The Eternal

Same like left eye or right eye … Tough question man
Ask ur intuition


I would say they’re both utterly epic and indispensable. Plasma Flaunt is more geared towards general healing and Eternal more towards longevity. But tbh, they both have so many subfields that affect so many things, it’s stunning… (For example the mood brightening in The Eternal).

Get both
You won’t regret it




I am carrying this mandala in my phone cover and I have forgotten about this field practically. The mandala is visible from my transparent cover but I don’t really look at it consciously. Has this field still been working for me all these months?

Ideally yes if you ask me. But why are you skeptic about that ?


You can see this very detailed


hello, when you buy the eternal, in which wallet does the NFT go? I do NOT want to be SOLANA because I lost the recovery phrases

1 Like

You can at all time create any number of new wallets.
The Eternal is on the Solana blockchain.
I suggest you write down in a notebook the recovery phrase. (I have many in my notebook)


I HAVE ALL MY NFT ON VENLY :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

1 Like

Venly utilizes the polygon blockchain.
The phantom wallet recently became multi-chain, so you can send your Venly NFTs to phantom, if you so wish.
I have personally tried it and it works


are there any copies available for sale??? I tried and they returned my money back


TheSapienShop should still have 4000+ copies.

Perhaps check your debit card limits, or check this thread:



That’s True :skull::star2:

1 Like


What does Telomere Testing measure?

Telomeres are sections of genetic material at the end of each chromosome whose primary function is to prevent chromosomal “fraying” when a cell replicates. As a cell ages, its telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become too short to allow cell replication, the cell stops dividing and will ultimately die—a normal biological process. SpectraCell’s Telomere Test can determine the length of a patient’s telomeres in relation to the patient’s age.

How are the results reported?

The Patient Telomere Score is calculated based on the patient’s average telomere length in peripheral whole blood cells. This average is then compared to telomere lengths from a population sample in the same age range as the patient to determine the patient’s percentile score.

What do the results mean to the patient and the doctor?

Cellular attrition by analyzing the rate at which changes in average Telomere length occur over time. Cells are being lost and replaced. (Cellular attrition)

What are the nutritional implications on telomere length and repair?

An inflammatory diet, or one that increases oxidative stress, will shorten telomeres faster. This includes refined carbohydrates, fast foods, processed foods, sodas, artificial sweeteners, trans fats and saturated fats. A diet with a large amount and variety of antioxidants that improves oxidative defense and reduces oxidative stress will slow telomere shortening. Consumption of 10 servings of fresh and relatively uncooked fruits and vegetables, mixed fiber, monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, cold water fish, and high quality vegetable proteins will help preserve telomere length. In addition, it is advised to reduce total daily caloric intake and implement an exercise program. Fasting for 12 hours each night at least 4 days per week is recommended.

What lifestyle modifications are likely to be helpful?

One should achieve ideal body weight and body composition with low body fat (less than 22 % for women and less than 16 % for men). Decreasing visceral fat is very important. Regular aerobic and resistance exercise for at least one hour per day, sleeping for at least 8 hours per night, stress reduction, discontinuation of all tobacco products are strongly recommended. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may decrease the rate of telomere loss.

When should retesting be considered?

Testing should be done once per year to evaluate the rate and direction of telomere changes and make adjustments in nutrition, nutritional supplements, weight management, exercise and other lifestyle modifications known to influence telomere length.

What role will nutritional supplements play in slowing telomere shortening?

Oxidative stress may shorten telomere length and cause aging in cellular tissue. Antioxidant supplements can potentially reduce oxidative stress very effectively, which will ultimately improve oxidative defenses, mitochondrial function, reduce inflammation and slow vascular aging. Targeted supplementation is key, as antioxidants work synergistically and must be balanced to work most effectively and avoid inducing a pro-oxidant effect. Increasing antioxidant capacity at the cellular level is critical to maintaining telomere length.

Recent evidence suggests that a high quality and balanced multivitamin will also help maintain telomere length. Specifically, studies have linked longer telomeres with levels of vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and the antioxidant resveratrol. In addition, homocysteine levels have been inversely associated with telomere length, suggesting that reducing homocysteine levels via folate and vitamin B supplementation may decrease the rate of telomere loss. Similarly, conditions such as cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis and even dementia affect telomere length. Correcting subclinical nutritional deficiencies that may contribute to such diseases is crucial for telomere maintenance.

What pharmacologic treatments are known to slow telomere loss?

  • Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI)
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)
  • Renin Inhibitors
  • Statins
  • Possibly Calcium channel blockers
  • Possibly Serum aldosterone receptor antagonists
  • Possibly metformin
  • Aspirin
  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Control all known coronary heart disease risk factors to optimal levels

  • Reduce LDL cholesterol to about 70mg %, decrease
  • LDL particle number and increase LDL particle size.
  • Reduce oxidized LDL.
  • Increase HDL to over 40mg % in men and over 50mg % in women and increase HDL 2 subfraction. Reduce inflammatory HDL and increase protective HDL.
  • Reduce fasting blood glucose to less than 90mg % and 2 hour post prandial or 2 hour GTT to less than 110mg %. Keep Hemoglobin A1C to about 5.0% and keep insulin levels low.
  • Reduce blood pressure to about 120/80mm Hg
  • Reduce homocysteine to less than 8um/L
  • Reduce HS-CRP to less than 1.0
  • Maintain ideal body weight and composition.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Treat insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Overall recommendations to maintain telomere length

Some clinicians have recommended reducing all known coronary risk factors, inflammation, oxidative stress, ADMA levels and angiotensin II levels or its action. At the same time, therapy should increase nitric oxide levels and nitric oxide bioavailability, increase arginine, increase endothelial progenitor cells, improve mitochondrial function and increase oxidative defenses. In addition, one should optimize hormone levels, exercise, sleep, nutrition and nutritional supplements. Fasting and caloric restriction should be part of the regimen as well.


Telomeres are sections of genetic material at the end of each chromosome whose primary function is to prevent chromosomal “fraying” when a cell replicates. As a cell ages, its telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become too short to allow cell replication, the cell stops dividing and will ultimately die—a normal biological process. SpectraCell’s Telomere Test can determine the length of a patient’s telomeres in relation to the patient’s age.


Adding all the fields that rejuvenate telomere lengths really helps in the long run to de-age and stay young. This is the precursor to any anti aging program! There is a whole lot of connection with telomere lengths and how they extend to other physiological processes.

Recommended Fields

Telomere regeneration from Gumroad
The Eternal NFT
the Exalted States NFt
The Plasma protocol
The Plasma flaunt
Endocrine Rejuvenation (2x alternative days)
Sirt 3 and Sirt 6 activation
Hyperbaric Compressor
The Plasma brain of youth
nitric oxide
All Anti-Oxidant fields for each Organ
cellular rejuvenation
Add Detox Fields to Amplify the process like Detoxed plasmatron, Liver and gallbladder detox etc.
Tonic 31 + The plasma charged mitochondria + Mitochondrial protector blend

I heard there is a diagnostic test to check telomere lengths that tells ones biological cellular age.
I’m thinking 1 month of this stack for anyone aged 40+ can easily bring one to 10 years less than what they are. I’m seriously believing in it :)


Listen to Sapien Medicine :yum:


I really like these anti-aging products :100::wink:


That Telomere Regeneration field is unavailable and has been for a while, it looks very interesting.


Can this regrow a whole eyeball ?

There is no such medical technology to achieve this in the present, so the answer is no for now. But who knows the future for sure?