The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

I don’t mean this as an attack or anything. I’m just honestly curious, how?

Im the opposite way, lol. Seeing a beautiful naked women just makes me excited and makes me wanna be the best version of myself to be with the best woman out there

I don’t know. I just love women, intimacy, and sexuality.


Biologically speaking, there is no one fit size for all. Males that do release, especially swimming in higher dopamine have their prolactin levels increased which tend to lead to mood changes and affect bone health.

It would be a major difference between a person that releases 3-5x a day versus a person that releases 1-2x a day or week. Personally for me, I got better things to do than masturbate, I see no reason to unless I fall down under boredom or a stressed day and having sexy time with my girl.

We all have different level of energy capacity.


breaking the x3 tab habit by PU is so effective aswell

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Have you tried his addiction field? I use it when I get withdrawls and urges its really effective. I’m also social media detoxing the withdrawls are intense but thanks to this field I’m able to keep going on my own. It give you the “relief”.


Recently the use of porn has become an issue in my household. Tbh I never gave it much thought until life’s circumstances gave me the opportunity.

I’ve read everything I could find on it and everyone’s opinions.

Just to put my two cents worth in it. I can see it’s mostly detrimental to an individual and the damages fairly obvious as mentioned above. My question was why?

I believe the issue is when there is too much of a “good thing”. So in an instant you can have your smorgasbord board of porn. Your brain is excited and the dopamine gives its rush and so on and so on.
Issue is the sex isn’t earned. In nature for you to get the reward of sex you have to earn it. First through over oncoming your own insecurities, approaching women, fear of rejection. The journey is uncertain and you often fail. Then as you advance you journey courtship and relationship building. Putting everything you learned as a child and from observing the adult world into practice. As we know it’s the repetition of something which earns you a skill.
Dopamine has to be hard earned for it to be rewarding. It’s just how it is otherwise it turns into an addiction.
It’s similar to sugar. Sugar in and of itself isn’t bad but historically we never had such access to it. Cheap and accessible, it’s no wonder we quickly get addicted and it quickly ruins our health. I always bring it back to tribal times. We had to earn sources of sweetness, it was hard but it was worth it and what’s the point of working hard for something? You value it so much more.
How much do we value the porn world? After veiwing one thing you quickly discard it for the next. Leaving no memorable trace until you become so lifeless from the excess of it all that you keep pushing the boundaries to feel more excitement and so it continues.


Life is much more enjoyable now. The sound of music is so beautiful, taking action that may backfire becomes more inclinable. Waking up everyday with utmost energy like I am on cocaine is magnificent. I get so much done and even when the days become stressful, I look back and enjoy what I experienced.

This is all primarily due to stabilizing the dopamine receptors once again that were desensitized due to porn consumption and the secondary factor which was cutting porn once and for all where no negative source can steal and drain my energy.

Harness the sexual energy and put to good use!

Remove PMO addiction stack:

Remove Lust From Ego (PI)
Breaking 3x Tab Habit (PU)
Brain game (Sapien)
Plasma Brain of Youth (Sapien)
The End of Addiction and Withdrawal (PU)
Full Disconnection from Negative and Harmful Egregores (PU)

Vital Energy Stack:

Soul Core Restoration
Negentropic Jing
Sexual Energy Alchemy
Gayatri mantra

Almost about to hit one month of abstaining from porn. Never looking back and waste my remainder of incarnation time on something detrimental.


Great work! I also recommend fix neurotransmitter dysfunction by PU.
Absolutely crucial field for a faster recovery and general well being.


Thank you, will include this to my stack. :pray:

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Also, remember there will be bad days depending on how addicted you were. They hit out of nowhere. Never let your guard down! Porn is a sneaky motherfucker. Remember we have fields to lean on and keep going higher


And if small setbacks happens, be gentle and compassionate with oneself.

I’m pretty sure the guilt that follows up is a bigger Beast to slay than the act of releasing to a porn video once in a blue moon


Oh I know, I let too many bad days coerce me into watching porn to numb the emotions. Just this week I had 4 consecutive stressful days and I am so happy I didn’t let it get to me.

Thank you for your support. :pray:


Yes! This is the most important thing one has to learn in this journey and life in general.
It’s all about long term progress and improvement. Setbacks are just part of the game. They’re lessons, simple as that.
In the end, it all comes down to self love.


It’s just people having (mostly) non-passionate intercourse on camera.

That shouldn’t scare you, no?

Do what thou wilt. Don’t create divisions in the self.



Every brain is different. And it’s governed by belief. You’re reinforcing the belief that it’s a long journey, therefore it will be.


Porn fantasies are also part of symbolic elements of every day life that get charged in your psyche.

The dumbest thing can be a trigger. Like a way of laughing or whatever.

Dropped porn 10 years ago and elements still pop up now and then.


I recently read easy peasy and damn, it really is really easy to quit porn when you get rid of the brain washing. It just was common sense actually .No difficulty at all and really enjoyable


To add;

If porn and/or masturbation isn’t in your nature, aka it is a sin, going against the future state of your heart, absolutely abstain.

@JAAJ could i have a chat with you?

I am new here, where can I find this field?
Is it not enough to have these gumroad fields?

Radiant Sexuality
The Point of No Return
Blueprint of Life
Architect of Reality