The Emblem of Change NFT

Thank you :pray:


Where can we find the audio of Saturn


The Conjunction of Spheres album from Energetic Alchemy channel.


Yes, I recommend this for anyone preparing for saturn return or maturation (age 36) or feeling the impact of saturn transits on their life. Indeed, Saturn gives great returns as long as you accept the lessons he brings. He is the lord of the material world.


I will be honest :D There is some happier sense in experiencing a different side to the NFT, and finding a lot more people sharing the experience with you!

To me, this feels like a magnified effect of conceptual realizations! I donā€™t mean this was requested or anything-- but the effect of this energies is a lot more pushing in the direction of ā€œRealizationā€ ā€¦ There is a huge guidance aspect and a turn around, a better line up of events. My guess is that this is supported by Jupiter-Saturn aspects as well. This realization does not feel like a ā€œpushā€ at all!

In fact, this feels like a very relaxed mental state, lightly golden in color, where the mind feels very abundant and prosperous, the states of bliss is very clear in the mind. Because of this free flowing space of an airy golden light, the mind is so much more relaxed in understanding what the perceived setbacks can be, what they are, and how to overcome them without feeling like any ā€œstrictā€ process is going on!!

The Passage of Saturn. :)


@Captain_Nemo yo big boss whatā€™s good my man.
Canā€™t decide. This or Tusoi crystal for myself fam :thinking::thinking:
That donā€™t have other iterations. Cuz
@Desiree b over here be pullin thru for us with facts :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t6:

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Word :triumph:

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

These are completely different energies and approaches, but now they you mention it Iā€™ve been using both to amplify certain qualities and it seems to be effective. It is not something you would normally blend in but I like to run my experiments! I use the crystal to also amplify the intention of things I want to let go of and use the Emblem of Change to help completely let go of it.

Itā€™s more so what do you want out of the NFTs, the Emblem of Change means more with golden energies of abundance, success, lesson integration and breaking free.

A renovation of your approach to life.

You could achieve similar means with Tauoi Crystal also. You can find both carrying wisdom energies and both have their unique ways of being very tailored to you and your mind.


B your man here b broke but love em both :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::joy::joy::joy::joy::heart_eyes:. Itā€™s another big bird and skull lovin from me fam. Time to poll again

  • Tuaoi Crystal
  • Emblem of Change

0 voters

And why the crystal be less expensive it also be a group nft

One powers the entire Solar System and one powers the whole Atlantean City. There is no comparison :smiley:

We canā€™t compare energies that are not within the same spectrum like that haha

The Emblem of Change has a very nurturing effect to it. The capability that stems from a state of Freedom. Itā€™s very much like a Sacral chakra energyā€¦ Itā€™s light golden with an infusionā€¦ Itā€™s free flowingā€¦ Itā€™s very prosperous

Tauoi Crystal has a light red infusionā€¦ Itā€™s more like a Root chakra energyā€¦ They have different colors of expression even :)

Your personal needs will always be your best compass. The two hold the wisdom of what they carry in areas of the heart and mind, and their correspondent placement of energies. An outside look on the world with detachement and willpower to carry on, an added skill set.

Itā€™s the Captain who creates at the end :)


How come this is more expensive than the panther and crystal if both were group projects as well?

@UgniS howā€™s your experience with this

@Desiree As someone who is not into astrology etc., what can I expect from this in the short and the long term? Please elaborate if you can. Thank you.



I was going to write you a detailed description of what the field in its outcomes encompasses, what the science behind this creation is, and how as a person with a huge interest in astrology, I made sure to not approach the topic from any astrological lens at all.

But, I realized this is not the right approach. For the past few days, I have been presented with everything that had been in the background. Any previous limitation, any routes that needed a retour, Any communication that needed to happenā€¦

Everything is coming to the surface, and is presenting itself in the most direct way to be resolved.

At the same time, Iā€™ve been presented with multiple opportunities of incredibly amicable conversations, people whom I havenā€™t connected to in a while, people who went extra miles to present a gift of chance, people who showed their trust, and people who revived the impact I was made to see once againā€¦

Everything I have not understood before feels like a new perspective. Every road I wanted to open but had other life opinions interfering, everything I ever wanted and everything I strive to makeā€¦ All the outcomes I have desired for the better of my future; They all seem like a smooth road trip with once certain destination: the emergence of the betterā€“best self.

I could tell you what you can expect in theories of applied science, the planetary typeā€¦ I could paint you a golden sphere like the one I have been living in my mindā€¦ I could paint you fruits of heavens and tell you that everything is gonna be well.

But what if your experience was different? What if Change means something entirely different to you? For all I know, we all experience fields differentlyā€¦ There is no certain outcome. Not even the ones intended, shared, researched for nights. Not even the awe of the vast universe and what it creates ā€¦

All is found in this project. The Magnificence of the outer sphere of this solar spaceā€¦ the forces of creation that allude to a whole system captured in order and made to last this way because of its cycles of changeā€¦

At least to how Time is perceived in the outer spaceā€¦

A friend messaged me, only on the next morning of the release, telling me how his roads were redirected, a strong attention was brought up to him. Practical steps were taken and opportunities showed upā€¦

Another member wrote to me how he found a pairing of this field with prestige and grandeur, and I honestly was surprised by how endless these two applied together can beā€¦

Grandeur, or as my friend who inspire me said, Greatness is where the kings bow to; Saturn, Greatness. But even Greatness himself has to bow out of it ā€¦ Only to attain it in his Liberated realmsā€¦

To seek greatness is not the aspect of Saturn, but to become the Liberation of Greatness is Saturnā€¦

the eventual form, that is.

We attract what we do not seek. We realize what is most hidden of us, We become the bigger picture ā€¦ But not everyone wants to become it. Sometimes, you really wanna experience it ā€¦ Then you watch as your Life becomes a variation of the Golden Age ā€¦ the paintings of the heavens, the peaceful fruitā€¦

Not the lesson, Not the greater picture. But you see it. You see through it. You understand it so deeply that it impacts all your action. And out of Freedom, you find your Greatness.

You practice the art of greatness in its most transcendent formā€¦

You look at the skies, the solar space; You observe a magnitude that is capable to influenceā€¦ to attract ā€¦ And to create ā€¦

You witness the planets most known for their inability to act in harmony ā€“ bringing all of their solar forces into creating the entirety of the rest of the planets!

You witness them once again destroying and preservingā€¦ Keeping the order! Creating a new oneā€¦ Any attempts of formulations of planets is now destroyed only by the power of the giant planets and the Sun!

And you witness these exact concepts applied to your Lifeā€¦

You sit back and relax, and know itā€™s time to celebrate ā€¦

And know that you have passedā€¦

Into Saturnalia, Celebrations of Saturn.


Short little review. Since getting the emblem during some intense astro transits including venus square saturn, I did notice a real breakthrough in venus/saturn dynamics in my life. Without getting into details, I feel like I am more able to release control over things, and people, in my life. Feeling of reversed devil is palpable. I enjoy this positive push and this new peace. Thanks for the group for sharing it with the forum!


So cool man

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Itā€™s the work of the captain :relieved:

Thank you!


Sup d

Has anyone else paired this with woven worlds contentment since that too also promotes change?
Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, though

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