Yeahhhh yeahhhh :relieved:

Let them complain now :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:


Cause I’m guessing 80% of people on here have no idea what you’re referencing.



The Best of SNL's Stefon - YouTube




I actually have a question. As the Captain says here:

So this tree grows with us for sure, but also all other fields and items (regular and NFTs) grow with use and with time also, is that correct?

Then what would happen, if we were to purchase an NFT from someone else - would it reset itself once ownership is transferred or would we buy (or sell) a grown and growing item?

I suddenly started to wonder if the process is different when it comes to NFTs.


Venly Market - Negozio di asset digitali


Raaaaatiiiid haha :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


The item would transfer already grown.

Thats how the prices also go higher, not only because they are rarities. :smirk:


So I am rich ahahahahahahah


Just got him a home!


Beautiful my dear friend!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Thank you Gian! Just realized that was the 222nd post on the thread too.


Beware of scammer claiming to being able to sell you dream’s NFTs, especially on gumroad.

As of today, NFTs are bought/sold/exchanged on venly market. (After initial offering from the store)

Ofc you can communicate with members on on the forum in regards to the exchange of goods but you MUST transfer the NFT to the other user wallet (on venly)

As far as I know this isn’t possible on gumroad.


So a bat managed to fly indoors and somehow ended up close to the picture of the divine tree.

Poor fella must have been confused :joy:



your experiences have brought you to this level of perception your struggles have not been in vain, as they have given you wisdom of divine understanding do.

not seek approval from a lower level of awareness, as you will only become disenchanted by the futility and trying to conform to a place you have outgrown.

perceive what is in your elevated frequency of awareness and you will continue to rise to new heights of wisdom.

the story of Adam and Eve is the story of us we are eating from the tree of knowledge right now.

then the Lord God said:

look the human beings have become
like us knowing both good and evil
what if they reach out take fruit from
the tree of life and eat it then they
will live forever
/Genesis 3:22

this could either mean that the secret of immortality or the freedom of our souls lies within The Tree of Life

Tree of Life:

The Tree of Life is a diagram used in various mystical traditions and is derived from the Flower of Life the spheres usually represent encompassing aspects of existence God or the human psyche.


it is an arrangement of ten interconnected spheres called sefirot and with one hidden sphere named odd makes eleven which represent the central organizational system of the jewish Kabbalistic tradition or cosmology of the Kabbalah

The map of the universe:

The Tree of Life is considered to be a map of the universe and the psyche the order of creation of the cosmos and a path of spiritual illumination. The spheres are often arranged into three columns to represent that they belong to a common category the columns are usually symbolized as pillars, these pillars usually represent different kinds of values electric charges or types of ceremonial magic.

The Spheres:

The ten spheres represent the ten archetypal numbers of the Pythagorean system there are said to be thirty-two paths on the
Tree of Life. the first ten are the sefirot not including the Da’at the remaining 22 correspond to the lines or channels of energy that joined the sefirot together each of these in turn corresponds to one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

According to Kabbalah scholars the Tree of Life is to be interpreted in the following way:

The Tree of Life represents a series of divine emanations of God’s creation itself the nature of revealed divinity of the human soul and the spiritual path of Ascension.

  1. The Crown (‘Kether’ in the Kabbalah): it is the primordial infinite energy or limitless light out of which all things are created. the Creator Himself.

  2. Wisdom (‘Chokhmah’): Divine reality/revelation; the power of Wisdom.

  3. Understanding (‘Binah’): repentance/reason; the power of Love.

  4. Mercy (‘Chesed’): grace/intention to emulate God; the power of vision.

  5. Strength (‘Gevurah’): judgment/determination; the power of Intention.

  6. Beauty (‘Tiferet’): symmetry/compassion; the power of Creativity.

  7. Victory (‘Netzach’): contemplation/initiative/persistence; the power of the Eternal Now.

  8. Splendour (‘Hod’): surrender/sincerity/steadfastness; the power of Observation.

  9. Yesod (‘Foundation’): remembering/knowing; the power of Manifesting.

  10. Kingdom (‘Malkuth’): physical presence/vision and illusion; the power of Healing.
    • 11. Daʻat (“Knowledge”): is the location (the mystical state) where all ten sefirot in the Tree of Life are united as one.

the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is based on descriptions given in the book of creation and expanded upon in the kabbalistic texts the Zohar and the book of splendor the ten sefirot similar to the Norris tree of life are divided into four realms.

