The Higher Self NFT: Testimonials

Higher self is a term associated with multiple belief systems, but its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one’s real self. Blavatsky formally defined the higher self as “Atma the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self. It is the God above, more than within, us”. Each and every individual has a Higher self.

"Beyond The Matrix Mind-blowing" Ideas:
  • This field has been made in collaboration with our Higher Selves to find out what additions they would like to be added to this NFT that will be useful and helpful for us.

  • A field that would work on upgrading the Higher Self itself too.

  • A flexible field that can be adjusted by the Higher Self as time goes on.


The Higher Self is a part of you. It is the Wise Being within that is an accumulation of all of your positive characteristics. When you activate it, you awaken the spirit within.

Each one of us comes into this life with a special purpose and with a particular history and a track record of what we have and have not achieved before now.

We also carry memories both painful and pleasurable from other lives. We bring with us patterns, that may be inherited from our-selves and from our ancestors. The circumstances of our lives are designed to give us perfect opportunities for our evolution. And the designer of these circumstances is our Higher Self.

Our Higher Self is that part of that is one with the divine and has the over view across many lifetimes that lead to this one. The more we connect to our Higher Self the more we realise that we are made of a brilliant light ever shining on the inside.

Though our attention may wonder away from it, this light of our Higher Self never goes out. Probably the most important practice of our life is to know how to connect to this sublime part of our being.

The intelligence of our Higher Self is a resonance that is ‘beyond the mind’. Being one with our Higher Self is the same order of experience as attaining Samadhi, blissful orgasm, Divine Union, Ascension, Enlightenment and Nirvana.

When we unify with our Higher Self we are becoming aware of the fifth dimensionality of our being.

The Higher Self is an extension of yourself that is part of you and part of the Source - the Ultimate Higher Power. It is the version of you that is unlimited and eternal. It can be described as an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is your real self. It governs the inspiration, intelligence, and intuition that you have within yourself.

The term “Higher Self” refers to the real you, to your soul, to the part of you that is eternal, unlimited and wise, to the person you truly are without any learned patterns of behavior getting in the way. Your Highest Consciousness is that which is connected to the eternal, the magical, to the Divine. It is the expression of your innate divinity, thereby inseparable from the authentic self. This spiritual structure represents the unconditioned part of your psyche - the most beautiful and powerful version of who you truly are.

Your ‘Higher Self’ knows everything about you, it knows about all your past lives, it also knows what your soul was doing between lives, it knows what soul journey you are on and what are the best decisions to make in order for soul transformation, growth and even how to live your most magical life on Earth.

Your ‘Higher Self’ also has direct communication with ‘Source’ (the universe, God, the sun behind the sun, the great divine director) whatever you want to call our place of origin, that is where your ‘Higher Self’ hangs out.

Your ‘Higher Self’ is the part of you that is fully aware of you and fully aware of the bigger picture, the divine plan for you. Your ‘Higher Self’ also knows the future and more importantly the immediate future.

It is important that each and every one of us connect with our Higher Selves. Your Higher Self wants to do nothing more than communicate with you and guide you to be the best, or highest version of you. By tapping into our Higher Selves, we place ourselves on a path of pure ascension and great abundance that not only benefits us, but anyone who enters our path.

As you connect with your Higher Self this connection will empower you to perceive from a Higher Divine perspective, to clearly know your best steps, and to simply observe your present situation from the lenses of Divine Love, from Higher Knowing and Divine Truth.

You are already connected to your Higher Self whether you choose to work with it or not. Your Higher Self comes to you in dreams, visions, and intuitive pings. When you find yourself staring off into space for no reason, that is your Higher Self syncing up with you. When you feel tingles when someone mentions something or you enter a space, that is your Higher Self reminding you to pay attention, it’s like your cells are waking up, remembering something important about your journey or the moment your find yourself in.

As you start to become aware of your own Higher Self, you will be able to tune in to when and how it is making contact with you.

