The Eternal

i wear The Eternal NFT as tag pendant around my neck everyday


I had image of Eternal since it came out, its so aesthetically pleasing to eyes. But now I am owner I feel a sense of connection and wonder as if I am lost in this NFT image.


How do you get nfts made into pendant tags? Is there someome who sells it in the forum?


Printing NFTs as Tags - General Discussion - Sapien Medicine (


You can order any of the customized tags for sale on Amazon and upload your NFTs image that you want to put on the tags

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Thanks so much!

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Really nice music on this field


Now that the sales of this field is coming to an end, can captain let us know the full power and ability of this field.


I didn’t use other nfts and when printing in and carrying it I didn’t feel anything


I am eternal

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Since many are contemplating on the Eternal NFT and having FOMO :rofl: (including myself).

The Eternal NFT is described as an “unfettered smart field” with “unrestricted healing potential” that can adapt to the user’s personal needs. It is said to have a “blueprint of life” aspect that helps bring things back into harmonious order, “unrestricted healing potential”, “negentropic” properties, and “smart” adaptability and protection concept of the owner. The idea behind the NFT suggests it can help users live longer, healthier, and more joyful lives by addressing a wide range of issues in a holistic manner. The field seems not to be designed for children and they should come to an age of adulthood.

The Eternal NFT appears to offer a wide range of reported (potential) benefits:

Physical Health Benefits

  • Rapid healing of physical issues like gum pain, skin allergies, and foot pain
  • Improved eyesight, with users reporting clearer vision and reduced eye fatigue
  • Increased energy and stamina, allowing users to work for long periods without getting tired
  • Potential anti-aging and longevity effects, with users reporting regrowth of gray hair and improved muscle tone
  • Better nails
  • Protection from accidents and injuries, with users avoiding potential harm in risky situations
  • Improved circulation and reduced blood pressure
  • Several users reported feeling a “de-aging” or “youthifying” effect after getting the Eternal NFT, with a sense of their age regressing to around 20 years old.
  • Some safety/protection towards viruses

Mental/Emotional Benefits

  • Enhanced mood and feelings of bliss, happiness, and optimism
  • Improved focus and cognitive function
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Positive changes in mindset and belief systems
  • Increased self-confidence and “pretty privilege”
  • Users described feeling a subtle “high” or sense of contentment in daily life, with an easier ability to pick themselves up when feeling down.
  • Users mentions ‘better & longer morning wood’

Other Benefits

  • Ability to communicate with and command the “smart” NFT field to achieve desired effects
  • Protection from environmental factors like wind and rain
  • Synergistic effects when used with other NFT fields or energy modalities

There are a few reports of potential “downsides” with the Eternal NFT:

  • Some users experienced detox symptoms like body pain, fatigue, and sleepiness when first using the NFT, especially when looping the audio excessively. This seems to be a temporary effect as the body adjusts.
  • One user reported no noticeable healing effects after a week of using the NFT, including for nervous system issues, headaches, dizziness, and minor injuries. Individual results may vary.
  • A couple users mentioned feeling overwhelmed or sleepy after looping the audio for too long, especially in the middle of the day. Moderation is advised.
  • There are questions about whether the NFT can heal benign tumors or errant cells, with the creators advising to use the Anti-Cancer audio instead for those issues.
  • A few users noted the need to re-adjust when briefly being without the NFT, suggesting a strong integration for some.

Overall, the Eternal NFT appears to offer a wide range of physical, mental, and energetic benefits for users. However, individual experiences may vary, and some users have reported detox symptoms or disruptions to their sleep patterns during initial use. Moderation and gradual integration of the field seems advisable.


Thanks for the reply! Wish the field worked for you quicker but its a smart field and constantly adapts! Have you tried any of the connecting methods on the forum to better attune with the nft? Those may help you communicate your needs to it for better results


Couple of thoughts on Eternal:

  1. I had its image since it came out, I find it extremely beautiful and intriguing, but now that I am owner I feel a connection.
  2. My toothache disappeared. Do not get me wrong my teeth is still crooked and I need dentist visit, but no more pain.
  3. I feel horny like in a good way, not in twisted way that I reaching for porn material, erection is also v strong.
  4. I can sense symmetry in my face a little, but symmetry in teeth a pretty noticeable.
  5. A pretty nasty health problem that I have been dealing with past 4-5 years, visited many docs, took many medicines, god know how much money I spent on it, it took a toll on my mental health, since it was in my private parts I could not talk about it openly, I would often cry, think what if it gets worse. Like I can write for hours about the stress it gave me. It seem to have been settle down. Hoping for the best.
  6. Skin is better, I still have a few pimples but the quality yk the thickness of skin(my face).

I printed it on A4 size photo paper, and also ordered tag, lets see when it comes.

You all know, I was obsessed with this field, asking so many questions about it in the thread.


I just recently got the Universal Space Harmonizer to support the Eternal & other fields. If you read its description, it is supposed to create a customized pathway to your goals. It wasn’t expensive either! Maybe it could be added into your stack (as a “booster” of sorts). It almost reminds me of how the Kinetic Quasi Crystal fills us with energy.


Earlier when I felt horny, I would just go ahead and jerk off. Now although I feel way more horny, I listen to Transmutation field, my erection just goes away. May be Blueprint of Life effect.

Old Sleep field is my all time fav, it just knocks me out, last night I was looping transmutation field and slept like baby, with my airpods all over the place.


I didn’t try to connect with the NFT
I will try
Do you suggest a specific method?

I’ve ordered a tag necklace from Amazon to ensure the quality of the tag
Because I’ve previously printed the NFT but in a low quality.

I hope it will help


I’m not sure what is the universal space harmonizer
But I’ll read about it


I’m so thankful for someone talking me into this before the shop closes. It started working even before it was minted and without any conscious effort on my part.

Oh my gosh and the audio - that’s that light and energetic feeling I had when I was a kid :sob::heart: love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Gratz mage girl



I feel like my body did a super high jump to the moon…no through the galaxy and beyond! Instant high and I combined that with Angelic Intercession + which feels super freeing and smooth.
