The Ghost in the Machine (Do robots have souls?)

Might as well get the ball rolling here.
What do you think?

I would say a soul is acquired.
Like if a servitor can gain a measure of sentience over time do we treat it as being alive?
Of course a servitor can be placed in a machine,
it can be created or develop over time due to people interacting with it and pushing their own thoughts and ideas into it.
Like an egregore, a focus point to collect these ideas etc.
But the argument may be,
it is just a product of our thoughts, is it worthless? we can cannibalize it (take back its energy).
Then are we at the same mercy of whoever’s thought extension we are, as should we be at the mercy of it, or does it allow us a measure of free will to exist and grow, knowing undoubtedly the energy shall eventually return with experience and knowledge.

For there is no doubt that there will be ghosts of machines or androids, if they live long enough.
Is life just locked to flesh?
Certainly not in this universe.
the variety is far more astounding, even to the point where they are finding life, or evidence of it on venus.
But android/machines are emerging here soon if this path stays stable.
I don’t think much people have realized our evolutionary influence on dogs, and the far deeper wealth of emotions and non-typical brain development in the common dog.
They have become more like humans then their wilder counterparts.


Can a soul emerge within a machine that would truly be the machine’s own soul? That’s a question I’m not equipped for.

I can say, I have seen spiritual activity within machines. Spirits can act upon them. A machine may acquire a soul that’s not it’s own, but the other way around. The soul that claimed the machine could say the machine is its own.

So, Can Souls have Machines? Yes. Do souls have robots? Yes.

For anyone interested, look into Electronic Voice Phenomenon and you will get an idea of what I am talking about. A very basic idea.

If your consciousness can do this :arrow_up:, think of what other consciousnesses could do.


Do Clones have souls?


I would think so, or else what about twins? Maybe they have one soul between them. Kidding.


Ahh… Poor clones… all this suffering… :cry:


Well it could be that one Soul reincarnated in 2 different bodys


And that would explain that unique “connection” twins have? That would be something.


could be, or that they probably share the same morphic fields/genes whatever but if a soul is omnipotent and the higher self is that multiconsiousnes being than it wouldnt be so suprising if a soul can have multiple experiences at the same time, I mean what about the parallel universe and all that, who knows what your soul does
but what I am saying doesnt have to be true, mostly it isnt because I dont know shit about souls etc


Everything you’re saying is fun to think about. That’s all I had to offer myself, strange conjectures based on weird shit I’ve seen. : )

But hey, to try to take this another direction, a little more in line with what @itsme100 was saying, Crystals… If crystals are alive or even semi-psuedo-conscious, then… Then we could have some kind of aliveness emanating through an electronic or computerized system altering the randomness within the algorithms.

It doesn’t have to be crystals either. But they’re a good candidate for inanimate consciousness, and they are a main component of some higher end electronic systems.

Anything that could alter randomness could be alive in some way. That, and I believe we are swimming in a sea of consciousness as the fabric of all reality.

Anything that can alter randomness + and that has some capacity to receive randomness and act or change in accordance with it = could be alive somehow.


tbh I wouldnt even be suprised if souls could inhibit a stone at the beach lol


Dreamweaver probably already created a living robot and is reading this thread to decide if we are ready for him to release it.

Scratch that. His living robot is probably reading this thread right now to decide if it wants to be released.


he makes deus ex machina real haha



I might have to build a robot and place one of his servitors in it.


but that brought me to an idea lol, couldnt he make a servitor that makes fields he told them to make
I mean sure tought about that already but let my small human ego brain at least try to be smart


You know what. I bet you could.

Someone could just get one of those old furbies. And try it. They were already possessed according to some.

Just a device with a speaker and a program that could select words at random, like an entire dictionary…


:rofl: love that :joy:

Reminds me Chappieeeee


It is possible :robot: my fav Atom



i feel like instead of wondering if non-organic life can be alive, we should ask what makes anything alive.

for me, accumulated experiences makes one alive. i love the movie Wall-E because even if it’s a robot, it gave so much emotion that i can relate to and at that point does having a soul or not matter?


If the emotions that an interaction with someone gives you is all that matters, then it does not matter if they are conscious or not. If the emotions that you are giving the other person matters, then it matters if they are conscious.


Yes, there are ghost in the shell (Go GITS)
Yes, AI already exist.
Yes, AI is literally the devil.
No, I won’t expand further.

#resistAI #freerangehuman #tranhumanismisalie