Connecting to Your Higher Self Will Transform Your Life

  • The owner of this incredible NFT will go through life in a much lighter, more joyful way. You will transform the things that are getting you stuck in life into avenues of freedom and liberation. You will be able to more fully connect with another human being and learn in the process. You will find that when you come to others with your Higher Self, their Higher Self will emerge.

  • Your Higher Self will provide you with guidance when making major decisions or choices. You will look within yourself for answers and trust what emerges. You will intuitively understand your place in this world, and how it relates to everything else that exists around you. Through the help of this NFT you will receive clarity about life’s toughest moments and decisions. You will form a deeper connection with your Higher Self that will give you the opportunity for deep introspection and reflection.

  • You will become unbound by life’s physical and emotional restrictions, You will find your true self and understand your life’s purpose. Once you recognize your life’s true path, your Higher Self will give you the strength and courage to walk down it.

  • By communicating with your Higher Self you will break through all the barriers you face in your everyday life.

  • As you connect to your Higher Self, you will understand more about the world and fully appreciate the relationships between seemingly unconnected facets of life. This will lead to a more holistic worldview that will help you find the balance between seemingly incompatible positions in life.

  • You will find that sense of equilibrium within the world that will give you the confidence and stability you need to move towards fulfilling your potential.

  • You will be able to see the larger picture. That is, you will be able to see your place in the world. You will feel a greater sense of connection to the universe and will be able to see your purpose of being. This will create a great sense of harmony that will give you a sense of direction, drive, and motivation. When this occurs, you will not only feel a greater sense of connection within yourself, but you will feel connected to nature, the world, and all the spirits and humans that inhabit the universe.

  • This will allow you to be in tune with the world around you. The spiritual ties that exist between you and nature will give you a sense of comfort. Knowing that there is always a part of you that belongs to the world you live in will soothe your uneasiness about what the world holds.

  • You will become more aware of your words, this will bring you closer to your Higher Self. You will let your Higher Self guide you, and in doing so you will become more mindful, speaking fewer yet more impactful words.

  • You will become a master meditator. You will find your meditations will become deeper connecting you to your Higher Self. Through mindfulness and meditation you will fill your body and soul with an overwhelming sense of harmony. You will feel at peace with yourself, and all of your negative self-talk and criticisms will appear to vanish. This is because you will be finally able to see yourself as the whole intelligent and worthy human being that you are.

  • Through mindfulness and meditation you will remove all spiritual blocks, and connect with your Higher Self, and develop a deeper connection to your mind, body, and soul.

  • As you connect with your Higher Self you will regain your childlike sense of wonder and inspiration that will encourage you to spend time doing the things that you love to do. This will nourish your spirit and bring you internal happiness.

  • Connecting to the Higher Self and higher spiritual energies of the cosmos will assist you to focus on the present. Your thoughts, anxieties, and your troubles of the day will start to melt away. You will feel as though you are in a state of higher consciousness and pure tranquility. You will realign your natural energy balance and become a more happier, healthier, and motivated individual with a deeper sense of purpose in the universe.

  • All avenues to communicate with your Higher Self will be strengthened. Your imagination, intuition, meditations, dreams.

  • Once you become consistent in remembering your dreams, you will master lucid dreaming and consciously connect with your Higher Self in lucid dreams.

  • You will clearly and intuitively understand the personal symbols your Higher Self will use to communicate with you as well as the collective symbols such as stories, tarot, myth, ritual, or prayer.

  • You will be intuitively guided to articles, books, videos, teachers any form of information that will help you better understand your Higher Self and how you can more clearly communicate with your Higher Self to receive clearer messages from within.

  • Communicating with your Higher Self will keep you calm, grounded, and in tune with the world around you. Once you embark on the journey to connect with your Higher Self, you will quickly begin to experience a number of life-changing benefits that will help guide you through life’s most difficult times.

  • Capabilities to hear like a real voice your “Higher-Self”(physical sound), like a parent who talk to his child.

