would like to level up on certain areas, to retain your vital energy.

Maybe release per week if you can. I definitely do notice when I release, the decrease in motivation and drive is crazy, even along with jing and chi fields. It may just be me.

As long you avoid P, you are good.

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