The Eternal

You may go over the ‘Announcements’ category, here it is usually announced and u can see that usually during Easter, there was a sale.

And also a few threads on top may sometimes be a good idea as well.

When u will want it, you may consider checking out the market thread, here with search, you will usually find it.

Yeh, it’s great. Maybe try to have a few meditations with it first, then just keep consistent and pretty sure results will arrive, as u may have been guided to it as well.


I thought it did.

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Yeah, I understand it can seem confusing, but mixing fields are usually like that. Even Sammy once recommended me getting BoL despite having Eternal.


It is left to individual’s choice but it doesn’t hurt to have both. I have both because I bought BoL first as it is not pricey like Eternal but after I got Eternal I stopped using BoL.

And yes BoL is noticeable.

Auto Immune Reversal from Legendary Album isn’t working for you?


It’s not working well
It’s a skin condition I’ve used the autoimmune reversal and the atopic to non atopic dermatitis also the psoriasis field
Even looped them when I sleep
My health problems don’t stop there so I wanted to try something stronger

These fields mentioned above by me in this post helped a little bit didn’t cure it and I don’t want to take medications anymore

Hope for the best.
I know I can do it


Ok good luck, may you get your conditions cured by BoL + Eternal + PF.

Along with PF, try this stack. If you are on Patreon you could get all of them, some must be still on YT.


Thank you so much!
Yes I’m on Patreon :slight_smile:
I’ll use it in that order
BOL + Eternal + PF
I did feel BOL should be before everything else but I was not sure now that you mentioned it, it can really help


No problem, sure but see how your body responds, PF is very strong.

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I’ve just played it again (PF)

Yesterday I didn’t feel anything

This time looped it like 10 times till I’ve felt tired and went to rest lol
At least something happened in telling you I could play it forever yesterday like nothing at all


Oh god detox is probably hitting me hard I carry the Eternal NFT for 4 hours+ 2 hours ago played the Eternal 5 times and the Plasma Fluent 10 times (don’t try at home lol)
My whole body is in like pain
I feel my heart pulses in my hands and feet

Unless I’m sick which I don’t think is the case
It’s a very good sign because I usually don’t have a very good circulation.
I’m lying in bed for 2 hours already like a truck hit me omg… Again a good sign something is moving I’m excited!

Let’s see what the future holds
I don’t want to spam the forum so I’ll update in the future


Maybe you solved the problem, but what helped me when i had a pinched nerve in my shoulder-neck, was the Cosmic Intercession nft. I just asked, if it was possible, to be helped, then i went to sleep and woke up without the pain! Although the pain was great before. So i just thanked to whoever may have helped me.
If you don’t have the Cosmic Intercession nft, then maybe other alien fields of Dream from youtube may be of help.



Bought it yesterday and i’m looking forward for it :smiley:
I’ve got the email to claim it but getting a “server error” while trying to claim it. Never happened to me but asked for help here on the forum, got it :pray:, and got to know that it has happened to others and after some time the claim was possible; I’ll keep on trying.

Meanwhile, i think that it might be legit for me to use it and listen to the audio, since i’ve bought it, just still haven’t the token in my wallet (that’s a big issue, i’d say…).
I’m not fully sure because i’ve seen messages on the forum of people having results without ever claiming their NFTs and on the other hand, it is said that we can use the NFT images only if we have the token on our wallet
If i’m wrong please let me now.
If i can’t use i’m stuck :pensive:


You are the legitimate owner and your subconscious mind knows that.
You can start listening to the audio ;)


Thank you :smiley:


May i ask where you got the custom tags done? everywhere i look i cannot find someone to do both sides Thanks


This is the company I used. They have been out of stock for a while now. I had to resort to a smaller tag that does the job for now. Here is the larger PHOCKSIN vs the smaller FindChic brand.

Processing: 17116409918665353903859715760875.jpg…

PHOCKSIN Personalized Necklace with Picture Customized Text Pictures Custom Photo Message Date Gifts for Men Women Engraved dog Tag with Rolo Chain

FindChic Dog Tags Personalized Necklace for Men with Silencer Custom Text Engraved/Print Photo Military US Army ID Tag/Saint Michael Guardian Pendant Stainless Steel Jewelry Gift, with Jewelry Box


Thank you so much


What is the difference between this and “anti aging” field? Since “anti aging” also reverses the cellular age to (16-18)?


The description will provide a lot more than that one attribute, check it out


It’s a different thing. It’s a different approach.
that’s why the price of this NFT is so high.
it seems to me that this NFT allows you to “reach” the cellular consciousness, awaken it and maximize its expansion.
Each cell is a living organism, and any living organism is interested in full functioning, in constant regeneration.

This is my most important insight, necessary for the realization of a physical stable rejuvenation effect.
I emphasize - stable.
I can’t say 100% that this is how it works, but I will share some of my thoughts.
There are many systems that seem to work, aimed at the external expression of rejuvenation, but most often they are aimed at a particular organ or system, which gives sometimes even quick, but temporary effects.

Probably the most important thing to realize is that it is possible to achieve stable long-term effects by changing the “tone” at the cellular level, i.e. at the level of an individual cell. In this vein, it is clear that this NFT is the main and basic energy

NFT Eternal allows to extend consciousness i think to the cellular level, and further, when the consciousness does some work, cell regeneration is possible

read the description again: “Imagine the pure concept of the flower of life in a negentropic way changing your inner you, the core of your genes under the influence of harmony and negentropic order.”

also, I am beginning to realize more and more clearly that the basic or most important energies of the body are not obtained from nutrition, as accepted by official science, but from the surrounding space through the cells. Cells of different organs pick up different vibrations, hence different blood composition in different parts of the body, etc., etc., etc. What is the sense in living long and with expanded consciousness if physical strength and external attractiveness are lost. Self-development should bring not only depth of understanding and inner harmony, but also physical activity and beauty, isn’t it?