  • He’d also help us see things from the wider perspective, constant individual based Higher Self experience

  • You and your Higher Self will form some sort of a nice fun collaborative agreement where you get what you want and he can gets what he wants from you to achieve this life.

  • Your Higher Self will bless you with all of his powers that he can provide you.

  • You will find a way with your Higher Self on how the Higher Self’s life goals can be reached and at the same time giving your incarnated self all that it wants to make your life easy.

  • Recognizing the value and the part that you play for our Higher Self

  • Recognizing that you have an agreement with your Higher Self on how from now onwards your future earth experiences are supposed to be.

  • You are always nurtured by your Higher self in a sense that he won’t lead you down the wrong paths in life, into situation where you would not want to be in.

  • The Higher Self will reveal to you the beauty of world and life so that you can experience it fully and completely.

  • You will have a clear understanding of who and what your Higher Self actually is.

  • You will deeply connect with your Higher Self. You will quite naturally access any knowledge, memory, experience, wisdom, from past lives and other incarnations, universal knowledge, and discover your Soul’s purpose.

  • The Higher Self would come in with his protection, now being with us at all times: He’d protect us from anything that would have a negative impact on us no matter how small it is. But if that negative impact is an important thing for us to achieve in order to live a better life in the future, we should still get the experience, but now the protection part would remove any sting or negative effect that it might had left on us. So we it doesn’t give us this weight to carry or hold in ourselves not even for a second more than it would be required to actually learn the lesson. So realization of the lessons we achieve in life would also be very immediate.

  • Integration of the Consciousness of the Higher Self to our own Consciousness

  • Expansion of the Higher Self’s Consciousness

  • This effect can also be applied in a timeless manner where the

  • elevation of consciousness is directly transmitted to our different incarnations across timelines/parallel incarnations/universes

  • As the owner of this NFT you will have a raised Sense of Intuition - your consciousness and clairvoyant abilities will become enhanced as your intuition is piqued. You will begin to “just know” certain things without being shown or told them first. It will be as if the universe downloaded information into your brain, body, and soul automatically. That, in turn, is what will help you to read other people’s intentions more instinctively.

  • Your Soul purpose will becomes clearer - No more feeling lost and confused as to where your life is headed. You will have a broader perspective on life - a crystal clear vision of where you are, where you should be going, and how you will feel when you get there. A clear vision of your life path and all that you are meant to be will be laid out right before you.

  • Answers to Tough Questions - Messages and answers to your burning life questions will get swift and powerful answers when you consult your Higher Self for wisdom and guidance.

  • You will be in control of your own happiness - You will choose to be happy every day and won’t let anything get to you. You will shed the negativities in your energy while making yourself feel more comfortable and validated as a sensitive, complex spirit.

  • Enhanced Healing Abilities - The NFT will remove energetic blockages by directing your intent and energy towards any type of healing.

  • Unconditional Love For Yourself - You will no longer look for love from people or other sources. You will realize that love, an infinite source of love comes from within. Your Higher Self is secure and unrelenting in its solidity, infinity, beauty, and worthiness. Therefore, connecting to it will make you feel the same way. You will stop looking for reassurance from other people and outside sources. You will instead start to realize your own personal value and begin generating greater self-confidence from your boundlessly elevated consciousness.

  • Gratitude - You will become thankful for everything in your life, even the setbacks. You will intuitively know that everything that happens is all a part of a system that ultimately works in your favour.

  • Honesty With Yourself And Others - You will no longer be afraid of saying no to going somewhere or doing something despite how others may feel. You will be in tune with your Higher Self and have no problem staying true to yourself.

  • Unplugged From The World - The NFT owner will no longer be concerned with those who wish to have power in media or the government. You will know their hidden agendas and understand that there is so much more to life.

  • You will feel calm and grounded even when the world around you is chaotic.

  • Increased Clarity - The Higher Self will limit the external chatter and and allow you to get clarity about life’s most challenging moments and you will feel calmer as you approach them.

