The Enigma of the Black Martian Jing

If you own this but don’t see much from it buy soul core restoration…

I have had this for a long time and hardly felt much energy from and would literally loop it on two devices over night an still nothing crazy…

Since getting soul core restoration (also got neg 3 treasures) playing this field 1x is massive!

Yesterday for the first time since getting soul core I felt like I was falling asleep in class I was shocked that I was feeling tired been so long(considering the other week I had to get up at 3.30 3x in one week and hardly felt any tiredness :flushed: this was the first week of soul core) so I put black Martian on within a few seconds felt back alive and then a few minutes I was FILLED with energy and ready to tackle the lesson again!


It’s like the universe is giving me an answer to my vent :joy:


Everything is connected :smirk:


Here is Meta’s AI images for ya.


What do you find more powerful in terms of jing, this one or the pre natal jing? I don’t know which one to get, I want the strongest raw jing energy is this it? Also heard there was godlike jing. Also what is your experience with the essence of life, do you think that covers all the jing you need?


If you are referring to Negentropic jing then I would go with that + soul core then get this one later down the line if you still want. This is more for an instant kick in energy before like sport then Negentropic jing does have a massive energy boost as well but also works on long term energy reserves so probably best depending on your exact goals

Negentropic three are still very worth while getting if you get essence of life but the expansion of capacity is absolutely amazing and I can spam other internal alchemy fields for so long now did an hour of the Tejas field this morning and still can do loads more I feel like it’s a very helpful tool to have also provides a good energy boost and is very balanced. More a every day tool same with enigma then Negentropic 3 can be used every few days or even once a week depending on your goals etc…

Personally internal alchemy fields are my favourite and I have them playing loads through the day.

Anymore questions feel free to PM me :slightly_smiling_face:


Between Negentropic and Martian Jing, which do you think would be better to prefer?
Also keep in mind that I listen to a lot of Manly Man.




This has become my truth recently


Not to go off topic here, but I don’t imagine playing jing without listening to soul core first :smiley:


Or you can get you energetic being that cover 3 soul core + meridians,cord cutter,aura and energy body repair + jing ,chi and shen

The get negentropic tree treasure and we are completed if any of ypu dont have the money to buy those them use Aruturian balance energy centers ,three treasure,jing yang jing thay covers all jing type ,jing streamingnto kidny ,i use those until i got all the money to buy negentropic 3 treasure those three worth the money ,negentropic jing = 1 hour of ying yang ying and ying streaming to kidneys all the process in 13 50 min
I also use this one for instant boost of energy🔥


Very good field and fast turnaround! If you want a second round without waiting too long, it’s worth every penny! :rocket: :muscle:t5:


so does this have pre-natal jing healing in it also?
i’ve seen it mentioned here but wanted another affirmation thanks!
because i think that alone is amazing.

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The consensus is no, it doesn’t replenish pre natal Jing. But negentropic Jing does