The Emblem of Change NFT

That’s probably the one thing I’m missing from pairing with this. I have noticed that past the happy phase, it really pushes you through this change. It’s like there is no cliffhanger to the next phase of change … There is no pause :D it just happens in the most continuous way. Random opportunities of change keep showing up. If one doesn’t understand, It will show and teach what is it that that you are growing through this change for. Surprisingly all the while existing through this easy mode of golden energy.

But it does get harder sometimes and that’s just what change is. It supplies you with what you need and it helps you to use it… but it’s up to you how long you wanna stay in the transitionary phase of change.

Although, it will always redirect you into the most golden of spots for your landing.

Contentment would probably pull all of this together for one streaming flow of action, to be in accordance and movement would be a doing of the emblem… and to feel the action in your heart would be a doing of contentment.


I’ve been studying tarot since Corpus Spiritus.
As I was doing some research, I find out Saturn rules the World Tarot. Astrological correspondence that is.

With that said, does this NFT, Emblem of Change, have any correlation to the World Tarot? Like as an iteration or such?
Because I really like that one :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, several sites such as BiddyTarot (where some of our tarot series get their excerpt’s derived from- ie The Star NFT Tarot) affirm Saturn is. At least the RW deck wise. And RW is what our dreamweaver tarot is based off of.
If anyone knows, including Sapien, please do share.


And if we extend out our World Tarot from the Corpus Spiritus, (so the Fae’s wings) then lol. It’s like the rings of Saturn

Thoughts ? @VMMS @WellBeing @SammyG @AkiraTheWild @Dreamweaver


The laurel also is a ring.

I’ve learned that saturn as the outermost planet “rules” the world because he determines the limits, the rules, the boundaries. Also, saturn represents complexes (mental and otherwise) and you are ruled by your vices unless you conquer them. Saturn also represents authorities that you serve. How that feels depends on your state of evolution.


I think the world is my favorite card in that deck. The art is amazing.

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I agree :slight_smile:

Now my next wonder venture (and final) is
This x World Tarot x Ouroboros


Many thoughts are linked here.
I actually really like how these thoughts connected for you
The Emblem of Change x The World

So I’ll share my own perspective being that The World is both the renewal point and the final destination of all what change is, or what saturn is.

If you look at this picture you shared, the association here is with Courage, honor, wisdom, success
All of these are traits connected to the final and the first moments of the coronation of Saturn

You will see also that The World card is not only linked to Saturn,
It carries the interconnection of everything.

This is also why The Emblem of Change chooses Saturn only as a delegate.
And references to be the very Emblem, the very symbol of all Change.

It is meant to be the main vehicle, but the wheels itself are many.

You will see The World and the wings are all connecting to all the main elements that shape up the final experience, and the beginning of a new one.

This is what change is. This is also what the World is, and in between and during the joruney, The Devil becomes the path on which the main vehicle passes through.

The World also has a lot of celebration energies to it — the phases of fulfillment and enjoying the riches of the prosperity

Which is also Saturnalia — an extension of the experience all throughout to be of celebration and of abundance while enjoying the comfort and push through, equally.

This is another reason The World can be associated with Saturn wherein Change has accumulated all the elements that is meant to finalize its journey.

The King has lived, died, and arose from death
Only to be a Ruler all throughout his journey

Which is also what we call Mastery of Self
Otherwise known as the devil card
And otherwise known as Ouroboros :)


Eclipse season starts October 25th with a solar new moon eclipse in scorpio and full moon lunar eclipse happens November 7/8 in the sign of Taurus.

I’m interested in understanding how this NFT helps navigate the eclipses just around the corner and how do we prepare for the “change”


I don’t have this nft but the eclipse season is always an opportunity for change with strong energies sometimes demanding the said change. With external events relating to the specific house it happens for us and/or related to some planets the moon in the occurring eclipse aspects directly for us eventually.
A solar eclipse like the first one occurring is an invitation to see something or acting on something from anew. Transformation (this one is in Scorpio so it emanates this energy even more) with the consequent new awareness.

It also affects us very much depending on which point in our evolution we are at. As the eclipses happen in cycles it is interesting to observe what happened to us or how we reacted to the same pattern of energy presented to us by the universe on the previous cycle of eclipses on this same sign axis about a decade ago.


That’s depending on your position of your Saturn. What conjunction as well.

But shani greatest virtue is patience.

You can do all mantras. Any kind of stone. Or nft. To tackle all of his karma. But he knows. Doesn’t matter how powerful you are as a person. Shani knows. He exactly showing what karma you have to deal with.

Always look up where Saturn placed. And what conjunction.

Shani always make exception when it come to Mercury.

Don’t fear Saturn either. Remember he is the Lord of wealth too. The most profound blessing is actually come from Saturn. Because his blessings come from reality. Not an illusion.

Saturn showing reality than illusion.

