The Eternal

I never knew this šŸ« 
I really need to look through this thread again, itā€™s been a while. My memory issues really mess up my progress, itā€™s very annoying forgetting everything.

How far does Eternal go in regards of what we can ask Luna if you dont mind me asking.
Is it ā€œjustā€ physical healing? Or can we go as far as removing emotional and mental blockages?, balancing our chakras, put focus on healing certain systems of the body and so on? Does it work on healing our other timelines selves?

I really need to start actively working with Eternal, I donā€™t seem to reap too many benefits from passive listening for some reason, I can go 24 hours a day with it for days and not notice any difference. It must be working nice and subtle through all of our layers.


Oh no, im soorrry.

I meant what he was asking. About feeling with vigor.

But now you got me thinking :thinking:

Cause i will NEVER forget that one time (i dont know if i shared that already) I was looking at the tag and i swear that Ouroboros came ALIVE and was staring straight at Me, like that day i can tell i felt we trully, really connected. It went on for some minutes and i talked to it, dont remembered what i said exactly but i acknowledged that i was ā€œseeingā€ It.
It was actually pretty cool.

ā€¦ who knowsā€¦ apart from Captain of course :sweat_smile: maybe that Ouroboros IS alive and kind of a Dr haha or a harm stopper whatever you wanna call itā€¦

And so, maybe because nothing is a coincidence (your reply) we can actually ask IT?

You know im gonna try. But i think ill do it staring at the image until its imprinted in my mind when closing the eyes, then meditate playing the audio and asking it for something specific. Ill do it x a few days and see what happens.

Can you imagine?!

Thanks for sharing your questions and thoughts.


how many copies left now?
Iā€™m start saving for thisā˜ŗļø

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Pretty sure, itā€™ll be still around 4000. Safe to say u may have years for it, unless something very unexpected happens. (but not encouraging prolonged waiting either :wink:)


okay thanks as i can see i can save start from now up to 16months subtracting all my expenses because i have a family already and i can only save 45$ per month from my salary


Or theoretically even less, like 9-12 months if u obtain it from the market. (or from the shop during a bigger discount)

And loop abundance and luck fields to get there faster :muscle:


true i didnt think of discount now i have hope i can buy this with that time frame :relaxed: maybe a December gift for my self this coming December :heart:


I love your commitment


A theoretical question about this.

In the description it says that one the effects is: Age recapture to around 20

Personally, I was actually quite unhealthy when I was 20. I was suffering from a litany of health issues due to some heavy metal exposure I had when I was a teenager.

Iā€™m concerned that the field might get the wrong idea and revert me back to a poor state of health.

Is this how fields even work? Is this something to even be concerned about?

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No no itā€™s not your personal health at 20 imagine it more as the blueprint of a healthy 20 year old

Nothing to worry about


That makes more sense!


The Sapien Shop is closing down in July forever, so anyone sitting on the fence better make their mind up soon whether to buy this or not.

22% discount code on this also, check the announcements thread, you canā€™t go wrong


these are also sort of classic
Dale made the original in these.
inside is the original template for it from back then.
So a tribute to that older legacy.

Of course we pay it our dues and move on to other things.


IF THERE WASNā€™T THE DISCOUNT, WE WOULD HAVE TO WAIT, THANK YOU FROM THE HEART :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now that NFTs are ending i really want to buy two copies of Eternal for my parents. After i discuss with them first to make sure they will at least keep it under their pillow.

I have a question for those who have purchased this for love ones.

My parents are not tech savvy. They still need help with using their smart phones.

If i purchase two copies of Eternal with my credit card, and create phantom wallets on each of my parents smartphones and send the NFT to each of their phantom wallets (which i create for them and keep their key info for them), will the Eternal work for them?

They donā€™t know what an NFT is and have zero understanding of blockchain ownership etc. But they trust me and are open minded.


two seperate wallets for each one of them would suffice to work for both of them :blush:



Yes I did the exact same for my father. I was still saving to purchase for my mother and I plan to buy for her too.


I also remember that you had retirement in mind when you were making final iterations of these. I was fearing that announcement the most haha

I think it flew over many peopleā€™s heads the statement you made by closing the shop, looking forward to next gen man


Can i share it with mu family members?


Hi, in this case nfts only work for the owner. I was referring to the fact that as the person I was replying to, I also created a phantom wallet for my father and gave him the nft. So yes you can buy and gift to family, but in doing so the nft no longer works for you.