The Essence Of Their Life

Same. I’m going to lay out on my golf course looping this!


Also…I feel extraordinarily different after playing it for an hour. Completely filled with a strong sense of hope, joy and enthusiasm. Loving it so far.


You know… i think the 1st thing i ever heard anything in regards of space races was about Pleiades… yearssss ago.

And ever since, ive seen it all over the place on the internet and in real life, like hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, trying to connect to them, to learn from them, and in between that, many so called “messengers” bringing hope to the masses, go figure how many of those are fake… but they keep popping up because thats what a lot of people are craving.

When Youtube was fairly new, i think half of the uploads and channels were about them i swear haha.

Im almost sure there was this “Pleiades on Earth Generation” that claim to be one, all of a sudden everybody was somehow connected to them or have traits of them :roll_eyes: maybe… im not any one to judge, it just seemed like a fashion thing going on.

My point is…

All of that people have tried for years, right here brought to those who may resonate or open to explore “New Perspectives” (i love how another hint at -we all need that audio- was dropped in here again :smirk: ) in just few minutes. Direct connection. Approved connection. Learning straight up from their own system, the one within them, cant get clearer than that.

I just finished talking to a German lady whom i studied Sacred Geometry with back in 2017, she claims 100% to be Pleiadian (to be fair she does look very very unusual and her eyes are simply 2 stars) i told her about this, i had mentioned Sapiens work before, but never pushed, this time i was all excited but she said, she is ok, with the connection she has and will explore on her own no matter how long it takes… :woman_shrugging:t2:


We are really really lucky to have crossed paths with this creator and everybody here, and we should congratulate ourselves for allowing us to explore and walk this path!!!

We will reach far :facepunch:


I’m laying on my golf course meditating to this on loop with eyes open looking at the stars. This field is bringing tears to my eyes and my heart chakra is expanding. What profound depth these beings have. If only this humanity had the same, maybe we could save ourselves.


Exactly :100:

Seeing how much resistance there is to Dream’s work, even among spiritually in-tuned people, we can definitely feel blessed that we were persistent enough to give it a real try.

Now each one of us are gaining years, decades, perhaps lifetimes of practice and struggle - whether we go for free or paid fields.

With the drawback of relying too much on it for some of us (:raising_hand_man:), but… this is part of our learning process.



After unexpected frustrations regarding a business project I’ve committed a significant amount of my time & energy, I was strongly led to purchase this gem.

This feels like an applied version of the Wisdom of the Dying.

I love the latter and been using it often as an alternative of ego dissolution, as this always brings me into a new state of mind after a few loops.

I have realized those last months that I worked so much on spiritual matters that I had grown a very unhealthy mind/ego, being supposedly love & wisdom on the outside but deep inside I just want to be out of that reality.

This has been particularly profound whenever I’ve been trying to tune into a 1-5 year vision.

Along with the Light’s assistance, this field brought a new appreciated perspective. Really love it.

It made me embrace that shadow of mine, along with bringing fresh ideas and a knowing that this is possible to manifest it here in this reality.

Thanks Cap, this has been a pleasant surprise :pray:


Literally going through the same thing as you right now.

I quit my labor job. Been figuring what business to create or work on but I’m lost into so much ideas.

Might buy


Congrats if you’ve been called to it :partying_face:

That’s a luxury for most man, gotta sit down with it, share your ideas (with the right people) and kick-off some stuff :grin:

To complete my review above, I wouldn’t say it gave me business ideas but it brought to the surface some of my deep desires, along with inspirations, so I can align with those.

What I truly want from this life, such as:

  • Love & belonging through meaningful relationship and through co-creating intelligent & love-based communities/networks.
  • Living in simplicity & abundance, and bringing that to the whole.
  • Having fun and working with the larger consciousness system.

Feel free to pitch your ideas by DM :stuck_out_tongue:


What a creation of inspirational beauty!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Last night, I fell asleep to the Pleiadians meditation… and it was one of those meditations where you welcome your long-missed friends, see what they are doing, rest your eyes and know they will be taking good care of you in your sleep.

And so that night, I really felt a longing to them… specially when I looked at an image that @Premintarsia had sent in the pms of what seemed to be a very familiar place up there. :))))

While I usually have varying feelings with each of our galactic meditations :)) I’m always looking forward with a deep sense of knowing for Arcturians, Sirians are the ones who always got my back. And Esassani feel like they know me, deeply, and strangely.

But with Pleiadians, it’s always something different… guess it’s also the nature, but then for this time…it was striking different…

So I made it known, I wanna get this field… I can’t wait until–and I heard a very welcoming impression, of how we can’t wait until you experience us :))

And next day, here I am :smiley:

I haven’t really been in my best states today, and I also had a lot to take care of, mentally at least… and the environment around hasn’t been the most…affectionate. or welcoming…or anything really :smiley:

And then I put this field on! The tingless… I miss the tingles from each new release :))… What a beauty… I felt my head being tilted…lifted… changed!! My eyes seemed to have something different in them. :star_struck: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :sparkles:

And then somewhere in the PMs I have been here just jovial, chatty, wanting to be very attentive to details (I usually am, very, and that’s how I end up not wanting to be) but I was really comfortable doing it all…

And here around, all the environment stuff… just didn’t matter anymore :)) Not that they don’t matter, but because of the way I acted differently, away from their existence…and just in my happier and not so calculating of things presence :)))

And just spending some goofy time with my dad lol.

But… This is precious… Really precious… Illuminating in Life, one of so many good things :)))
and that’s just that with the first hour of listening. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @Captain_Nemo as always, of course.


I bought this absolute Treasure this morning. I am simply Beyond Words to describe my feelings.
I am Grateful for our Captain Dreamweaver and the Dreamteam! I am also
extremely Grateful to be alive at this exciting time, and to be slowly waking up!