If you have good placement for your Saturn. Of course it will be beneficial. But if you have Saturn in 1st 5th 7th house. It’s not as beneficial as it seem

But later on you’ll end up getting the good luck back anyway. He never denied. But delayed. Always being patient is Saturn greatest virtue :heart:


Also, don’t forget, Shani was rescued by lord Shri Hanuman when he was captured by Shri Raavana, so if you’re facing a lot of difficulties in life and it’s because of Shani, pray to Lord Hanuman and your Shani will be go slightly easy on you, that is why majority of the times, the temples in India have Shani and Hanuman idol’s together, Lord Shani said that whoever prays to Lord Hanuman will also get blessings from me especially in the period of "Sade Sati ", also, Shani once said that irrespective of whatever mantras you chant or what pooja you do, does not matter to me, what matters to me is your karma, how good your karma is, so having a good character and behavior especially towards people who are labors, security guards, workers etc will strengthen your Shani,

I hope the above info helps someone in need!!
good luck fellow travellers! :gift_heart:


Can someone add me to the private group? i am number 174

There’s a private group, I would love to be added, I am #123

Hanuman is also a very dynamic god who holds mastery over the forward movement of wind itself. The great epic of Hanuman; Ramayana, tells a story of a warrior, a skilled warrior who is blessed from the many gods, each with his own special blessing. Ayuverda speaks of 5 necessary forms of “vayus” or “wind”, and very notably the one connected to Hanuman is the one situated in the heart :)

the five elements - fire, earth, water, air (wind) and ether - are represented as vayus. The prana vayu is connected with the element of air and is the energy of the third/spiritual eye. The prana vayu is located at the heart center.

Hanuman has also had his own journey; To become the warrior he is, he has undergone phases in his youth where he was described as ‘mischievous’, but truth is, he was just trying to understand his massive powers.

Hanuman holds a massive power of Air through which his dynamism come into play, such power gives him this speed, strength, and agility, but ultimately is the fuel behind his fearlessness, courage, and determinism.

“Vayu in motion creates the movement of time, which is the vibration of cosmic sound. It has many profound implications both at a cosmic level and relative to our own individual lives. Indeed if one understands Vayu, one understands everything, including time, space and karma, life and death and one’s own deeper Self. It is one of the key concepts of Vedic thought that has great importance in Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedanta.”

The balance of Vayu, inscribed into forward movement grants one eloquence of speech and clarity – one could say these are also the attributes of Venus herself?

Change is also multi-dynamic, transcendent of the adversaries of Life, but also resourceful of the knowledge that came with it lessons. Equipped with all the skills acquired, “Hanuman” can now face these challenges, bring freedom to Shani himself, and personifies himself in devotion and humbleness to Rama. (Love)

We refer to this today as the Aquarian face of Change; the one seen on The World tarot card, the interplay in-between with the infinite cycle of Life, Ouroboros. This is the dynamic energies of change, the ones that combine the gifts and blessings of the 8 Gods, the one that searches for the Venusian blessings amid the valor of Mars and the change of Saturn. The one where continuity and forward motion become the highlight of its golden age.

In this case, abstracted symbolism brings Hanuman to be the dynamic side of Shani, only Hanuman can rescue him, for they are faces of each other’s journey’s, for Shani can only resurrect himself to his Kingship once again as he grows exposed to the dynamism of Life once again. a captivated self can only be rescued by its inevitable future evolution; a permittable side of the self when it is humbled by Life.

by the way,

It is all about surroundings and people :)

Vayu is much more than the material or even subtle elements. Vayu is the power through which everything comes into manifestation and into which everything eventually returns.

And all the history speaks in the Cosmic Space :)


Can someone add me to the private group?


Like all private groups, people march into different new ones or they become inactive with time. But all the important content of the emblem of change can be found here on the thread. the amount of info that has been redacted is very minimal and possibly expanded upon here for the public better :)

PS: that was very thought provoking for me personally so thank you lonewolf :)


Exactly, he is known as " Pavanputra " pavan = air and putra = son,

I will share an interesting story with you which I read a few days ago :))))

You know if you have read Shree Hanuman Chalisa

There is a line in it

Ashtasiddhi nav Nidhi ke data

Which means that he knows all 8 siddhis but a little known fact is that to achieve all 8 siddhis you also have to be married but as everyone sees Shri Hanuman as a bramhachari who never got married so how did he get all his 8 siddhis? Answer to that would be when Shri Hanuman achieved the first 6 siddhis, Holy trinity and Suryadev came together and discussed and wanted Shri Hanuman to learn the other remaining 2 siddhis as well, so the gods decided that they will do nirman of someone who is as similar to Shri Hanuman but that person would be a lady but she will also follow the path of Bramhachari i.e. following celibacy, they will get married but also at the sametime won’t engaged themselves in any sort of creation, just follow their respective path of Bramhacharyata, so after she was created, they both got married and Shri Hanuman learnt the remaining 2 siddhis and continued his journey!


Also, if anyone is interested and is praying to Shri Hanuman, make sure that before you chant his mantra or read his scriptures make sure you first remember Shri Ram and chant his name a few times before you start your prayers, in simple words it acts as a booster, where Ram Naam is Lord Hanuman is always there! :gift_heart:
Also, only do that after you have taken a shower and are wearing clean clothes and are sitting in clean surroundings.

|| Siya Ram ||



Accurately, Hanuman holds the power over motion itself, the creation of forward movement. To compel his journey forward would make an ideal sense with his powers. For his journey not to ‘collide’ and be individualized, but at the same time finds its closure with selfless devotion. This is the story of Change, symbolized by its consistent Kingship, all according to the phases it requires. Be it the regulation of power, the creation of abundance, or a rest of motion that recreates something anew. Like a whole planetary system :)

And in the symbol of Hanuman; the dynamic motion of change, Hanuman’s weapon is a symbol of self-sovereignty, the authority of governance and the power to rule. The wisdom of Kingship prevails once again, as the newly evolved face of change must be armored with authority and power, but only for the wisdom gained with it.

I have personally noted how the emblem of change feels like a huge conceptual realizations for me, an articulate expression of the bright and light golden ‘sun’ that Saturn is.

The Passage of Saturn. :)

“When Hanuman weapon is held in the right hand upraised position, it means that there is disorder and a guiding power is required to bring the situation to regularity”

and the wisdom of Saturn rises once again to integrate itself with the dynamism of air and forward motion. :)

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