The Emblem of Change NFT

It’s beautiful! I have fallen in love with the cosmic expressions of the universe in the research phases of this project. it ultimately lead to so many discoveries. and new paths even. This image is for Saturn’s largest moon; Titan. And these are Moon lakes :)


I am glad to hear that.

do we hae to be 26-27 years old to use this, about what i read saturn return happens when you are in tha age
I happened to have a lot of changes that seem like it was saturn effect but im in my very early 20’s

imho, age is not really a concern here, but, if you go as per Hinduism, Saturn really starts affecting you post you are 18 years old, hope this helps! <3

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Thanks <3

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I’m not sure if this has relation to make Saturn return easier. The thing with Saturn return though. It’s actually a blessing. Because he is loosening up your karma. This happen when you are at the age of 29-30.

So I assume. This nft supposedly to make sade sati phases much easier? As it’s making you realize which decision you should be choosing. During it’s period. Now what happens during certain maha dasha? Then the antardasha of Saturn?

The reason why you have at least 3 times of Saturn return is the maximum amount of human body that can sustain to live. If you are lucky enough. You might get 4 of Saturn return

Now don’t forget about sade sati periods which is lasts for 7 and half year. Saturn return is indication of your body is matured enough. You’re not actually mature even when you are in your 25.

Saturn return brings the things that Saturn restricts.

The restrictions of Saturn also depends on your chart. I’m not using western astrology here.

But there are many charts. Lagna and Navamsha. Put the most important two here.

Does this means using this nft making you married faster? Because Navamsha chart is about your second life. After married. That would be interesting to see. If this nft really brings marriage already to the owner of people who own this nft?

Now for example. If your Saturn is placed in 12 house. Then I wonder what this nft really brings? The thing about Saturn though. He can’t be fooled. Now you using this nft to reach a level where you are not supposedly to get that blessing just yet. Isn’t that against what he really teach you here? Karmic wise :thinking: I’m very curious

Now back to 12 house. If your Saturn is placed here. For example. Then your karma will be about long distance journey and foreign settlement. There is high change of settlement in foreign country.

But you will suffer from poverty in early life. This is your karma. To pay off that debts. You also suffer from isolation most of the time. You can try to beat his restrictions. Sure. But Saturn will ensure to give you more obstacles. Either making you sick or you fear out of something. So the isolation keep happening. Till you reach 30. Now it’s the time where first sade sati phases begin. Then your Saturn return as well. You don’t actually experience sade sati phases when you are a child. That phases goes to your parents. The karmas.

This is very interesting for this nft. I’m really curious. Has any of you who own this nft. Your life much easier?

Is this nft to help you to realize each decision you make so you can become a student of Saturn? Because in that case. That make lot of sense. And I would definitely recommend to have this nft. If you are under sade sati period. Especially if you are under first phase of it.

Which Saturn now working in your subconscious mind. He filtered everything. The way you think and what decision you make. Is it pure is it not? Is this nft really does make you realize all that. That’s amazing.


Oh btw. I’ll make this very simple.

What you really think the most? What desires you always wanted to achieve? That’s Saturn right there restricting you and making you always think of it. To have it but not having it. Then later in life. You earn it.

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Certainly not, Saturn is not a karaka of marriage, saturn is karaka of hardships and growth in your life or in simple words rising through where you’re zero, what I understand is saturn will give you returns based on how hard you are ready to work (getting goosebumps as I am writing this), only if saturn has his eyes directly or indirectly on the specific house or the karaka of your marriage, nullifying saturn would be an option still this won’t justify until your whole chart is considered.

again, saturn won’t be considered 100% here because you also have to consider Rahu & Venus’s aspect in your foreign settlements/travel etc. etc.

(: that’s example pal. And I’m talking about general situation related to this nft… Not other things like rahu. And I do know what rahu does. And each planetary brings lot of important thing too. But this is not the main topic related to this nft.

Married is about partnership. Two people working together as it’s karmic relation. Saturn does play important aspects for this too.

