The Dotto Ring Simulant

right… but prices are skyrocketing, so I was trying to optimize!! :sweat_smile:

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I thoroughly appreciate your position, just to note that as “they” say your mileage may vary (YMMV) :slightly_smiling_face:

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This sunds incredible :blush: Please, can you make this avaliable in die patreon shop?

There is a little-known mountainous area in northern Pakistan - Hunza Valley. The residents are mainly Burusho and Wakhi people. They live in this remote village with poor conveniences and sanitation facilities. It has lived and thrived for centuries. Despite the difficult living environment, research has found that the average life span here is about 100 years old.

The reason why the residents of Hunza Valley are healthy and live long may be due to the following interesting living habits:

Eat bitter almond seeds and bitter almond oil

Studies show that almond seeds help fight cancer and other sources of inflammation in the body. Almond trees are one of the most important crops in the Hunza Valley, and bitter almond oil is almost always found in local dishes. In the past, local residents pressed oil by hand, but now most use machines to extract it.

Actively participate in life every day

The Brusho and Waki ​​live a healthy and energetic life until the end of their lives. Even in the cold winter, it is still common to see elderly people in their 80s out and about. These older family members still herd cattle and sheep, collect wood and perform other household chores, as well as participate in community activities, including cleaning elevated water channels when spring arrives. Residents of the Hunza Valley, young and old, ride bicycles, skate, and play sports such as football and cricket every day.



Another quick update:

Tricky today… first there was emotional detox. It was not that harsh, it felt like stuff was bubbling up ever so slowly and gently to the surface, as if pre-prepared to be processed. This was clearly the time to stay in close contact with servitors and deities, so I did just that and consulted the Beast of the End, which helped speed up the process tremendously and I was happy to find i could easily work with the stuff and let it go, integrate the new me very very quickly. I also noticed the importance of sticking to your inner foundational values, so you don’t get swayed away by odd thoughts. Shortly thereafter, I felt seriously better, with a more refined natural confidence that felt more “saturated”, as if sth got fixed or updated - pretty awesome! Aside from that, I also had physical detox via the digestion…Still, I noticed some skin issues healing, and that I need more food overall. Also noticed the music sounded very different in a meditative state.

So quite the up and down you could say. Anyways, these are my observations


So I did some experimenting today…

I “sacrificed” most of my stacks, and I only played dotto ring + tejas alchemy. No kidding, honestly, this must be a “booster” (i don’t really like that term) field, because I was experiencing energy reserves out of this world. It became so silly in that I didn’t even wanna take a break. Plus I would get stared at for a solid 5-10 seconds while I’m walking past and the only thing I did was to gently smile back. Honestly incredible. I didn’t even need to drink much despite the heat. Neither did I feel I needed a rest via meditation. Overall feels harmonizing + overall happiness improved. The skin healing effects I mentioned earlier appear similar as when I used smart stem cells again after a long time.

Also in this research article :

Thats the only place where I read about negative entropy aside from our magnificient Plasma Light and subsequent fields.

On to more experimenting :muscle: :mechanical_arm:


In ideal health (at various levels)… you tap into the outermost layers of your Aura, the golden layer … at that level, you are perceived as a pure being with a close to angelic presence, so a lot of people will feel in awe… but, the flipside, is that the wholeness inside simply makes you not care for such validation … it’s like you have a force within which just wants to share love and forgiveness … your standard responses also tend to auto-regulate themselves, and it becomes so easy for your brain to process junk data, that you actually get to experience being in the “now”…

Or so it would go, in theory.


I know this says it’s anti aging… but if it’s mimicking the magnetic field of the Hunza valley, can anyone listen then kids included?


I think so, after all there are kids that are born there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


All right! :yum:


Bro, youre gonna be Eternally Young! :grinning:

Also, Extremely Cool Cat!


thank you bro :joy:


This is the final boss cat
We have been blessed by the appearance of the final boss cat


After spamming this for some time, I slowly reintroduced my stacks into my daily listening routine.

It’s been beautiful.

I seem to have this new beautiful outlook of positivity in life. Like anything is possible. On top of that my productivity has skyrocketed. It’s this incredible mindset of abundance, detached yet focused, really enjoyable.

A new type of energy for sure.

Also don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here above. After that emotional detox prior, I now seem to have some kind of emotional detachment possibility - i.e. I notice an emotion is there (positive or negative), but I can choose if or how strongly I wish to feel this particular emotion. It’s pretty interesting and odd to describe. Like a detached observer in a sea of possibility.

Oh and manifestations / opportunities seem to occur faster and in more interesting ways.

I’m very grateful for this field.
Thanks Captain :pray::pray:


Based on the image this probably creates a torsion field as well?

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I’m not an expert in sensing torsions but the original device was this kind of copper ring around the body (and more, I just don’t understand the technical aspects).

In any case, this helped me today at work, navigating through incredible workloads and still being on top of everything despite having to multitask to a ridiculous extent.




is this a good field to loop overnight while sleeping guys


Definitely it is.
Though I haven’t tried it myself, I have looped it for hours during the day and feel fantastic


I’ve been experimenting with this — it’s nice, helpful for relaxation. Almost feels like a body / environmental field.