The Health Stat - The Etherforge Consortium’s Ko-fi Shop
This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
+2 intelligence
+2 Resilience
Only for servitor installation
This is the health state ability.
Servitor will acquire skill and knowledge to speed up your natural healing and regeneration
and the the ability to perform it on others through your hands when worn.
Passively speeds your own healing when worn.
Can auto take instant action with extra effort when damage is detected.
The abities speeds healing by increasing cellular nutrient absorbtion within the cells around to pre-prime the cells for repair.
Mild electrical stomulation of cells themselves, to charge them up for the response
and finally a guided intelligence to speed the healing in the right pattern (its perfectly healthy state)
(also auto santizes the area)
(also plasmafied!)
To create simply play the audio in front of your created item.
that’s it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.