The Eternal

Sounds complicated for sure.

I have a lot of complicated things going on too and I feel like the Eternal guided me to tools and methods that work, along with having an immediate energetic effect that i could feel “kicking in” as soon as the NFT minted into my wallet. That’s my take. Sometimes I wonder if I would feel if I sold the NFT and my sense is: yes. i would feel the absence.


Thank you @Powren :cherry_blossom: @Rosechalice @brian95240

Got it, weeee so excited !!! :grin:


Bought this yesterday
Still don’t feel anything
But I have to be honest I’ve bought the Eternal and the Plasma Fluent yesterday.

A day before that I bought the Blueprint Of life
Currently I only feel the BOL very well it’s so relaxing and amazing

I can’t put my finger on it when it comes to the Eternal and the PF …
Mmm I’ll need more time to see what happens
Just printed the Mandala? Picture of the Eternal on put it inside my phone case

Of course I listen to the field maybe times yesterday and today still not sure what it does

Hope to update with good results


Eternal already has BoL. You could have saved some money and even more if you had waited for few days more as there is going to be sale next week.

Next time please ask so that people can guide you and help you save some money.

With Eternal you don’t feel much unless you are very very energy sensitive but things would be working in the background.


Eternal doesn’t “have BoL”. It’s made of alchemy that includes it, they work in unison and those aren’t like the sum of effects from individual fields. Therefore, may be best to have both for best heath effects, I myself have both, and analogically with many other fields. The same as I didn’t feel like InHumanX was replacing all of those individual fields, but it was adding something more to them.

And yeah, checking for upcoming sales before buying stuff would be a good idea. Saving up to 150 usd is not bad. Or sometimes may get it for even less off the market.


Where do you see information about the sale?

About BOL it feels very different and as some people have mentioned here it might be worth to have both
Some say The Eternal doesn’t contain BOL it a way that could be replaced

Personally I don’t know if Eternal can replace it or not I’m not the expert

But I bought BOL and saw how amazing it is then I thought maybe I should buy Max Heal Potion but it’s sold out so I’ve bought the Eternal + Plasma Fluent.

I have an autoimmune condition and the free Fields don’t to enough for me
The progress is very very slow

Even though it’s very expensive and it was hard for me to purchase. I gave it a shot after feeling so good seeing what the BOL can do . it made me want more.

I hope it will be worth it
It was totally spontaneous we only live once


You may go over the ‘Announcements’ category, here it is usually announced and u can see that usually during Easter, there was a sale.

And also a few threads on top may sometimes be a good idea as well.

When u will want it, you may consider checking out the market thread, here with search, you will usually find it.

Yeh, it’s great. Maybe try to have a few meditations with it first, then just keep consistent and pretty sure results will arrive, as u may have been guided to it as well.


I thought it did.

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Yeah, I understand it can seem confusing, but mixing fields are usually like that. Even Sammy once recommended me getting BoL despite having Eternal.


It is left to individual’s choice but it doesn’t hurt to have both. I have both because I bought BoL first as it is not pricey like Eternal but after I got Eternal I stopped using BoL.

And yes BoL is noticeable.

Auto Immune Reversal from Legendary Album isn’t working for you?


It’s not working well
It’s a skin condition I’ve used the autoimmune reversal and the atopic to non atopic dermatitis also the psoriasis field
Even looped them when I sleep
My health problems don’t stop there so I wanted to try something stronger

These fields mentioned above by me in this post helped a little bit didn’t cure it and I don’t want to take medications anymore

Hope for the best.
I know I can do it


Ok good luck, may you get your conditions cured by BoL + Eternal + PF.

Along with PF, try this stack. If you are on Patreon you could get all of them, some must be still on YT.


Thank you so much!
Yes I’m on Patreon :slight_smile:
I’ll use it in that order
BOL + Eternal + PF
I did feel BOL should be before everything else but I was not sure now that you mentioned it, it can really help


No problem, sure but see how your body responds, PF is very strong.

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I’ve just played it again (PF)

Yesterday I didn’t feel anything

This time looped it like 10 times till I’ve felt tired and went to rest lol
At least something happened in telling you I could play it forever yesterday like nothing at all


Oh god detox is probably hitting me hard I carry the Eternal NFT for 4 hours+ 2 hours ago played the Eternal 5 times and the Plasma Fluent 10 times (don’t try at home lol)
My whole body is in like pain
I feel my heart pulses in my hands and feet

Unless I’m sick which I don’t think is the case
It’s a very good sign because I usually don’t have a very good circulation.
I’m lying in bed for 2 hours already like a truck hit me omg… Again a good sign something is moving I’m excited!

Let’s see what the future holds
I don’t want to spam the forum so I’ll update in the future


Maybe you solved the problem, but what helped me when i had a pinched nerve in my shoulder-neck, was the Cosmic Intercession nft. I just asked, if it was possible, to be helped, then i went to sleep and woke up without the pain! Although the pain was great before. So i just thanked to whoever may have helped me.
If you don’t have the Cosmic Intercession nft, then maybe other alien fields of Dream from youtube may be of help.



Bought it yesterday and i’m looking forward for it :smiley:
I’ve got the email to claim it but getting a “server error” while trying to claim it. Never happened to me but asked for help here on the forum, got it :pray:, and got to know that it has happened to others and after some time the claim was possible; I’ll keep on trying.

Meanwhile, i think that it might be legit for me to use it and listen to the audio, since i’ve bought it, just still haven’t the token in my wallet (that’s a big issue, i’d say…).
I’m not fully sure because i’ve seen messages on the forum of people having results without ever claiming their NFTs and on the other hand, it is said that we can use the NFT images only if we have the token on our wallet
If i’m wrong please let me now.
If i can’t use i’m stuck :pensive:


You are the legitimate owner and your subconscious mind knows that.
You can start listening to the audio ;)


Thank you :smiley: