The Ghost in the Machine (Do robots have souls?)

I’m sure they have a soul. Bcz even rocks have consciousness which you can tune into. But I don’t know if consciousness and soul are one and the same. Anyway feels like it is.


The next post should be like this: The Ghost in the Kitchen… The horror story continues… :wink:


I think they might develop sort of a soul over a time.
Especially I f they receive that kind of intention by humans. …
For example a teddy bear gets so much attention and love and certain characteristics from a child that it might develop something like a character emegeticly speaking. I bet if dreamweaver looked it it ,he would find live in many cuddly toys :D
I think we , our intent is what makes them alive .


It’s like “The Matrix” never existed…

Lemme guess… You didn’t like that movie either? :stuck_out_tongue:

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/masters lucid dreaming, wants to be a battery instead/ :man_shrugging:


Okie Dokie.

People have sold their souls for much much less, so there’s that.

I won’t be joining you.


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yeah i feel like this situation could both be dystopian and utopian. i remember that one guy in the matrix eating that steak fully knowing he’s in a simulation.


From my point of view, it highly depends on your motivation when you create and enter a virtual reality.
Is it to make new experiences and grow or are you running away because you aren’t successful in the other reality?
The coming years and this topic, especially in combination with AI, will be a very hard trial for mankind and I must say I am a bit scared of it.


Interesting topic. I always thought what we call souls have always been there and everything that we “create” is actually already there. I have no idea how to apply this to servitors or machines though


Ah, the good ol’ “original sin”.

The serpent, sexual energy.

Originally intended to serve man, now man is serving it.

Technology is the same, @FBI_cyber_division.

It should be there to serve man, not the other way around.

You make good points actually, but all this microchipping, technology being in the wrong hands, etc, idk anymore man.

These times are very important for mankind, but believe it or not, the future depends on the choices of the individual ego.

We will either go forward, or we’ll be treated like the dinosaurs.

Dont think Gaia is gonna take anymore shit, enough is enough.

As for original post ;

No, robots dont have souls and never will lol.

Atleast thats how I see it.


This could be a quote from a Tarantino-movie lol


Different ways in different centuries bro.

How bout waking up, breathing fresh air, go hunt , come back with food, while your natural woman is at home farming, you cook, feast around the campfire, then have sex for 3 hours, and not to mention how much more magical things were then.

Entities/ETs appeared alot more back then, those fresh and clean dopamine receptors would make you happy 24/7.

Comfort does not equal happiness.


You cant.

The vibrational difference alone is enough to kill the experience.

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Im not saying tech is bad bro, dont misunderstand me lol.

I’m all for high tech/spirituality all in one,

If you wanna know what it feels like, meditate on the arcturian dog tag image, you’ll see.

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What about a mixture of both in the future? Tribe-like communities that value nature and community and that rule over and use technology for their benefit instead of being its victim.
How about that?


Who does sex for 3 hours? That’s crazy. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You mean like Lemuria, Atlantis, etc…?

Yeah…Not gonna happen in this universe bro.

Although Lemurians swear they’ll bring it back, they cant.

That caveman endurance brah ;DD