Saturn is the karaka of husband. As he is represent old man. In transition between two beings. Man and woman. Saturn play big in the marriage as well.

Now you might think Jupiter is the karaka of husband. That part yes. But Saturn as well. Like I said. Marriage is all about responsibility. Taking responsibility. Taking care of duties. As you bring another flesh to this life. Which is kids. Or in general relationship. With two people. Doesn’t matter weather it’s man marry to a man.

Still my main curiosity. What this nft does?

Nullifying or blocking the entire malefic aspects of Saturn? Or bring great changes before you hit your Saturn return?

I mean if this nft brings what those changes before you hit 30. That’s amazing. I would never sell it if I have this nft. For real. Just saying. If that really does that. Either way. I’m done here. Peace


If this NFT can do that, it would be amazing, ngl, my Saturn is directly eyeing my Venus, hence, I never experienced Love in my life, wish someone could answer his, perhaps, @Desiree @Zen

I bought this nft about a day ago. I think one of the unsung benefits of it is that it helps with procrastination.

It has definitely given me a feeling of accepting change and a push to move forward through tough situations rather than avoiding them. I think this would be a great addition to anyone’s stack and props to the group members who made this public.


such a beauty of expression :)) Yes, I have noticed this push forward with the Emblem of Change, For me, it manifested as “ease” and seeing through the tasks; you could say it has “simplified” tasks for me which have dissolved my perception of them as an over quantity. Instead, it has made me look through a given task through many lenses and approaches in return.

Thank you for your expression :))

More props to @donut for she was the grande inspiration behind deciding this to become a public release :heart:


I dont have this one yet, but it definitely gave me anti Procrastination vibes when i read all about Saturn ways to push us forward and why it is so important.

Thank you as well i will get it eventually


the symbolism also extends a lot beyond its observation… Saturn not only as the current planetary arrangement but also as “history” and cosmological influence - the research for this one was very, very deep-- admittedly, it took me through personal rabbit holes myself haha… But I loved all of it :)

Saturn can be observed as the path, for Jupiter to assert his new order he had to pass and overthrow Saturn, for the passing souls to be judged, they have to be carefully and fairly judged by the underworld.

It has this soft yellow energies that truly signify a prosperous, worry-free life. I personally think this part was very illustrated by captain, this is the energies of the Golden Age.

Before this one mints, I thought that the Saturn I may meet, in his order could be more rigid and very orderly, despite clearly stating myself that the goal is to actually break-free of the malefic orderly nature but harness the full powers of it.

Turns out, it was my Anti-procrastination via being soo… laid back and chill! haha… the order comes as a natural part of the self, as if the tasks and the related perception become easier to lead and manage.

from the original document

Multiple angles of Saturn provide him in a lesser orderly fashion and in a more liberated one, if one examines the rulership of Aquarius of Saturn, one finds the humanitarian person that is often successful in making creative and impactful changes on the society and himself. Touched by the Venusian attributes as the artistic form of the transcendent liberation, and the strengthening of identity in the positive attributes of Saturn-Jupiter-sun, the goal is actually to break free of the highly ordered but malefic attributes of saturn while approaching Saturn as whole, as a journey of self-consciousness and its fears, the bringer of the Light and the passage to the other side, where fairness to self through exploration brings out the highest order of ourselves, the scythe cuts through the finally visible limitations as it journeys one into the archetype of the chain-free, the smart, intelligently powerful Devil.


Awesome extra info!!

I want/need this haha

Ill get it soon

Super very detailed maam like all NFTs youve lead!


the details lead the extra touches ;)

Thank you @Lunamoon22 :heart:

In your inspect and read scrolling through in anticipation of this NFT, you shall find all the info presented here for you on the thread :) :tophat:


I got it by trade :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Anyone have this NFT and Zealot of Positive Change NFT?

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I was just coming to the thread to note this coincidence; saturn right there sitting along the karma crucible thread!

i thought Yup! here he is doing it again!