  • Healthier Body and Mind - through meditation, this NFT will help you to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It will enable you to focus on establishing a peaceful connection to the world around you and see things from a more loving perspective. On top of that, it will also reduce inflammation in the body and help heal various illnesses.

  • Trust Your Decisions - By being in connection with the divine, you will be able to trust that no matter what comes at you, you have all the tools to make the best decision for yourself in the moment.

  • You will see each obstacle as happening for you rather than being a victim that it happens to.

  • You will ascend your consciousness

  • You will be more open and receptive to life

  • You will become more creative and find inspiration in the world around you.

  • You will have an enhanced intuition, your spiritual and personal gifts will become enhanced too.

  • You will have a greater sense of tolerance and be more patient with yourself and those around you.

  • You will no longer fear death

  • You will develop a mystical perception of life

  • You will cultivate an unconditional love for yourself and for others

  • As your connection strengthens you will find your Higher Self leading you on a path from which you will understand your life in its uniqueness and realize its full potential—how and why you think and act as you do—and to continually deepen that understanding through growing self-awareness and improvement.

  • As you ignite that divine essence from within and become the higher version of yourself you will rise above your own life and self-orientation, looking into being of service to others. You will learn to access the higher consciousness, or the spiritual self, with greater frequency, becoming more focused on serving others than service to yourself.

  • You will understand that your Higher Self is your best guide for a meaningful experience here on the physical plane. You will now use your innate ability to tap into timelessness and transcend any challenge in your life.

  • Challenges in life can be opportunities that awaken a higher level of consciousness. - According to Ekhart Tolle, if you think that life exists to make you happy, you are in for a big shock. Everyone on this planet will at some point experience challenges. When you inevitably experience something horrible, you have a choice. You can become sad, bitter, angry, and live in a state of unhappiness. Alternatively, you can observe the challenge as it unfolds, from a deeper state of awareness and without judgment. With this NFT you will remain peacefully still from within in the midst of any turbulent situation. It will steer you toward the best course of action.

  • Every time you get an inexplicable feeling or premonition, your Higher Self is trying to communicate with you. With the help of this NFT those hunches and gut feelings will become stronger. One ability you’ll develop as you become used to hearing your Higher Self is the ability to discern between the fear-based voice of the ego and the infinite/eternal voice of your Higher Self. You will develop a keen awareness of your body as a great “translator” of your Higher Self’s messages.


According to Maslow, self-transcendence brings the individual what he termed “peak experiences” in which they transcend their own personal concerns and see from a higher perspective. These experiences often bring strong positive emotions like joy, peace, and a well-developed sense of awareness.

Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos

As the NFT owner transcends the self and their own individual ego they will affirm their sense of identity and self-worth through a profound sense of connection to the Divine or Ultimate Other. The NFT owner will experience feelings of awe and rapture; of time stopping; and of feeling a sense of unity with other people, nature, God, or the universe, an awareness of ultimate truth and the unity of all things.

Our Higher Self understands and knows god/goddess, great spirit, the source, the universal intelligence and downloads it to us as pure light, this is where the chakras come in, we can only really download this Higher Self light fully, and absorb it fully if we are able to fully open our chakra system, the gateways to the world of light.

  • The NFT’s owner Earth Star chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The earth star chakra is not located in the physical body like most of the other chakras are, yet it still can have significant effects on day-to-day life. This chakra is believed to be located about twelve inches below the feet, in the etheric (or non-physical) body.

  • Also referred to as one of the sub-personal chakras or as the “super root,” its most important features are its rooting and grounding properties. While it would seem like the root chakra itself already handles this (as it largely does), the earth star chakra goes a step further to be the anchor of the whole chakra system, especially of those seven main chakras.

  • The earth star chakra connects one’s personal energy (and thereby all one’s bodily chakras) to the greater earthly and universal energies. This connection allows for feelings of grounding, stability, and wellbeing.

