The Eternal

im #733




this wont clash with my DD right? but my gut says no it will enhanced the DD through blueprint

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I regained eternity, last month I was infected with covid again, eternity did cure my cough this time



and? did it work with the Eternal?

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Unfortunately not.
I will say I’m using another creator’s subliminal everyday
I’m not sure if that’s why the results are not as expected
However my nails got better
I used to have very bad nails because of psoriasis now it’s cured

Used Plasma Flaunt
Auto immune

Thanks for checking with me


What have been the general effects and benefits from using the eternal? Sorry to hear your condition still remains and hope you continue to improve over time!


It’s hard to say because I use other things as well
I don’t feel anything special when playing it
For example it’s easier to say that when I play bpof I feel harmony
But with the eternal I don’t feel anything, plasma flaut is the same for me I don’t feel anything but I know plasma flaut do something…
With the eternal my personal experience has been currently more elusive:#
Mmm maybe I need to try play it more


Thanks for responding benjamin! Yea from what I’ve read, it seems like the eternals effects are more subtle, but the enhanced healing and autoimmune part should theoretically help with your condition.

May I ask if youve used other nfts in the last as well? How strongly did you feel their effect?

And do you have the eternal as a printed mandala you carry around while somtimes listening to the audio?

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Paid, money deducted, still showing this, whats going here pls help


The Money will get refunded in a day or so if it didn’t go through, contact the Paypal Support team!

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i paid with credit card,

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Well yeah if it didn’t load to the mint screen, contact paypal support , it’d usually refund in a day, it’s automatic usually!

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yes it has been reversed. Thank you bro @DavidBert44. How do I buy Eternal NFT safely? With credit card. I will be getting my first salary on 28th July, I will pay back full amount.

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tbh i have never checked if the balance gets “deducted” on paypal at this exact moment but i think the purchase isn’t concluded until you press “Pay now”; That’s what in fact makes the purchase on the shop, i’d say.
I think you’re halfway, you’ve supplied the paypal credentials and the shop knows the payment is valid but still hasn’t concluded the purchase (at least on the shop side). It depends on the shop design.

Does your bank already show the transaction?

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I had pressed “Pay Now” amount got deducted but web page stayed the same

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In that case i think only Captain_Nemo or SammyG can help, possibly there might be logs and they can check your situation and decide where to go or what to do.

Sorry for tagging you @Dreamweaver and @SammyG


Also I would suggest try using a different browser or phone, It sometimes works for me.


The last step is to click on Pay Now.
That will finalize the transaction.


Guess who won ticket to immortality
2024-06-28 20_18_25-Transfers _ 4r8tb4nKp1aCbW39S3ffg7Jwr3Z1ZCWW1QAmc1LBXD2L _ Solana and 6 more pag


So, give me idea? How do I get it printed? I already ordered its print as metallic card