The Emotion Deleter

Note: Not a sapien medicine field.

What this does is to get rid of your negative emotions about something specific from it’s core. This will work on energetic, mental/subconscious and emotional level to cover all aspects.

Simply put, imagine your mom or dad or someone specific had caused you lots of suffering (at least from YOUR perspective) and you have trauma related to that person and his behavior which left some serious impact on you. When we experience anything negative from someone it tends to not only affect our mind and emotions but also our experience and how we see and perceive things. Foe example someone who faced childhood or relationship trauma will never see things the same as someone who didn’t experience them. In general their perception of life will be bitter and sorrowful compared to the ones that never faced anything similar and it will also affecthow they think, behave, act and take action. Cuz everything that happens in our life has a cause and effect. In spiritual terms it’s called karma. Karma refers to action. And the result it brings is called the consequences of it. (Can be both positive and negative based on the action you take). For example if you throw a glass and it breaks then you throwing the glass is karma and the breaking if the glass is the consequence. So what next? You will try to avoid the broken prices of the glass so that you don’t hurt yourself. So the consequences decides how you behave one way or another. Now you can avoid the glasses to make sure you don’t cut yourself or you can simply ignore it and end up hurting yourself. The choice is yours. And in the same way, someone’s action can have such impact on you that it can change who you are. If someone or some kind of situation hurts your emotionally it has the potential to leave a deep impact. When that happens then depending on your personality, you start behaving in a way that you maybe normally wouldn’t. For example, having too much trust issue, sadistic, shy, or narcissistic. etc. So basically you are suffering the consequences of someone else’s action. Now ofc you don’t always have to suffer since you can always let it go and let it not affect you, but that’s barely possible for most of the people. And most people have the tendency to be obsessed with negative in this 3D matrix. Now as I have given the example of the glass earlier, what if the glass was never on the floor? In that cause it wouldn’t have broken or you wouldn’t have to worry about cutting yourself. So this field does exactly that. It’s like pressing the restart button. No it will not remove memory of the negative events but will help you to transform as if those events never took place. You will still remember them as it is and retain the lessons but you’ll be at a point where they will not bother you anymore and won’t affect your reality. For example if you are suffering insecurities or trauma from someone and it made you insecure or something else, you will not behave life it anymore. How this field will achieve that is:

  1. First it will isolate all the emotions and vibration related to your trauma, negative emotions etc and then it will work on removing them and replace those energies with pure love energy of the divine. The process can be painful or energy heavy that’s why I’ve made it as subtle as possible and also added filling on unconditional love.

  2. Cut all the cords related to the person involved while making sure there’s safety measure ai that no negative situation will arrive due to removing cords.

  3. Remove the mental pattern and karmic memories related to that incident l. Yes, karma works based on memories. Our body holds many times more memory than our mind. It will remove all the karmic memories, structure and patterns from the body of cause and effect. (A part of our energy body as there are multiple layers of our energy system. It’s the part of our system that holds our karmic imprints)

  4. Removes the negative experience from your reality bubble so you can go back to as if it never happened.

But keep in mind that you should also not obsess over those things that you’re trying to letting go as it will build up the negative cords all over again and might start the same cycle of suffering. But if that happens you can always come back to the audio and use it.

How to use: For example you want to let go of all the negative emotions related to your father. So what you have to do is to ask the field to work on it. It will not only remove all the negative emotions you hold towards him but also will work on removing all the trauma he has caused you. And in order to let go of your trauma related to someone or something the first thing you need to do is to change your outlook on how you see that thing. This field will help to scribe that. Or imagine you had failed a very important exam and that affected you badly. So you can also ask the field to work on that. It can work on any kind of emotions as long as you can metion it. You can work on one topic at a time. A best way to test is to thing about something that you hate or someone that you hate. Then use it for one hour or more or as long as you want and then think about that same thing and person. You’ll notice you feel bit differently compared to what you did before using the audio. Or wait for a few days and test. This way you’ll get the first hand proof of it. And in 3-5 days results will become more obvious.

But how to know that you’ve finished working on something or someone completely? Just play the audio and try to work on that thing. If you don’t feel anything at all about it in 5-10 min or any kind of pressure or negative emotions coming up, it means it’s done. Then you can work on the next thing you wish to work on. Made using the energy and unconditional love of source as all other products. The price is slightly higher in this one as it’s my most complex public field till now. My apologies on that part.

A full silent audio with no music.

(If you are suffering from something serious then consult a psychiatrist or an expert. This is not meant to replace professional help).

You are free to buy this via Crypto (Only USDT) or PayPal directly to avoid extra charge and to get additional discount.


Also for those who bought this has access to this. Link also posted in first post


Upgrade added : Removal of physically stored trauma on cellular level.

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At least the User can immediately confirm the effects, that whether they are getting Relief from their Trauma or Not in this case.

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Yap. It’s something that you cannot miss. But only a matter of time depending on you.

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Added: Lack of confidence deleter and all the side effect that comes along with it. And now it’s also able to work on literally any type of negative emotions that you can think of and put it to full reset from your reality as if you never experienced it. So it will work on not only specific person related topic but everything else.


so i dont need to choose a specific person or emotion?

You have to. What I’m saying is that you can address any emotional issue and work on it.

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Upgraded with some improvement

Upgraded with major changes

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Here is my review of this field.

I have tried many, many things to address my mental problems, ties to the past, specific trauma, people, events. Now I can honestly say that no field, ever, has come even close to the effectiveness of this one.

I will give you several examples how exactly this worked for me and how I worked with it.

  1. I had developed about 5 years ago a really nasty pattern relating to money and business partnerships. I even completely forgot due to whose actions that pattern appeared. Back in 2014 I had the experience of inviting into a growing business a psychopath who for several years after ruined everything and backstabbed everyone. I did not even understand that my pattern after this person started including auto-suspicion, anxiety, high alertness etc. in all things business related.

Two days ago I asked the field to work on this particular person. Instructed it like this: “Please work on all emotions, emotional and behavioral patterns, mental patterns, trauma, karma, etheric cords caused or inflicted by or relating to [NAME]” and visualized that person. Then let the field work for 2 hours straight for both days.

The field almost completely dissolved the “business mistrust” pattern. Within 2 hours. And I understood how big a toll that person took from my own good living.

  1. Same related to personal relationships with women. Again, when my soul pinpointed the person the instructions were the same: “Please work on all emotions, emotional and behavioral patterns, mental patterns, trauma, karma, etheric cords caused or inflicted by or relating to [NAME]”.

This work was done yesterday only. Within 20 minutes I started feeling so much lighter it was unbelievable. It removed all shame, guilt, related trauma and importantly dissolved karma relating to the person and events. Mind you, I was not feeling negatively towards that person for a long time, but it was that exact relationship, its ending, and the remaining etheric cords that kind of been derailing things for a long, long time.

  1. The field also suggests how it can be used. Through your subconscious. This is what was suggested to me. When working with it, try using short direct commands beginning with “eliminate”. I.e. “eliminate fear”. Eliminate anxiety. Eliminate hate.

Not only that, it will work with anything emotion- and trauma-related or based (which is most if not all negative experiences’ source). ANYTHING. Try using it with words like “eliminate porn addiction”. You will be astounded by its effects.

Worked with “eliminate fear” yesterday for an hour. Effect is unbelievable. Woke up like it’s 2014 lol

  1. When working with this, try remembering seemingly irrelevant people who may have influenced you and using this command: “Please work on all emotions, emotional and behavioral patterns, mental patterns, trauma, karma, etheric cords caused or inflicted by or relating to [NAME]”. If you do not know / remember the person’s name, try visualizing the place or event involving that person and saying it. “Person there and then doing that”. You will in fact be astonished how much shit from people who quite possibly smile in your face still or used to in order to trick you will be removed.

  2. While we are waiting for Sapien’s field for dealing with negative attachments I suggest you guys use this in order to remove toxics and their “after-effects” from your lives. You guys being:

@Abcd @zea @Andromeda @batukhan @RobbyHa @brian95240

I do remember our conversations in Bodyguard of Success thread (time to revisit that also, just a reminder for myself) on love addictions, eth cords with nasties etc. so this definitely will assist you.

Thank you @Equilibrium for this amazing work !


I already told you in a PM but I’ve always trusted your insights on things.
When you say a creator or a field is good, I always take mental note of it.
My guides are like “pay attention to what he says” :joy:

I got this one based on things you had mentioned on shadow worker and not to be dramatic, but traumas that I’ve done exposure therapy to every day of my life for the past 10 years (to no avail)
tapping sessions, medications, cbd, you name it…. I gave those traumas to this field and they disappeared in minutes. I can think of xyz scenario now and there’s no emotional charge.
These traumas, pains, thoughtforms, etc had slowly been getting better, but this nipped them in the butt.

Thank you again for openly sharing your experiences. Just by sharing and not gatekeeping you changed my life.

This comment is my gift of being just as openly transparent and I hope it blesses someone.

And @Equilibrium, you are a beautiful soul -Thank you for sharing these gifts. This is a very special field. It’s hard to call it that though, based on the experience I had with it. Words don’t do many things justice, so I’ll just leave it be.

Blessings to all


Recived an upgrade now is more improved. Now I’d say it matches my standard. Previously was meh in comparison to what it is right now. Also changed the energy output system.

Added command “active emotional deleter” this will allow to use the audio without using or playing the audio. By default will run for 15 min unless you specifically mentioned the duration. This function works only for those who bought it as usual and there’s no testing option in this one for good reason.

Also now if it starts working on something it will get rid of it even if you’re not using the field so it will work until it’s fully processed. Now it also targeted all connected and interconnected emotions so the process may be slightly intense for some but highly rewarding.

Like I mentioned I’ll make all audios in a way where playing the audio will no longer be needed.


YES! Exactly!

Aw. I’m literaly speechless. All the best to you!

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Holy cow will test soon!

As it should. What field is a field if it can’t work at least at that place lol (if it’s working on energetic and emotional level but physical is different story as there are certain rules in reality which doesn’t apply to the energtic ones) . People doesn’t have their whole life or whole days just to spend time on fields after all and I’m always mindful of that. When I say “my standard” that’s what I’m referring to in general and if something works it’s still isn’t good enough unless it’s unable to work in a certain way. Hopefully I can take it to the point where it will be able to remove lifetimes of trauma in one go so this audio will become useless for those who bought it afterwards as there won’t be any need for it anymore so they can regret later why they even bought it wasting their money.

Might sound unrealistic expectation to some but believe me it’s still within the scope of possibly of what reality allows and is not unrealistic. This is also why I keep adding improvement in everything all the time instead of just letting it be as it is.


Thank you, @StarLord!

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Upgrade: Now it works both on emotional and mental trauma(yes that’s right they might sound same but there’s difference). So I guess it’s not even appropriate to call it “Emotional Deleter” anymore. Also removes all the side effects that comes from it in your mind and consciousness as if it has never happened. It’s like not only deleting files from your computer but also emptying the recycle bin and deleting all it’s remaining chech date from temp folder at C drive. (If anyone’s more or less knowledgeable about computer they will get the reference). It also identifies the light, vibration and feeling of that specific emotions to deal with them and the effects created by them in all levels and all bodies and your whole reality which is held by the mind.


WOW. So, what should the proper instructions be now?

Just as usual

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