  • The NFT’s owner root chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT’s owner sacral chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT’s owner solar chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT’s owner heart chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT’s owner throat chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT’s owner third eye chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically. Also a decalcification of the pineal gland will occur.

  • The NFT’s owner crown chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • The NFT’s owner Soul star chakra stays clear, open and expands automatically.

  • Description of the Soul Star Chakra : “The 8th Chakra has an additional important function. It connects us to other dimensions or worlds, including those used in past-life regression, shamanic healing, psychic trance, and mediumship. According to Cyndi Dale, it can assess the Akashic Records and Shadow Records.”

  • The soul star or the 8th chakra is located about a foot (12 inches or 304.8 millimeters) above the head. Some say that the soul star is closer to the body, while others locate it about three feet (one meter) off, above, and around the body. All agree that it lies above the crown or 7th chakra, hence the reference to the number eight.

3 Things You Didn’t Know Your Higher Chakras Could Do

1. Higher chakras can lead you to your higher self.

The first of the spiritual chakras is the eighth chakra. This chakra is the passageway that connects your personality in this body, in this lifetime, with your immortal soul, the part of you not confined by physicality that spans many bodies and lifetimes. Your higher self also has access to the Akashic records, which contain all knowledge, and can answer questions your conscious mind doesn’t know the answers to—past, present, or future.

2. Higher chakras can reveal your life’s purpose.

The higher chakras contain the best parts of yourself, the qualities you came into this body and this life to manifest. When you activate the higher chakras, you can download those qualities and that energy and absorb them into your being. This allows you to act from a place of spiritual truth, in alignment with your soul. The higher chakras, particularly the eighth, hold the record of your soul contract—the plan your soul set in place before you incarnated, or, your life purpose. You must learn specific lessons in this life in order to evolve, and while your higher self never forgets what those lessons are, your personality can. When you begin to reach the higher spiritual chakras, you are able to get in touch with your Higher Self and check out the blueprints you made for this life.

3. Higher chakras allow you to experience divine love.

The greatest gift that reaching higher chakras provides is the experience of Divine love. The perception you have of being a separate being, alone, will begin to crumble as your consciousness expands and you become aware of just how immeasurably large this universe—and therefore the universal field you’re connected to—is.
Cosmic love will change you down to your core. The effects of understanding that you are part of the interconnected world and knowing that you are loved unconditionally will make you more compassionate and loving towards others, and the Divine love will radiate like ripples, spreading through you and out into the world.

  • Forgive all people, without discrimination, all people who have done you wrong.

  • Forgive yourself, forgive and be at peace within yourself

  • Let go of personal history, “let go of your past self and your negative reactions from your past, do not identify with your past”

  • “By letting go of the past, we tune in what is called the higher self or future self, get in touch with these, visualize, intuit what your future self will be, what it is”

Tame the Ego

Your Higher Self is kind, compassionate, and feels more like home. Your Higher Self however, has to share room with your ego. Being human is not about learning to shed the ego. Rather, it is about learning to balance our ego with our Higher Self. When connecting with our Higher Self, our ego will have questions that perhaps may block or get in the way of the messages our Higher Self has for us.

Energy Body
  • Removing all blockages in the entire energy system that is blocking a good connection and communication to Higher Selves and also to all energetic exchanges.

  • Understanding the energetic outputs and inputs we get on daily basis by the Higher Selves

  • Automate wiring and working on the part of brain and nervous system responsible for perception, analyzing of the psychic data.

Mental Aspects
  • You will be in a Mindful mental state that will allow you to focus your awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is about being mindful of everything, especially your thoughts and words, taking time to pay attention to what you are about to say and how it will impact the other person.

  • All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. Experiencing this truth changes the way you will experience time. Time would now feel like one moment, not separate moments divided by different times during the day, days, weeks, months or years. True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but with the making of a choice. Until a choice is taken, the future is not determined.

  • As the owner of this NFT you will see the divinity in everyone else and in yourself. That everyone is derived from the Source and is a fragment of the all. Through this field you will begin to perceive the divine spark in every person.

