The Eternal

Yah agree on that. I was trying to say that tags somehow has connection to objects but nfts doesn’t (unless instructed to use with objects). But correct me if I’m wrong.

I have question about this. For example, I’ve bought some of these new tag-NFT’s, as @WellBeing call them. And I want to gift them to someone. But, when I’ve made my Phantom account, there wasn’t any email or anything else, just download the app and I’ve got the Phantom wallet address. How would I go about gifting it to my brother/sister/mother/kids or anyone? With Venly account we had email address, but here, we have only Phantom address. I’m little bit confused how would I go about it.

Real question is, how would I gift it to someone who doesn’t have any technical knowledge about NFT’s, meaning that I want to make account for them from my computer, tablet or phone. How would I know which Phantom address is which?


Here’s my guess on this (and @Captain_Nemo can correct me, if my guess is incorrect):

Cap’n has said that one of the factors of the protection on these fields is out intention. This is how a field still works when I honestly loan it to my second cousin (who really needs it but is beyond my “immediate family”).

So, I would guess (there’s that word again :wink: ) that I could buy your tag-NFT, put the token in my wallet, and–with pure and loving intentions–loam it to my second cousin, knowing that he is the only one using that tag-NFT, just like I might loan my Eternity dog tag to him (if I had an Eternity tag).

IOW, there’s no hinkiness, no underhandedness, no malfeasance going on. It’s my tag. There’s only one copy. And I decide to direct my one tag where it’s going to do the most good in my world–healing my second cousin.

Again, this is my guess but I hope it helps.

Oops! I forgot to address this part:

Until we get clarification from Cap’n that says otherwise, I would just print out 1 single copy, give it my second cousin and, when he’s healed (or.done with it), he either destroys the print or returns it to me. All the while, the token stays in my Phantom account.


I want to get this too. However, I cant just give my dad a picture and just say carry this. I wonder if i can ask the smart field to direct it to my family

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Of course, as always! Much obliged!

I still need to figure out how to know which address is which.

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Why not?

(I’m actually just being “clever” with my previous reply to our other forum friend. :wink: )

More seriously, print it onto a little card with heartfelt words about how you care for him (which, of course, you do or you wouldn’t be giving this to him). Even the most “macho” (dunno the mot juste–No offense anyone!) of dads is likely to slip it into his wallet as the precious gift from loving son that it is.


Say if I were to do this and its get lost depending on how Cap protected the NFT that it wouldnt work for me beacuse that copy can never be ripped

But my dads wouldnt be very fond of things like this and it will raise a lot of questions.

Unless i cover the picture and put it under his bed.

Don’t slip it somewhere if he doesn’t want it.
Talk with him and try to make him understand but leave him his free will to not wear it if he doesn’t want to.
And it will work for whoever has the Nft in their wallet.


Does he wear a baseball cap you can sew it into? Lol trying to be creative over here

  • but find some way to ask him if he wants to be healed/helped
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No but thank you for the thought. Am sure i will come up with an idea. I am just more worried wether if i buy it can i lend it to him some how.

I would guess no because I heard the NFTs only work for the person who bought it- does he have an illness of some kind?

Again it works for whomever wallet it is in nvm who bought it.


Ah, I don’t know how wallets work. I guess the question remains, whether inspector could lend it to another


Yes make a wallet with that person for that transfer it and they can use it like you could but you cant anymore if you gave them your only copy if you gave them 1 of 2 copies you both can use it.


I understand what you’re saying, but Cap’n has said, many times and in many places, that intention is a deciding factor when protection comes into play. That being said, I do not know the details of how the protection works. None of us do, really. If you’re that concerned, your best remedy is to private message Sammy or Cap’n, rather than discuss it here with the rest of us who have roughly the same knowledge level as you on this important aspect of these products.

I’m not a big fan of imposing fields onto people on the DL. I have a bunch of opinions about that which do not lead to a helpful conversation for you.

If this is your “only” option (it’s not really, but if you see it as such) then that says to me that you have some stuff you’ll (eventually) want to clear.


i dont think that applies to nfts, if you do not own the nft then it wont work for you

Again, that’s for Cap’n to say.

You could give your dog tag to another and that’d be fine, because as long as they had it, no one else could use it.

Since these “tag-NFTs” operate in a similar way to dog tags (a general characterization made by Cap’n, even though only he knows the details of that similarity), then it makes sense that if your intention is in the right place (“I’m lending this tag-NFT to X, so that it works for X only”) and you adhere to your intention, then you might not have to transfer the token for these tag-NFTs.

And we have an example of this process with the forum friend who, in the Classified category, has been energetically lending their NFT (without token transfer) for 3-hour periods. I haven’t participated in that, but my cursory glance at that thread suggests to me that those transfers have been successful and productive.


No worries man, I wasn’t going to do that. At all. If it was linked to email, I would know for sure to whom I’m gifting it. But now, we have only random letters and numbers.

Actually, I was asking that yesterday or day before and @WellBeing said it will work only if worn, So I don’t know. :confused:

Why I would want to know to whom I’m going to give the NFT?
As I said, If I want to give it to my sister or mother or whoever, I will need to make account for them on my computer. And I will get only random series of numbers and letters. How in the world I would know that address belongs to Peter or John or Marie?


Just seen ur comment.

But what if he wants it but just wouldn’t believe the method.

U aspect me to do Nothink when I can do somthink.

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