  1. Atziluth: The realm of the supernal
  2. Beriah: The creative world of archetypes and ideals
  3. Yetsirah: The world of formation
  4. Assiah: Manifest creation, the material world

Tree of Life does not only speak of the origins of the physical universe but also of man’s place in the universe since Men is invested with mind consciousness. In the Kabbalah is thought of as the fruit of the physical world through whom the original infinite energy can experience and express itself as a finite entity after the energy of creation has condensed into matter it is thought to reverse its course back up the tree until it is once again united with its true nature thus the Kabbalah seeks to know himself and the universe as an expression of God and to make the journey of return why the stages charted in the sefirot until he has come to the realization he sought.

22 Paths:

The 22 paths represent the Royal Roads that lead from one energy center or sphere to another. The successful navigation of any of these paths requires that harmonious blending of the forces represented by the two spheres that unites. 12 of these paths correspond to the 12 signs the remaining 10 represent the heavenly bodies that travel through the signs.

Words from Many P. Hall

… To suggest the subject offers a key
to the interpretation of ancient law and
at the same time reminds us that the
principles and values involved in the
teaching are as valid today as they were
thousands of years ago regardless of the
times in which we live
the journey of the human soul remains
the most important consideration in the
life of the individual and should be one
of the great dynamics of the life of the
collective until the human being senses
again his citizenship in space until he
realizes that his destiny is not
fulfilled the small cycle of immediate
experiences with which is familiar we
cannot hope to develop a long-range
perspective capable of impelling us or
inspiring us to a course of constructive
conduct the individual today has lost
his kinship with a group of values which
ancient man fully appreciated and
accepted he saw himself as part of a
vast living organism he sensed that all
of space was populated with rational creatures
beings whose lives and thoughts might be
infinitely beyond the comprehension of
man if these beings existed and their
thoughts and lives were valid
experiences in nature old-time
scholarship sought to adjust man to the
universe whereas the modern thinker
seeks to adjust the universe to man this
is not reasonable nor essentially
possible because man is not the axis of
the vast plan which moves around us man
is part of that plan but the plan has
its own destiny man is involved in that
destiny but he cannot control it nor is
he the principal factor in the purpose
of existence itself thus by a proper
modesty by a gelling humility by a
recognition of the importance of dignity
of the human estate without exaggeration
or distortion we achieve something that
is important in religion and philosophy
particularly in recent centuries man has
become too important it’s become
important in a self-centered
way is become too egotistical a
significant and in the emphasis upon
himself he has failed to emphasize his
relationships with the larger world of
which he is apart until he has proper
perspective he cannot cooperate
adequately with any purpose of greater
than his own personal interest though
today even we recognize larger purposes
we recognize such a desirable ends as
world peace we hope to see ultimately
the end of poverty we would like to see
universal enlightenment we would like to
have a factual statement of human
equality we look for the time when
prejudice and intolerance will cease and
that the individual will live in a
better kind of world


MPH!! He lit a path.


I have the Divine Tree printed on canvas and framed. It hangs in my bedroom and is the first image I see each time I walk into my cottage. I have noticed that many butterflies love to come into my cottage and sit on the picture.


This is beautiful, Jenny. I’ve long wanted this NFT, much of it for its beauty., but it almost never goes up for sale.


I agree, it is truly a very beautiful image. The energy it emits is awesome too. :heart_eyes:
I think its this energy that attracts the butterflies. When they visit they tend to sit on the image for quite a while. I wasn’t too happy with one of the butterflies mainly because he pooped on the image :grimacing: I only noticed what he had done the following day and by then it had all dried up. I eventually got it off with a wet earbud but unfortunately I wiped off some of the paint in the process. If you zoom in on the bottom left in the dark patch you will see a white vertical line.

Don’t give up @Scribe ! I wish you luck in your search and hope you too will one day become a lucky owner of this beautiful image.