  • You will realize that the truth is that you are already interconnected with everything and it is your ego that is making you identify with being separate or wanting to be apart. That Interconnection with everything is realizing that everybody is part of something bigger and that the small things you do can affect everyone around you. That even one act of kindness or love can reverb in celebration throughout entire universes.

  • You will be in a continual state of happiness that will be completely unaffected by external circumstance. You will recognize that happiness is a

choice, you will be pushed by this NFT to make that choice all the time.

  • You will strengthen the connection to your subconscious

  • You will understand your subconscious, how it works, how it communicates, how it can be influenced and how to take more control of it.

  • All subconscious blockages, limiting beliefs and programming that prevent you to have a really good connection with your Higher-Self will be removed.

  • Conceptual comprehension of the content of your subconscious, unconscious, and infra conscious. You will become one with your Higher Self.

  • Remove all the energetic patterns that prevent you from making a direct connection with your Higher Self.

  • Increased collaboration between the incarnational self, the subconscious mind and the Higher Self

  • Realization that the subconscious mind is not a small child that needs to be told what to do. Instead, it is an infinitely intelligent partner who also has direct access to the Higher Self and all the info in the world.

  • Clearing everything in the subconscious mind that prevent full communication with the Higher Self.

Top Five regrets of the dying

Integration and realization of the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying into the user:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

“I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”

“I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.”

“I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”

“I wish that I had let myself be happier.”

Seeing through the Matrix Game & Special Skills
  • Ability to recognize which other humans and aliens are actual incarnational selves/soul fragments from other Higher Selves

  • Realization of the bigger picture that is going on. For example Higher Selves from different fractions and with different agendas, moving around their incarnational characters (humans, aliens etc.) like through a strategy game. But only as long as it is safe for the incarnational self be aware of this stuff.


Repetition of the mantra " OM Tat Sat Om" is the perfect mantra to connect to the Higher Self. This is one of the only mantras that specifically targets the Pineal Gland. The mantra means “I Am That I Am.” It energetically makes you one with your own particular point of attention in Source. Many people don’t realize that while we all come from Source and are connected through it, we all have our own inner Source as well. This mantra connects you to that Un-manifested aspect of your Self.

Yoga Part

Smart automation of Arhatic Yoga

“Arhat” is a Pali term, which literally means “He who is Worthy“ or “He who is worthy of Praise“. Arhatic Yoga, also called ‘The Synthesis of Yogas’ or in the higher levels, ‘The Yoga of Synthesis’, is designed to help the practitioner develop to the level of an Arhat .

The process of Arhatic yoga involves asanas, meditation, breathing techniques and spiritual practices that have been blended together into a single system. It brings together elements from Raja yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga as well as other methods. This has led to it also being called the “yoga of synthesis

Arhatic Yoga comes from two words; ‘Arhat’, meaning saint or a highly evolved person, and ‘Yoga’ which in Sanskrit means union, referring to “to yoke” or "to join. So, a person who has achieved a substantial degree of union or oneness with his ‘Higher Soul’ or ‘Higher Self’ is called an ‘Arhat’

Arhatic Yoga increases your energy, activates the chakras and balances the negative properties within the chakras.

Regular practice neutralizes and refines negative tendencies within the personality.

As you move to a higher frequency, your Soul takes charge of your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. Your life becomes calm, not chaotic.

When you practice Arhatic Yoga regularly, as you advance, you achieve Self-Mastery.

  • The NFT owner will become a Master of all forms of meditation.

  • Activate on command : 'Mediation Activate '. The field will put you in a deep mediation state. The field tries to get you into a deeper and deeper mental state from you base level or brain functioning and deeper progressively beta-alpha-theta-delta-epsilon. The energies will start working when activated and throughout your meditation.

Seeing the Astral realms
  • Activate on command: ‘*Astral Realms Activate’ .*The field help you seeing the Astral Realms.

