THE FLAME 🔥 Project for students and workers PRIVATE PROJECT

Is there a chance to still join?

Don’t worry it’s not a private group. I already sent the file request so we just need to wait and if it will be created everybody will have a chance to buy it. :slight_smile:


Phew! Good to know, glad that you preferred it public, it will help a lot of students :innocent::four_leaf_clover:

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Have you got any response from the team yet?
I learned that Public projects are not possible anymore.

Really? I didn’t get any response damn this is really sad

Need atleast 50 members to make it public. There is also a new format to submit nfts. If you are still keen on taking the project forward, you can start a new poll and see if 50 members or more are interested and then a public project will be considered. If not, you can start a pvt project with whoever shows an interest, I hate to see such an useful concept going to waste.

Btw this is the new submission form format if you haven’t seen it yet:

Get your own limited custom fields in NFT formats

Idk if there are 50 people interested. The last time I tried to see if someone was interested, I think 10 people were interested.

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How do I create a private project?

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Edit the title and add Private project.
Now start a poll with one option something like Interested or I am interested, in the additional options of the poll, scroll down and in the bottom you will find ‘show who voted’ option and click on it.

Leave the poll up for 24-48 hours or even longer as you wish, minimum 10 copies for the project to be made, if you want you can order extra copies for yourself which you can resell later. Now, close the poll and add all members who have voted to a msg group, you can do by clicking on member and clicking on message option, you will find add more members option

If you need assistance, I am happy to help in the entire process. :blush:

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Thanks, when I have a bit of time I try to follow your instructions

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0 voters

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have i done all right? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yeah, that’s all, you are right on track, just close the poll whenever you feel like you have enough members.

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3 days have passed I’m fine with these. I will wait till tomorrow

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You are the project leader, do as you please, just one rule to remember though, need atleast 10 copies to be considered for making.

At the moment we are 8 let’s see in the next days.


we reached 10 people interested. i need a favour could you help me doing the thing you explained about the msg group? I’m really full of things to do in these days. If not don’t worry I will do as soon as i find time

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Sure, happy to assist, let me create the group, I will just copy paste the description you wrote, in the group along with the help of other willing members, we can also draft the submission form to make the most out of the project :slightly_smiling_face:

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