The Eternal

wow nice idea

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I am the proud owner of #106 .
Decided to gift myself with The Eternal on my special day.
Looking forward to be surprised and impressed


Happy your special day! May you have many, many more of them.


Hooray for you, TCS! Yay 1


This must be a must-buy for me who love the anti-aging fieldšŸ„¹


Just something to think about as weā€™re playing around with these fieldsā€¦

Is my current belief system holding me back from whatā€™s really possible?

Hereā€™s a guy on youtube who claims to be 57ā€¦

After my initial BS filter sounded the alarm, I thought to myselfā€¦ why canā€™t he be 57? Because he looks 20 years younger? Is that impossibleā€¦ because I know plenty of people that look 10 years younger, so why would 20 shatter my current belief system?

That says more about me and my thought patterns.

Itā€™s like Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile for the 1st time in human history. Impossible before, semi-normal after.

And these people didnā€™t have access to ā€œfielding advantageā€.

Might be worth some introspective time here and there as to what weā€™re actually allowing to happen results-wise vs. what weā€™ve been socially conditioned to believe.


:+1: An excellent question to be asking with all fields.


I think also photoshop, filters and lighting can influence whether we genuinely believe a person of 57 looks 37. Thereā€™s a lot of tricks to influence the pictures or videos these days. For sure someone can look 20 years younger than what they are. But 10 years is acceptable and normal, 20 years is unusual. But maybe not for longā€¦but of course our beliefs influence our results, and thank you for reminding me of that.



So itā€™s been 1 day since I got it in physical form and Iā€™m wearing it as a locket. But since last weekend Iā€™ve been having a persistent sore throat and headache. Soon after wearing it, this is only 1 days results btw, my sore throat is gone. I have a bit of cold and cough though but it has lessened in intensity. Before this it wouldā€™ve taken a week to come to this level.


I think the subconscious and conscious part of this field is supposed to help with this, to actually make people believe they can live for hundreds of yearsā€¦ dunno

@Dreamweaver am i wrong?


I have another doubtā€¦ I am currently sick with seasonal cold (tested negative for Covid) and I own this in my wallet since June 11. I got sick after. But i only got it in printed form 1 day before. So from now on, even seasonal cold wonā€™t affect me right? Since Iā€™m completely under the effect of the field (wearing it physically)

That can possibly be also a detox/healing symptom or effect.


I hope so :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yes i think you will get sick just recover faster and be a lot more resistant over time.

and more so as time passes.


I Can confirm @Dreamweaver

Before getting Eternity i would get pneumonia every winter (This started when i was very young so Iā€™d say at least 25 years)

After getting Eternity i havenā€™t gotten pneumonia. Also in April of this year, my dad, sister, brother in law and baby tested positive for covid, i tested negative and had a very mild cold. That was the only time since getting Eternity 5 years ago that i got sick


Thanks for sharing your experience. This affirms my faith even more. :muscle:


Have about 7 or 8 thoughts bouncing around in my head regarding the Eternal NFT and fields.

One idea I had, and please enlighten me if this has been discussed before would be to get the NFT as a tattoo.

Now, while examining the NFT I have reservations about how closely it could be duplicated by a tattoo artist, and I donā€™t know if there are machines that can faithfully reproduce artwork as tattoos yet. Considering the complexity of the image of the NFT I would expect to pay many many times more for a tattoo of it than the NFT itself originally cost. But once there, theoretically the smart field of the NFT should grow the field on the tattooā€¦ depending on whether or not an artistā€™s rendition can capture it.

While reading through this post I was reminded of a guy I read a book from years ago, but havenā€™t thought of in a very long time. Has anyone here heard of Peter Ragnar? His book ā€œHow Long Do You Choose To Live?ā€ was interesting. Aside from a variety of longevity advice from diet to fitness one of his main ideas was to use ā€œmind over matterā€ and choose to live forever. He claimed to have forgotten his birth date, and actively rejected accepting societyā€™s concepts of aging and what heā€™s ā€œsupposedā€ to be experiencing and going through, claiming that this subconscious conditioning is what ages people and leads them to die. Looked him up, there was still some stuff around but I lost interest before I got a good idea of what heā€™s up to these days. Might be interesting useful concepts for people to think about when it comes to the potential of this field.

Another one is the story of Li Yuen Ching, who I am sure some of you have heard of. Not sure how much I believe in the story of Li, a daoist herbalist martial artist, who supposedly lived 256 years. Please donā€™t take this the wrong way, but I have grown cynical regarding anything with the word ā€œdaoistā€ attached to it, anything claiming a relationship to Chinese herbal medicine, and such. This comes from decades of study, academic and professional. Liā€™s story could help us think about what living over a century or two might look like. Specifically I was thinking about extreme life extension and the part of the story that spoke of the number of wives, children, grand children, great grand children, great great grandā€¦ you get the idea, that Li was supposed to have had. Not saying Liā€™s story is completely false, but seeing it used to market goji berries in upscale suburban yuppie health stores some how struck me as weird. Something something about if you love Chinese medicine, martial arts cults, and Daoism as an actual living religious tradition, you might not want to see how the bao are made, something.

At any rate those are my under caffeinated such as they are for today. On to more green tea.


There have been records of a few indian tapasvis (sages) living for hundreds of years too just with the power of their penance near the north and mostly un the Himalayas.

Also Lord Hanuman is a diety whoā€™s still in his material form in this era. Heā€™s also a Tapasvi currently. But yes heā€™s not exactly human.

But yeah these people are examples of exercising great control over oneā€™s mind. Which is very difficult for us normal humans. Your mind over matter concept at work here but in a tweaked way. Lord Krishna said something similar to Arjuna in Bhagawata.

Here is the dialogue between them

Arjuna : BG 6.34: The mind is very restless, turbulent, strong and obstinate, O Krishna. It appears to me that it is more difficult to control than the wind.

Lord Krishna : BG 6.35: Lord Krishna said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, what you say is correct; the mind is indeed very difficult to restrain. But by practice and detachment, it can be controlled.