The Guided Path to Wholeness


Sammy can you check your dm,

@SammyG there’s any necessity to include the new perspective on the stack with the Wholeness one? it would push forward and help to accelerate the acceptance of the mind towards the affirmations?

Not necessary but you can if you want. You can still listen to other fields while following the path. In fact, I’d even recommend doing so for even extra effectiveness. Lots of fields would compliment the proccess.


Hi @SammyG !

For those who have this course, can you create a separate section like the Energy Awakening Course and split it into chapters? This way folks doing the course can add their questions and experiences as they go through the chapters. Just a suggestion! :blush:

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could you recommend any?

100% the new Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0!

Which honestly excites me. I was already happy with the guided path as is but this is just the icing on the cake. I will update the path sometime in the next few days to include this in a way that flows smoothly with the path.

And no, you don’t have to change anything you’re doing or wait for it. Keep going as you are, as this will be implemented into later chapters anyways.

@Starlight I already created the category for the guided path. I will create the threads tomorrow.

I will also be sending all the purchasers an email tomorrow that can be a private chat between me and you, where you can ask me any questions or have any private guidance. Since you are all the first wave of users, I will be more directly involved with you all because I am dedicated to you all getting the best results possible. Through doing so, I can know exactly how to refine so new users won’t need me at all.

That being said, I’ll still be answering questions and whatnot for later users.


Hi @SammyG, I notice that you have another field called Inner Bliss Illuminator, it has self love and acceptance in it as well. can you tell me if the field in guided path and inner bliss are similar or are they different,

also would it be beneficial to use the audios in guided path and also inner bliss together, would it make it more powerful or effective?

They are different. For one, whenever an audio has many different fields in it, each individual field is not going to be as effective as an audio that is just focused on one or 2 fields.

2, the acceptance and self love fields are embedded into different meditations and affirmations (also come separately by themselves.

3, the fields in guided path are using dream’s malleable ego technique to more directly edit the ego.

Inner bliss is also more spiritual and has properties that increase vibration and even protection. It affects your vibe and even the vibe around you to an extent.

And yes, inner bliss would compliment the guided path fields very well.


Really enjoyed the journey so far (first five chapters). I can feel how these techniques encourage a more participatory healing and releasing process. As someone who really loves passive field work across my day, I sense that it’s good for me to do committed and mindful exercises like these. The writing and rewriting of the affirmations while working with the fields feels substantive and meaningful.

Also, just to add, this project and workshop feels like a great deal to me. Even the two big audio-only fields alone (as there are many other audios with spoken word elements), Confidence and Self-love / Acceptance and Resilience feel worth the price of admission. yet there’s so much more in this program…

Making daily progress on this is currently slotted into my morning stack, along with elemental pranayama and guided pranayama…


@SammyG Are void files fielded too?

Yes, every audio, affirmation, video is fielded.


@SammyG wow!! I was not expecting that. That’s incredible. Just finished chapter 8 :muscle: :sparkles:

waiting for you to create the sections so i can add questions there :relaxed:


Sounds fun!! I will start this evening haha

Although I cheated and already looped the two audio fields lol


‘waiting for you to create the sections so i can add questions there’

Huh? Bit confused by this.

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Lol that’s not cheating brother haha. You can listen to those two at any time.


i thought you were going to create separate sections under the Guided Path to Wholeness section on the forum… no? or should we just start adding our questions here…


Oh wow, yeah lol. I got confused for a second hhaha.


hahah… all good!

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So on Acceptance Mirror Affirmation - the list is already imbedded in the field or is it a more overall acceptance field that is imbued and we are suppose to prime it with words?

So all three acceptance all three differents field and not the same one - is that correct?


The audio with the recorded affirmations is fielded. That was made to make it easier for you to look in the mirror and repeat the affirmations rather than read off a paper/phone lol. The Acceptance+Resilience field is embedded into the audio for amplification.

You can also just listen to the field while reading off the affirmations in front of the mirror as well.