The Emblem of Change NFT

Audio added!! :heart: :heart:


Awesome!! Can i get it pls since i got it by trade the other day. Thank you :pray:

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Yes of course! Really hype and upbeat music haha - Thank you @Captain_Nemo !

pass it on to all the other owners too! ;)


Will someone please send me the audio?
Thanks! :slight_smile:

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coming in a bouquet of roses and a silky satin wrap ;) :rose:


You’re sweet, Des! :hugs:


Can some one please send me the audio :pray:? as I got this one via trade…

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hehe :relieved: Enjoy Rose!! :heart:

Same here. where can I find it?


this is almost the first time i get the audio the official way - it’s such an easy process!

the claiming email; i found it by pure chance and then found the audio right over there waiting for me :D haha

@Captain_Nemo thank you once again!!

@Trinity Magnetized straight to your inbox :milky_way: :star2:


it should look like this after you go through the processes of claiming the NFT

(file size retracted)

through claiming email, you go through the process normally as you would mint, follow with all the steps, and the last page would be a “Transfer Successful - Get your bonus audio”

Click on it and this is the page that appears :)


I bought it on the NFT market thread. I can show a prnt screen if you want.
Anyways I don’t think it would work for you if you’re not an owner.

Can someone send it to me :pray:

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Please send me audio.:pray:

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Sending over! :)

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this one remains a new understanding for me; the forces of change transform into an alleviated path of abundance, but perform in their savvyness of life in the daily nature, cosmic forces and magnetospheres interplaying with the sun to create and preserve a complete cosmological order, while at the same time breaking free of all the chains

break the chains; become the free arcana Devil :)


This is why no coincidence i wanted this at the same time i wanted the Black Sun. I dont know how the ride from that mix is gonna be, but im ready to enjoy the destination so ill take it :muscle:

I also think having been working with the Universal Om for a while and now with the audio, the path is clearer to integrate deeper or better for lack of a more appropriate term, those 2. or at least the initial punch i would have felt with the EoC + BS without OM first would have been tough.

They have been gentle so far i just hope they are not just creating momentum to later deliver it rough lol cause they are not a joke.


There’s something naughty about this audio, and I love it! :rofl:
My top favorite, along with the original Saturn audio in the Conjunction of Spheres album!
I have Saturn in the 2nd house in Pises in my birth chart, and Saturn entered the sign Pisces again on March 7th, coincidentally I quit my job at the end of February to pursue my passion and life mission. I didn’t know about Saturn’s transit at the time.
This audio couldn’t come at a better time! :pray:


the music is something you could hear in a video game! you know just right on the final levels! lol I love it!

Saturn came through into this universe saying:

Let there be Time!!! :smiling_imp:

probably with a bunch of evil laughter echoing through the empty universe ;D

It actually strikes me a lot how different these two are - and vastly even! Saturn of the album feels more like a structure, a replicated pattern of order through which action formulates.

the Emblem feels like a very laid back, chill, upbeat saturn that has never seen a worry in his life and is just really here to chill and enjoy his time haha

Just puts a different feel to the whole NFT.

I noticed also- the music is very similar to that of Karma Crucible!

I’m very happy to hear about this. Congratulations Danny! Here’s to a new chapter and a new Saturn :clinking_glasses:

I have seen some of the tarot videos making specialized readings just for this transition. very curious, but seems like a very personalized phase to come!

You know, I have noticed that a lot of the NFTs that are known for the change they make, are actually very gentle and more lenient in their NFT version.

Like Kala Bhairava! He is just so loving and gentle in his audio and presence! Nothing like the Kala Bhairava I have known before haha


Good luck!


Yes! :four_leaf_clover:

It’s the beginning of many greater news :)