The human organism is not one consciousness of one person, but it is a conglomerate of many/some levels of consciousness of the organs, systems and cells that compose these organs. This aggregate of consciousnesses forms the consciousness of the human body. Each cell, each organ has its own consciousness. Part of this consciousness belongs to the cell, only to it personally, and the other part belongs to the “collective” consciousness of organs, systems of the organism as a whole

btw, a closed human consciousness generates a closed consciousness of his body cells. A human being can act as an automaton or under compulsion, and a human body cell can act as an automaton or under compulsion. What happens to a person who has been oppressed for a long time? He either forms the consciousness of a victim, or, having broken free, he goes into all sorts of mischief. Exactly the same processes occur in the consciousness of cells. What is increased physical exertion combined with starvation during diets? It is a forceful way of pressure on the body cells, they tolerate for some time, tolerate, and then simply go out of control, hence - additional weight gain, breakdowns, depression, imbalance of biochemical processes, etc. or sacrifice - anorexia

This NFT allows us to reach the cellular consciousness, awaken it and maximize its expansion. Each cell is a living organism, and any living organism is interested in full functioning, in constant regeneration. No conscious person will kill himself, no conscious cell will work for suicide. Only zombified cells work for suicide

It is important to awaken the self-consciousness of the cell so that its work can be maximized. As a conscious person understands his importance and value for the Universe and tries to fulfill as much as possible everything that depends on him within the framework of his task, so a living awakened cell will fulfill its tasks as well as possible. It is necessary to “squeeze” a slave out of a cell, to make it understand that it can work as hard as it wants, but if it dies quickly, other cells as stupid, or a little bit smarter, will take its place. The question is, what will it give in the long run? The resource of the “cellular” Universe - a concrete physical body - will be quickly exhausted and it will die. The Universe will die not because the cell has been slacking off, it may have “plowed like a hedgehog” and exhausted itself from work, but because it was asleep. Her sleeping consciousness did not allow her to see the hidden resources and opportunities for more efficient work and her own regeneration. Everything I am writing now, I am writing about cells, not people. Yes, that’s right

It was a real revelation to me to realize that the energy to power the brain and the entire physical body comes primarily from the environment, not from food. Biochemical processes are secondary. Focusing the physical body on physical nourishment is a bloated illusion :slight_smile:

With sufficient energetic filling, the physical body can digest even a piece of wood. Food is one of the conditions for the life of the body, but it is not the most important. More important are purity, energy, information.

Based on this, the quality of the surrounding space becomes a priority. With a balanced energy exchange between the cells of the physical body and the surrounding space, the body can exist for a very long time. It is a flow, a movement, if it is balanced and there are no obstacles to its movement, it is a perfect mechanism. The problem is that in most people the physical body is blocked at the cellular level to receive energy

There is not enough energy coming in, the cells starve, and the necessary work is done at the expense of the physical body’s resources. Over time, the blockages increase, the body almost gets adapted from external energies, wears out and produces zero energy. The body, which cannot cope with its function of a conductor, disconnects from energy flows and dies. Hence the phenomena of energy vampirism, dependence on low-frequency energies, alcohol, food, etc. It is important for the body to “cling” to something in order to survive. Cells are the last to die. As long as the cells are alive, the body is still alive

One more point - for qualitative supply of energy to the cells it is important to pair the physical body with the energetic body. The word “conjugation” reflects this concept as accurately as possible. The volume of energy “intake” by cells depends on the quality of conjugation. The quality of conjugation can be improved through the effort of tension.

At the moment of tension the level of energy intake changes. This is how the second breath is switched on, for example, during a long intensive physical exercise. But energy connection through long intensive physical activity is undesirable, it depletes body resources.

I have some interesting insights into the “plateau” effect. :slight_smile:
The plateau effect occurs when cells reach the maximum level of conjugation with the energy environment. If this level cannot be improved, the plateau cannot be overcome, and attempts to achieve something at the expense of physical resources of the body will destroy the body. To overcome the plateau it is necessary to work with the energy capacity/energy conductivity of cells

The usual understanding of working with information is its processing and assimilation by the brain. But for most mortals, including me, information is handled by the cell. Of course, I think that I have decided and thought everything through, but the cell can understand everything a bit differently and start copying not the block of information that I have conceived by my brain, but absolutely opposite one.

there is an infinite amount of information packed in the cell, the trick is how to unpack the right one and “put it into production”. We can use the word “key”, it is a very accurate definition, it is the key that unpack the right block, and the peculiarities of the cell organization help it to open. This NFT will also help with that

the symbol of the flower of life is also a source of energy
Each pattern-key carries a certain set of vibrations, coming into contact with these vibrations visually, audibly or energetically, the user activates the corresponding information blocks in the cell, the cell “starts” the process of copying them and, thanks to these processes, the body, thoughts, feelings and surrounding reality change. It is not necessary to know the detailed “mechanics” of this process, but it is important to understand its essence.

When it comes to the body, to the process of rejuvenation, the issue of personal responsibility, of a conscious approach, becomes fundamentally important. And one day, I just saw that the human body is a real Universe, it is difficult to explain, it is easier to just accept it. A man is responsible for his Universe, for the life of every cell in it, every atom and electron. When a person dies, another Universe dies. If you feel it, responsibility comes automatically. :slight_smile:
