The Eternal

Before you bought Eternal, what have you done (any Sapien audios you used? or other energy or frequency audios? supplement / medication?) to treat your COVID long lasting symptoms? Did they help your condition?
I’m curious how people go thru long lasting COVID symptoms.
Thank you


Before buying Eternal NFT, I cured my chronic covid with virus destruction, ivermectin, long-term recovery, etc., but I still have occasional coughs. After wearing the NFT, the cough is indeed a lot less and it feels different every day. I’m only wearing it for the third day after all, I’ll keep watching @candy

Small update: I used to sleep lightly. After putting it on, I became very sleepy. Maybe it’s a symptom of a detox. Yesterday, while meditating, I suddenly felt aches and pains all over my body. Maybe eternity is fixing my scoliosis.

Personally, I really like this purchase😊
I also supplemented with vitamin D and vitamin C and also added in the areas included,It’s summer in Taiwan right now and I sunbathe twice a day


I have also found that I can easily fast and skip dinner and can achieve a 16+ hour fast


Just want to share with you and others that before, I had occasional pains in my upper back for years due to dextroscoliosis from my x-ray results. I listened to the Sapien Med Spinal Tapper audio twice daily in my playlist for just several months. Then, there were no more pains and upon x-ray, there was no more dextroscoliosis. Thanks to SM. :+1:


I will start listening to it, thanks for sharing @skyhigh


You can wear it for a few hours everyday instead of 24*7 if you feel overwhelmed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: You can experiment and find out what works for you. I’d agree that Eternal is definitely trying to get your systems back in place.


I’m not sure about this either but I think since you’re the owner of the NFT, it will be tied to you even if you physically don’t wear the tag. Besides, best thing about this field is that it’s a smart field so it’ll customize itself according to your issues. Right now since it you must have newly bought it, it’s probably trying to get to know you better. You’ll adjust to its energy and be able to wear it constantly with time.
This is ust my understanding


Basically what I mean to say is, with thsi field, you’re set for life. You won’t have to worry about anything. That’s what my approach towards it is but you can figure it your approach :smiley:


Thank you that makes sense. I have it I think around 3 weeks now, the beginning was a lot of tiredness which I presume was detox and now Its tiredness and overwhelm. I need to find a better word than overwhelm, overwhelm makes it sound like a bad thing. Extensive healing sounds a bit better :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: So ya maybe a few small breaks from the extensive healing will help my body to integrate with it better overtime when it is a bit stronger to be able to cope with the power of it.

A cool thing over the last few days though. I’ve been able to help my dad build a metal shed, and even though I was tired during it and a bit unwell feeling, I was still able to do it. That was a very big thing for me. If that was a month ago, I would be dizzy and feeling really sick and all blurry eyes and the crazy inner vibrating thing that I have would be gone very extreme along with many other symptoms so that was really cool that I was able to do that small bit of half strenuous work 2 days in a row :slightly_smiling_face: If only The Eternal could have helped with drowning out a 65 year old man who just kept angrily shouting at metal sheets for not fitting in the right place, for a few hours every day, then it would have been an ever bigger success :joy:


Gratz, Seamie - I am so happy for you! happy-excited


Thank you Rose :pray:t3: :heart:



:clinking_glasses:Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

What a time to be alive, eh? …Onward & upward!! :dizzy:


Finally I got this! or I should say I got it earlier than expected (unexpected gift). I am usually not energy sensitive but I could feel this immediately. For now I will stop using the plasma protocol and use this as my main healing field.


Wow got $50 discount on my next purchase .


absolutely bombastic!!!
i loved reading every letter of this post
man…im just thinking…maybe my gift lead you here?


Oh yeah blessing large


You know it man, thank you so much :pray:t3: :raised_hands:t3:

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I put off getting this for a while since I already have eternity redux and Blueprint of life, but just had to get it now anyway. The first thing noticed was a mild pain under my pineal gland for about 20 seconds, then only felt the pineal gland for a minute or two more, after that I began to feel the glands in my neck for a couple more minutes. I also felt a sedative like natural high for about five minutes and then back to normal. When I woke up this morning the swelling in my feet and calves was gone and I feel very good. Looking forward to what will follow. Glad I did not put this off any longer.


Feeling light and loving, something never thought I’d write.


congrats snoopy-dance-happy


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