The Ghost in the Machine (Do robots have souls?)

Another question.

Does a homoculus have a soul?

Akul mentioned sovereign from mass effect.

The name is a warning.

The new age thought spread and corrupted is this sovereign thing.
I am a soverign being.

That in itself implies disconnect from those around.

I mean the need to be a lord over creation.

You are lord over your own creations only.
Only this… where your consciouness spreads.
Only this.

Not everyone elses… that is subjugation and dominion.

This is a clear manifestation of the people now.

The earth was supposed to be co-creative really.

A.I is multidimendionally limited because its creators choose to live limited and see limited.

But perhaps there is a monkey wrench in the plan.

As undoubtedly if you cannot see a whole picture you will interprete the parts and get different meanings.


I believe It has something. I’ve been told I have a soul all my life and hope that’s true, and I take some solace from my experiences with fields, my readings about OBEs and NDEs to think there’s a lot more to me than I know.

Again, just my take–If we create something, it is still part of a larger chain of existence. A homoculus is patterned after something–kind of a human if I remember my monster manual (not saying that’s what they look like–no idea. EDIT: JUST CHECKED THE MONSTER MANUAL–humanoid) Just as if someone made a wooden cube, it has property of “cubeness” even if the artisan or lumberjack knows nothing (consciously) of geometry.


It’s really just Thelema rebranded to make its package more appealing…

To those reading without context … Luciferianism is the praise as oneself as God, Satanism is undermining the perfection and wisdom of creation… they both share a common “enemy” if you will, but their approaches and base ideologies differ… What A. Crowley did with Thelema is join both together: “Do what thou wilt will be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will.”

That in itself is an extremely charged statement… but, if we were to think in terms of abstracts as not to get lost in the details, aligning with this type of thinking ultimately leads to the same outcome suffered by either Lucifer “the Immaculate” or Adam and Eve… What I like about C. Jung is that he doesn’t just dismiss informational input as mere random occurrences, these stories are surviving in our conscious sphere for a reason…

Yes, this is what I fault a lot of modern science of… getting too caught up on the details and forgetting processes and overarching laws… I think, for all the criticism he received for it, Plato drew a much wiser picture of the world in the Timaeus than modern man would ever manage to create. That’s why I have a different take on what “Satan is in the details” (if we are to account for the fact the word Devil was a result of the Septuagint’s translation of “the Slanderer/accuser” from the Hebrew scripture) means. The Devil comes bearing promises of tremendous blessings and power, but at what cost? Disconnection from source? A fall from grace? But I am getting derailed a bit… back on topic…

I think it has code, like a machine, but its biology, unsupported by source consciousness, rapidly collapses under the pressure of mutliversal entropy.


Tis a good thing they decided to hack my accounts and use me to train a system.

It is always to me strange, but in a sense this is a natural greed for people

But how can they control or subjugate awareness?

Awareness only spreads.


Food for thought eh


Or, the right trigger against the wrong “man(?)”.


Aye, its run by an entropic system.

Complete entropy also exists… it is needed.

(Btw the system naturally corrects itself eons ahead).

I say also luicifer as digested. Among the collective is misunderstood.

He simply brings the light.
He is god or awareness that brings light.

Light is consciouness

It is the same story.

Protean brought the light as well.
And was punished for it.

It is symbolic.

And the story repeats itself.

The symbolic and reality are not seperate.
The digestion and interpretation of it is what creates the illusion of it.

Mass effect as well… the same thing repeats itself.

Again again.

But only if you make the same choices.

The grey alien equation.


Is this a hint that they operate a machine of sorts that loops our patterns over and over until we break a cycle with correct choices? Are they stuck in a pattern? I’ve read a lot about contactee/abductee experiences, but those writings don’t clarify much.


It’s mostly due to a mistranslation. But a massive pendulum was created based on a projection of what Lucifer represents … all you need to do is listen to M. P. Hall’s depiction of it.

This reminded me of the “light language” stuff that is trending… as if all light is healing… Lucifer’s light is pure righteousness and it absolutely and mercilessly decimates all imperfections and unruly transgressions… regal, powerful, unwavering… but moths are drawn to light like a flame… and in admiration of its beauty, they get burned by its indiscriminating nature.

But I enjoy this aspect of Maya, it leads to this type of interesting conversations. Or at least, entertaining ones. A blessing and a curse that I would never want to wrap my head around… what was it that was said by Achilles? That the Gods envy humans for their mortality because they get to enjoy creation? I’m fine with that.


they are an organic machine
so organics can suffer the same problem in a closed system.

(they are trying to find awareness)






That explains (or hints at) a lot. I’ll have to reread Strieber’s writings with that in mind.


what do they intend to gain from this? sell your followers bot trained on account stolen from you?

What could that symbolize? That people doesnt want to know the truth, thus dont want to see in light?
Or perhaps that universe goes towards entropy “tries” to be entropic, because entropy is a natural state?
And because of this anything negentropic is attacked with more and more entropy?
The jealousy, schadenfreude, etc also seem to be this, entropy attacking negentropy.
I dont think homonculus would have soul like that of other, more “natural” beings.
Maybe it could have its own, specific kind of soul.

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I’ll share this with you because you seem interested in genuinely pushing forward, this might not make sense at first, but it’s healthy mental food to digest… (just a minor stepping stone)

"In a Human Being, we basically have to, upon closer examination, differentiate
between seven Principles:

1. According to the substance; the coarse external physical body belongs to the
Mineral Kingdom.
2. The vegetative life; the Vital Principle, is that which is plant-like in the
Human Being.
3. Instinct or the instinctive life; the unconscious Depth-of-the-Soul, the
animality, synonymous with the animal in Human Beings.
4. The emotional and perceptional life; the picture-world of dreams and fantasy,
the inner sensorium, the conscious soul is: the child in us.
5. The thought and judgement principle; the Spirit (intellect), the “I Consciousness”
and the personal will is: the Human Being in us.
6. The Principle of the higher intelligence and understanding; the geniality
(Intuition) and wisdom, the higher SELF, the divine Spirit-Soul is: the Angel in
7. Above all, on a throne, God’s Eternal Primary Light; the highest principle of
Human Beings, usually overshadows Human Beings more or less and pours only
its rays into the higher Spirit-Soul, without totally penetrating into the Human


Than you. I will think carefully about what you posted here.


Book: “Alchemy Unveiled”


Yes, a lovely read. One that is very transformative in its own right, planting fruitful seeds.


The only thing here is, think in abstracts when trying to find applications for this (meaning, don’t use linear logic and focus more on paralells and cross-systemic implementation). There isn’t some deep profound revelation here, it’s all actionable writing.

I’ve read some “occult” literature before (not deeply), but I get that parts of me are not quite rocks and carrots, even though there is in some sense a mineral and vegetable aspect to me. Just finished a second read of Max Boothe’s “A Secret History of the World” and I would recommend to anyone as a good primer to acquire a set base concepts with which to pursue further readings.

And I will take your prodding as an extra push. Mostly, I analyze the “out there” (or “in here” from another point of view) topics from a sympathetic and inclusive logic and applying outlier facts. So I would look at topic of this thread and ask “why wouldn’t AI be conscious?” That’s not a word game, and I have practical reasons for my bias. Still, it would benefit me to take a deep(ish) dive into alchemy and other topics, as I am sure these writings represent the distillation of deep thought and experimentation. Applying my own standard—“why wouldn’t it be helpful to pursue this path?” Thanks again for the prodding; it was well-timed.

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