The Emblem of Change NFT

Will there be an official detailed description of what this actually does?

Donā€™t know about ā€œofficial detailed descriptionā€ but so far, Iā€™m pretty sure this NFT has instigated me basically, picking up and moving overseasā€¦ :smiley:


the Emblem of BIG changes ;)

:partying_face: :tada:


I think Iā€™m going to start religiously listening to this :joy:


Please update us with resultsā€¦

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                   Thatā€™s why weā€™re waiting (waiting)
                   Waiting on the world to change
                   We keep on waiting (waiting)
                   Waiting on the world to change

                              John Mayer

I have been waiting & wanting for change (strange even being a double fixed sign), until it finally presented to me an opportunity to engage with it. Choosing to rise above any situation I want to break free from. To harness that ambition/desire and while presented with a choice, ensuring I wonā€™t have any regrets for my future.

Seeing what needs to be let go and where it needs to begin.

The world changes when we change our perspective or take those steps to initiate it.

Just got this, taking an ascending option and fly free courtesy of Saturn :ringer_planet: Iā€™m a sucker for any astrological field (as above, so below) combining this with many other gems :gem: Truly grateful, Captain! :pray:t4: and group!

While in active pursuit, Iā€™m reminded to be kind, loving and compassionate to myself and others, and look forward to favourable outcomes soon! :white_heart:


I just saw your message when I was listening to the audio of this NFT lol. Astrologically, Saturn is in full force now to give results.


Iā€™m thinking about this one being a triple fixed (sun moon and Rising are all fixed) sign. Change comes very slowly and aggravating lol. Iā€™m also an Aquarius so Iā€™m ruled by this sun. Right now there are some big transitions in my path that sometimes feel like boulders to push in my mind. Hopefully i will have this soon!


Ruled by Saturn lol


Astrollogically, Saturn rules over faschism as much as tyranny and opression, so this one would probably be a good recommandation to anyone confronted to those things, in any shapes. šŸŖ¬ :droplet::star:

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:sparkles: The value of this sleeper might be better understood after watching this two-part video series. After watching (well, Iā€™m not exactly done - although I am halfway through part II)ā€¦anywayā€¦ After watching this, I can clearly see how this NFT pairs well with The Alchemical Brothers NFT

I just got mine. Iā€™m eager to see what will result from the pairing!! :face_with_monocle:

Together or alone, this is going to be :fire: :fire: :fire:


Saturn restrictions and family dysfunction have been present throughout my life but have intensified, Iā€™d say, over the last couple of years to where Iā€™m now at my witsā€™ end and very restless. I hope this helps in some way. It sounds like it might!


His restrictions lessen as you age.

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Wellā€¦ I know itā€™s not the best way to think, but being that Iā€™m in my 30s, it feels like I have lost and am losing a lot time running into walls, you know?

Whereā€™s your saturn placed?

Would you mind if I PMed you? I donā€™t want to take up too much space in this thread with my details and woes, lol.

Looping this one recently has given me major shifts of things I have been trying to move for a VERY long time. These were all mental, internal, and extending on the immediate physical. They brought change where I needed most and showed me how to articulate it.

It was my first time looping this NFT for a very long time (around an hour) like this - I always listen a few times and have the mandala with me.

Saturn goes off retrograde today. Time to say hi to Saturn.


Thanks for the super reminder, @Desiree! Geez 4+ months of crazy retro.
Only Jupiter left!
Hereā€™s to breakthroughs and moving forward in a positive and self-enriching manner :clinking_glasses: :ringer_planet:


Haha thatā€™s such a cute Saturn!!

Iā€™ve come to see Saturn in more new lights recently. Heā€™s truly amazing and he is so quick to be there for you. Itā€™s strange how he fast he works considering, well, thatā€™s Saturn!

But that is why. He knows what it is like to be the Sun of abundance. He knows its in and out

Didnā€™t know this one was in retro too! Whew!

Hereā€™s to all incoming breakthroughs!! :clinking_glasses:


Can someone PM me the audio? Received NFT from a trade.

Edit: Received

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