The Eternal

I think its fine Zuzu





It sets the cellular age to around 20. So does this mean hormone (testosterone, DHT etc) will also function like a 20 year old person?


…and is it also valid for biological processes function for collagen, glutathione, melatonin etc. of a 20 year old person?

I dunno… I decided to spring for The Eternal because eternity interested me and I had missed out on it years ago.

My guess is that the cellular age thing might be related to the technique that was mentioned where Dream was able to influence a cell during the point in time where it divides (and, thus, get an “younger” snapshot of the cell’s DNA to show up in the new cell).

The other things might follow after a decent number of cells are formed with a younger gene/cell snapshot. My guess is that those sorts of things might show up over time (possibly) with the blueprint field helping to coordinate the “youth-recapture”-ed cells.

I think the speed and extent of it would probably all depend on your own reservoir of basic life force energy.

But I dunno, the description was rather sparse. It’d be interesting to hear about the different layers that went into this thing


Yep all of the above.

I am not actively trying to push any sale and rather keep it sparse.

cause honestly I am not sure really what to write.
and what people can mentally or logically accept.
and a lot of things… I cannot really explain.

It is also tailored for those who understand or may grasp at what is woven here.

But i am not trying to sell it.
If you want it, buy it.

If you need to be convinced, don’t buy it.
There are definitely lots of videos on the channel itself to help with life extension and freely available.
With detailed information.

Its expensive, and nobody needs to buy it to have a regular life.


Will this field help to reverse any disease?




Well, guys… just reading the description:

With this only, we know the field is completely cheated…

And Captain has been leveling up like CRAZY.

Then we’ve got Cambrian’s no BS review above :upside_down_face:

On my end after two days wearing it 24/7, besides the healing and sleeping more than usual, what I appreciate the most is actually the subconscious integration.
The knowing at a deeper level that we are all eternal beings with infinite potential.

Would highly recommend to save up for that one


I guess most of us aren’t here to have a regular life though, aren’t we?



how did you print in a dog tag in such a short period of time?

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Basic printer then I wrap it in a layer of scotch.
The one you use to fix boxes.

Then right in the pocket.


No. Solana on Phantom.


Sapien if I get this. Can I ask it to work on my parents or family?


So, that means you can print it on a regular sheet of paper with color ink on your own and it works OK??
I don’t have to have pendant top or other printed items with this image, I don’t mind giving a big hug to my own printed sheet of paper (LOL) and take it with me wherever I go out if paper form of printing still works the same
I’m new here and this type of item is new to me, I’m learning how to use …



No, you don’t have to have pendants like the ones shown in the other thread. Those pendants are for the safekeeping of the printed field. Your piece of paper, no matter how sturdy a paper you use, will likely fall apart well before a pendant or a locket holding your paper would.

Sure, you could print another copy of your print but you will have lost all the growth of your previous field (because these fields grow in strength after you print them). But printing a new copy is better than nothing at all.


Interesting concept, WB. I hadn’t thought of that.

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Oh, OK. I didn’t know the field works that way
Thank you so much for your input.

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No problem.

Here’s an example of what another forum friend did with his, just a few posts above your own:


has it been confirmed that printing it out makes the field grow stronger?

I asked captain and he said they still grow even if they are not printed out

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