The Health Stat

The Health Stat - The Etherforge Consortium’s Ko-fi Shop

This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
+2 intelligence
+2 Resilience

Only for servitor installation

This is the health state ability.
Servitor will acquire skill and knowledge to speed up your natural healing and regeneration
and the the ability to perform it on others through your hands when worn.
Passively speeds your own healing when worn.
Can auto take instant action with extra effort when damage is detected.
The abities speeds healing by increasing cellular nutrient absorbtion within the cells around to pre-prime the cells for repair.
Mild electrical stomulation of cells themselves, to charge them up for the response
and finally a guided intelligence to speed the healing in the right pattern (its perfectly healthy state)
(also auto santizes the area)
(also plasmafied!)
To create simply play the audio in front of your created item.
that’s it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


Extremely highly recommend this ability field for your servitors especially if you have Phoenix Sage! :heart: I feel like I can conquer anything lol :laughing:


@El_Capitan_Nemo adding a ability to a servitor with similar base ability have any added benefits like any boost in efficiency or strength of the ability or they are independent ? For example adding health stat to phoenix instead of any others.


I know for my case with my Phoenix that the health stat ability sets it to overdrive. I feel like Phoenix is like the white mage (the healer in RPG terms). Feeding the ability to increase its already powerful healing stats made a huge difference for me!

I think even with a servitor who doesn’t specialize in regenerative mechanics can still benefit a small or big pick me up for this ability.


Definitely these will work big time with any servitors but i asked because when you have two servitors to add does it enhance the one with the same base ability instead of one without

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Get a pause from everything, incl. fields


check yourself for energy body issues.

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The only time I’ve had anything remotely similar was when I wasn’t observing all aspects of my practice, namely my diet.

And anytime I break diet, it’s ok for a little while, and then my physical energy goes to hell in a hand-basket.

Is there any aspect of what you SHOULD be doing alongside everything else that you’re not doing or are half-assing/substituting with something else?


About that particular issue, maybe Dr Sandman's Sleep Dust could help?

Among all its benefits, there’s:

(also sweet dreams guaranteed!)

And that might help as well:


Hello. If your issue is so stubborn and not getting healed then It must have a karmic blockage. You should work on it in that direction.


Do you physically have sufficient hormones in your body, vitamins you consume? Technically you can be “healthy”, it doesn’t mean that your body functions at its optimal capacity. Although it doesn’t mean that it’s possible to fulfill the deficiency by anything but straight replacement (hormonal) or supplementation (vitamins, elemental).

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Hormones you need to measure and “low normal” for many will actually be just low, for example low T4 will make you tired all time.

It isn’t even proven to be unhealthy in the sense that many long-lived people have lower T4 values, although usually they don’t suffer from any issues related to it. Same about other hormones.


Huge stat bump. Add the Magic stat—and the average person is looking at a 40% bump in these two categories.


Is the standard base stat 10 for each +1 to be ~10%? Would be cool to have a gauge/benchmark like a video game lol

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I was treating the base avg as 9, but 10 sounds more correct. 3 + (15/2) = 10.5

3D6 math.

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If you read the descriptions of Dream’s best healing fields and then come back and read this one, you’ll notice that plenty of gems are added here.

Making this a cheap, but beyond extremely efficient, time friendly, automated, overpowered skill.

It’s really like that with these new servitors lol.

It’s really like that.


Exactly with this ability you can have your servitor address and try to heal whatever health issues needs to be address. And you can tell your servitor to work on areas that needs help


when asking healing from a servitor,
is this ability automatic, or needs a separate command like "activate health stat … "


I didn’t quite understand that part. Are these improvements for the servitor or the owner ?

I tell myself that for a servitor the improvement of intelligence why not but the improvement of resilience… :thinking:

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From how I see it it should be an increase for you rather than the servitor.


I mean, since you can wear it as a suit, is it fundamentally any different either way?

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