The Dotto Ring Simulant

Another quick update:

Tricky todayā€¦ first there was emotional detox. It was not that harsh, it felt like stuff was bubbling up ever so slowly and gently to the surface, as if pre-prepared to be processed. This was clearly the time to stay in close contact with servitors and deities, so I did just that and consulted the Beast of the End, which helped speed up the process tremendously and I was happy to find i could easily work with the stuff and let it go, integrate the new me very very quickly. I also noticed the importance of sticking to your inner foundational values, so you donā€™t get swayed away by odd thoughts. Shortly thereafter, I felt seriously better, with a more refined natural confidence that felt more ā€œsaturatedā€, as if sth got fixed or updated - pretty awesome! Aside from that, I also had physical detox via the digestionā€¦Still, I noticed some skin issues healing, and that I need more food overall. Also noticed the music sounded very different in a meditative state.

So quite the up and down you could say. Anyways, these are my observations


So I did some experimenting todayā€¦

I ā€œsacrificedā€ most of my stacks, and I only played dotto ring + tejas alchemy. No kidding, honestly, this must be a ā€œboosterā€ (i donā€™t really like that term) field, because I was experiencing energy reserves out of this world. It became so silly in that I didnā€™t even wanna take a break. Plus I would get stared at for a solid 5-10 seconds while Iā€™m walking past and the only thing I did was to gently smile back. Honestly incredible. I didnā€™t even need to drink much despite the heat. Neither did I feel I needed a rest via meditation. Overall feels harmonizing + overall happiness improved. The skin healing effects I mentioned earlier appear similar as when I used smart stem cells again after a long time.

Also in this research article :

Thats the only place where I read about negative entropy aside from our magnificient Plasma Light and subsequent fields.

On to more experimenting :muscle: :mechanical_arm:


In ideal health (at various levels)ā€¦ you tap into the outermost layers of your Aura, the golden layer ā€¦ at that level, you are perceived as a pure being with a close to angelic presence, so a lot of people will feel in aweā€¦ but, the flipside, is that the wholeness inside simply makes you not care for such validation ā€¦ itā€™s like you have a force within which just wants to share love and forgiveness ā€¦ your standard responses also tend to auto-regulate themselves, and it becomes so easy for your brain to process junk data, that you actually get to experience being in the ā€œnowā€ā€¦

Or so it would go, in theory.


I know this says itā€™s anti agingā€¦ but if itā€™s mimicking the magnetic field of the Hunza valley, can anyone listen then kids included?


I think so, after all there are kids that are born there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


All right! :yum:


Bro, youre gonna be Eternally Young! :grinning:

Also, Extremely Cool Cat!


thank you bro :joy:


This is the final boss cat
We have been blessed by the appearance of the final boss cat


After spamming this for some time, I slowly reintroduced my stacks into my daily listening routine.

Itā€™s been beautiful.

I seem to have this new beautiful outlook of positivity in life. Like anything is possible. On top of that my productivity has skyrocketed. Itā€™s this incredible mindset of abundance, detached yet focused, really enjoyable.

A new type of energy for sure.

Also donā€™t know if Iā€™ve mentioned it here above. After that emotional detox prior, I now seem to have some kind of emotional detachment possibility - i.e. I notice an emotion is there (positive or negative), but I can choose if or how strongly I wish to feel this particular emotion. Itā€™s pretty interesting and odd to describe. Like a detached observer in a sea of possibility.

Oh and manifestations / opportunities seem to occur faster and in more interesting ways.

Iā€™m very grateful for this field.
Thanks Captain :pray::pray:


Based on the image this probably creates a torsion field as well?

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Iā€™m not an expert in sensing torsions but the original device was this kind of copper ring around the body (and more, I just donā€™t understand the technical aspects).

In any case, this helped me today at work, navigating through incredible workloads and still being on top of everything despite having to multitask to a ridiculous extent.




is this a good field to loop overnight while sleeping guys


Definitely it is.
Though I havenā€™t tried it myself, I have looped it for hours during the day and feel fantastic


Iā€™ve been experimenting with this ā€” itā€™s nice, helpful for relaxation. Almost feels like a body / environmental field.


What does this part mean?

Can confirm less sleep is needed, slept 6 hours and felt fine where as I usually need 8 or 9 hours coz im lazy xD



Doing things without need of forethought, acting genuinely without planning; as if inwardly guided


I really love how this one brings one back to a profound sense of balance. Whenever I notice anything not in harmony in body or mind, this works incredibly well. Any odd thought simply gets ā€œfrozenā€ and discarded.

I also combined it with some healing fields and their combination seems amplified.


You make me want to buy it quickly :grin::heart: