Reward Catalyst - Omnipotence Of Emotions

Only accessable to those who has bought shadow worker 2.0

Or emotional deleter (either one of these)

Otherwise you don’t have access to this. (What I mean is that won’t work for you otherwise).

An audio that transmutes your lowest emotions to highest. At first it will identity your highest possible emotional spectrum, then it will start an alchemical process to transmute all other type of emotions to match the highest emotional bandwidth. So the higher your Consciousness and spiritual development is the better you’ll feel. Also be careful as it will Target all types of emotions and will only stop when the process is done even if you don’t use the audio after a few loop. Only do this if you agree to this term.

Then it targets your lowest vibrational frequency to the highest you have access to so it will also rise your vibration. It’s an easy shortcut to maintain your highest possible level of vibration and emotion instead of doing hours of audio playing and other stuff. It automates and cuts all of that toeuble for you. It’s a process that even least energy sensitive or normal people won’t miss if you pay slightest attention while using it. It’s something that will increase more in benifit the higher you go in your spiritual journey so it pretty much has infinite potential on that regard as there’s no limit.

One of the best or most benifical public field from me till date or most likely ever will be. Enjoy.


A free to use version of this (lesser version)


Very nice of you. Thank you

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Also to clarify you only need one of these audios. Whenever I mention multiple fields in reward catalyst it means you just need to own one of these. Also if any of you end up buying all of them in future by accident thinking it’s a requirement do let me know. (But doesn’t matter if you do it willingly ofc).

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Working with the shadow 2.0 now. It’s a nice one. I do wish it wasn’t a silent track but it is only a suggestion from me.


It mainly comes down to preference. Some people also tells me to upload silent ones. I think I’ll just add both silent and non silent versions one by one among paid audios. But then again it doesn’t matter in the end cuz after I’m done with my Consciousness integration process I’ll just upgrade the audios in a manner that you’ll be able to access the energy of all fields by just intent without using the audios directly. It will allow you to directly connect with the audios without playing them at any device. Cuz I feel like using audios is kinda bothersome at this point and old school imo. (In fact that’s how I use my own fields for almost a year which I’ve made for my personal use). And I don’t mean any link folder, servitor on anything but rather directly without any medium. So silent or non silent would have no value at that point. (This will apply to every single premium or non premium audio and mandala).


That one is fabulous. You can instruct it to work on any type of trauma or person who inflicted trauma on you. Until I tried the latter option I never even fully understood the magnitude of negative shite done by certain people in my life to me.


Okay people, this is POWERFUL and groundbreaking. In two loops legs started shaking because all emotions stuck in legs were released. Whoa, I am going to ride this one out today but it feels like it dissolves and transmutes everything your bodies may have stored so far, wow

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Okay @Equilibrium now I need answers lol :slight_smile:

Am I right to assume this works on ALL emotions congested / stored in body as of birth? Maybe even prenatal? Got a feeling this could be but please confirm.

This field is MASSIVE and my guess should be used both before Emotion Deleter (will soon write a review on that and it kicks ass) or SW 2.0 and immediately thereafter as post-cleaner.

Also tested it after 7 Sins, greatly enhances its effects (again, post-cleaner).

Fabulous job @Equilibrium !


This works in all bodies yes. But I’m still not fully satisfied with the result it produces (works fast but to match my standard it has to be better than this so I’ll have to upgrade this and it’s lesser version to make it better). And yes it works on all type of emotions. Also this and all other emotional based fields are nowhere near their complete form or what they can become or how good they can possibly be. I don’t mean they are incomplete creation and even if I never upgrade again it doesn’t matter but it’s just that there’s limitless room for improvement and the outcome they can produce.

Edit: Upgrade added. Should work even better now.


Fantastic! Thank you so much! If this will be enhanced further it will be awesome man!

Also please tell when do you plan to upgrade Masculine Attraction? It’s the premium counterpart of Ideal Male, correct?

That one already has its 2.0 version which I’m not selling at this moment. Also my comment was specifically for emotional based fields not for the physical ones.

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Okay got it, thank you!

I think the only field missing from your arsenal so far is soul retrieval + past cord cutting one. That would be something, I am sure. Emotion Deleter does the trick but a generalized “bye bye past life” field would be great.

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There’s already one called soul rejuvenation it works on soul. Also there’s no such thing as soul retrieval or whatever people say it as if like soul can be damaged or be shattered lol. It it was the case then your soul would literally lose its function and you won’t be functional as you are now most probably. Soul or Atman or whatever people call it is already perfection and it’s ones personal fragment of god/paramatman/brahaman or whatever people call it a d is based on the likeliness of that or more like a complete fragment of god. Hence why it’s said we are like god or made based on the likeliness of it. The only thing that can happen is that your ignorance and choices can disconnect you more form it and create layers or ignorance or distortion and not the loss of it. There any many who would say this is true but at the same time those many has no idea what soul is or what even feels like all they speak about is things they read on books and internet without having the direct experience of soul and spirit (which is sourced from the soul and wants to become like it and soul wishes to experience it’s source/god) Otherwise there would be no doubt or questions among people regarding this as you don’t have question if you’re a male or female cuz you can literally see it with your own eyes what your body is. Truth is completely different than what people expect it to be anyway. Also as someone who has full awareness of soul and it’s function (via direct experience and integration and not just my rigid idea of it) I can assure you it’s noneses. Once one does that he will know what’s true or what’s not.


Also before someone misunderstands what I mean by this is that there’s practically no limit for how much fields can be improved. I’ll keep upgrading them till I find that there’s no further room for improvement than this. As I go up in consciousness level overtime and get better there’s always newer abilities and stuff I have access to this is also used to upgrade what I create overtime. Even now the fields are fine as they are and they already get better by itself overtime even if I don’t add anything ever again via user experience and collection of data and other used methods for auto improvement but I still do add extra stuff. So as I improve overtime so does everything that I create.


Excuse my confusion. I listened to these three times. Does it mean it will start working until it finishes its job which is to transmutes my lowest emotions to highest?

Does this mean I don’t need to listen to it again again tomorrow or the next few days until I feel I need it or I do some energy/emotion/shadow work which will bring up such emotions?

Or do I listen to it couple of times every day?

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Never said that. Use it whenever you feel like it again. I said it will keep working until the process is done after use.

After use that means use over several days? What I understood is that when you listen to it it starts and never ends until it accomplishes its goal. Sorry maybe I need to clear what I understood and re-read everything with an empty mind.

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You should probably read it again when your mind is clearer

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