The Endocriner NFT

I just bought this on sale at Gumroad and I am SO SO Glad I did!!! I almost forgot that I bookmarked it a while back.

This morning I received a written analysis of a hair mineral analysis I sent to a lab last month. I learned that I am incredibly low in calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium! (and low in almost everything else!) I eat a mostly clean diet, so I must have an issue with nutrient absorption, which I am grateful that this audio has. The written analysis revealed something that surprised me… my ratios imply Hypothyroidism! Also, adrenal exhaustion! Also, I am a FAST metabolizer! (which is bad).

I just finished listening 3x and wish I could keep going, but since it was my first time I wanted to be careful. It felt SO GOOD! Not that I noticed immediate benefits, but because the sensations were tickling my insides especially my head which was like a nice gentle tickle massage inside my head. :)

Looking forward to getting my health back!


Oh yes!! This is definitely one of my favorite fields! I got results really fast and it’s life changing! Less stress and better self confidence!


Can i experience hair loss in the beginning since my body is detoxing? Im using endocriner, plasma flaunt, negentropic pulser, the gastrointestinal specialist…
Also in using muscle building fields…
Like hardcore, auromated cycling, arms shredder, chest and back, leg shredder, the quick and easy muscle cheat, twitch in time…
Thanks buddy

Not because of detox I suppose. You might be too sensitive to androgens and endocrine kind of stimulates all glands and might affected the scalp for a while. It will stabilize after some time when our bodies get used to it.
As u r already sensitive, Id suggest
Limit your endocrine to 1-2 loops and u should be all good.
All other playlist looks good, wouldn’t create any hair loss.


Thanks, and also plasma flaunt in the long run can promote hair regrowth? Also i read that the endocriner and negentropic pulser too…

There’s the new blueprint of hair that should be (potentially) coming out soon


Godsend! Thanks Shivy! It will be on gumroad or patreon?

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Well also keep in mind that i change my diet from kinda SAD to paleo to ketovore with some fruits.
Maybe my body is adjusting. But my hair is kinda dry and greasy.

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NFT my man @Fachocuantico12


Wow! Whats the difference between nft’s and fields?
That nft will be brutal!!! I saw the description!!
Also wich audio will be good for a,traumatic brain injury and muscle rigidity i had kinda dystonia and I had problems to open my right hand!

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I think for that the nerve damage field and the new brain regeneration field can assist a lot with that

Both of those should be good, perhaps also that paralysis field on Patreon

Feel better dude

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Whatever diet u follow , a balanced one is always recommended.

Members reported some good results of hair regrowth with it. And there is prp treatment from patreon premium subscription.
Restricting hair loss is easy with the fields, but regrowth is something time taking process.
Endocriner helps to rejuvenate overall body, and in the process hair regrowth to a certain extent is possible. For few androgen sensitivity is high and could have hair loss with endocriner. 1-2 loops is fine for a month or two, slowly u can increase to 3-4 loops. This way the body adapts to new hormonal changes.

Don’t forget the Liver related fields from patreon. It’s a must in every hair stack.


Thanks! So you said only listen twice a month?

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Listen twice a day for a month to get used to it and then 3-4 loops a day after that.

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Lucky friend I have another question im using workout fields, like hardcore, leg shredder arm shredder chest and back, twitch in time, quick cheat muscle, induce follistatine, soles workout, can this audios cause side effects like hair loss?
Thanks :call_me_hand:t2:

Absolutely no effect on hair loss. if u r really using it u know it by now.
Do u experience hair loss because of this stack ?

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The thing is that I’m using various stacks…
Plasma flaunt, negentropic pulser, gastrointestinal specialist, the circulatory engineer, pancreas reloaded, liver hard-core, endocriner
And another stack for transmute energy because I’m doing semen retention, jing infusión, jing environmental saturation, chi infusion, chi environmental, shen energy, micro cosmic orbit and five elements…

And also hair loss stack, platelet rich, hair loss 2.0, shiny and revitalize and hair color revive…

Also subconscious limit 3.0

And also wich is the time frame to see physical results, like muscle building or hair regrowth or endocrine glands work better etc.
Thanks :pray::handshake:🏻

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Lucky does the androstenol field from patreon works the same as the og version?

?? What

Got it 5 days ago, after suspecting developing diabetes symptoms, endocrines fragility and some metabolism issues…

  • Better sweat regulation and natural body odor.
  • After years of battling, dermatitis is finally showing signs of definitive defeat.
  • Scars that weren’t healing for months healed all of a sudden.
  • Skin has a more natural color, looks more healthy.
  • My metabolism/insulin resistance seemed to be weird, no matter how much I ate it was impossible to gain weight, only losing weight was possible and there was no satiety at all. I said in Poseidon's thread I have 2 more kilos now, it began to get better only after working with this NFT.
  • Temperature seems more stable through all the body, hands and feets are not cold anymore.
  • Digestion is way better, when I ate or drank it made me go to toilet very fast as if my body was rejecting food and water instantly, not absorbing nutrients properly.

It’s the last things I had never worked on and apparently it was a good call since other fields work even better now themselves.

Thanks a lot for this NFT, it’s frightening just to think about it.