Deactivate on command: 'Astral Realms Deactivate’.

Unlimited Connection (Mandala)

The connection made with the NFT will be more of an ‘agreement connection’ between us and our Higher Selves. This connection is unlimited. We can activate it on command: ‘Higher Self’s Activate’ where the Higher-Self become the driver in our life. We put our ego on the passenger seat and we let the Divine control our day. All limits are lifted with this mode. We can deactivate when we want: ‘Higher-Selves Deactivate’.

  • Creation and attunement to a portal of Pietersite energetic stream

  • Owner of this nft gets an attunement to this portal, access on demand to a pure source of energy of Pietersite


First and foremost, your Higher Self speaks with you in your dream state – the realm of your subconscious. That’s the state when all the mental constructs strip away and seize to control your reality. Most of the vividly recalled dreams occur during REM sleep, and this is the moment when you tap into your higher consciousness.

It’s crucial to everyone who wants to expand one’s consciousness is to start remembering your dreams and journal them. Every night your Higher Self connects with you during your dream state to give you clues and shed light on your own blind spots. It’s your message of the day to pay close attention to discern what you need to let go of at this point. It’s important to understand that every single character in your dream represents yourself – this or that aspect of your own subconscious that you probably disown.

Connecting to your Higher Self through Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

We all have a higher self. In fact, we ARE the higher self. It is our soul, our consciousness. It is always there within us. We are not what we see here in these physical bodies, we are energy in which this higher self creates and we can meet this Self in our dreams. When we explore our dreams we can find that self within them, we can go deeper and meet that Higher Self. The more this is practiced the more we can find it in our everyday lives.


We can connect to it through meditation followed by lucid dreaming. Meditation is the door to the higher realms and by doing this we are entering it. This is because when we close our minds off we enter into the realm of consciousness. We are literally meeting our Higher Selves. Or, better yet, we are shedding away that egotistical version of ourselves that we have taken this lifetime to create and allowing the Higher Self to shine through. When we meditate before falling asleep we are giving ourselves a higher chance at lucid dreaming and meeting that Higher Self that we have just connected to.

Lucid Dreaming

We can also take this meditation into our lucid dreams or we can affirm to ourselves before we fall asleep that we want to meet our Higher Selves when we sleep. This can help the process along and although we may not lucid dream at first, we certainly can download dreams that connect us to that source. Once we have mastered the lucid dreaming technique we can explore other realms and put ourselves forth to meeting our source.

Connecting the Dots

When we meet ourselves in our lucid dreams it is important to write them down. Over time, we can create many different messages for ourselves and as time goes on, we may see what those messages mean because our Higher Self is always wanting to guide us and bring us what we want. If we meet them in a lucid dream we can hear these messages and hear any guidance we need loud and clear.

Lucid dreaming gives us one of the best opportunities we can get to do just this. Without our physical bodies and minds getting in the way we can hear our guidance and hear our heart and continue to live every day connected to that.

Lucid dreaming can be one of the most life changing experiences we can expect to have. The ability to consciously enter the dream world (4D consciousness) and purposely direct our intent from a level of our superconscious mind will allow us to have a direct experience of our Higher Self.

Although in the Western world lucid dreaming has gained popularity over the last few decades lucid dreaming has long been acknowledged for thousands of years in the East, by Tibetan Buddhists and other mystics as an important milestone on the route of enlightenment and the discovery of the ultimate nature of the self.

Lucid dreaming offers you the greatest altered state of awareness you can think of without the use of drugs or years of meditation. Plus in a lucid dream you could ask to experience states like:

  • Unconditional Love

  • Enlightenment

  • Embodying your Higher Self

  • Integrating your Shadow Self

Not only can you experience these states while in a lucid dream but you can transfer those feelings into your waking life and even more powerful you can ask your subconscious mind what steps you can take, what things you could do, what you require to let go off or what you must heal within you to embody these states of awareness in your everyday life.

When you access your subconscious mind you have access to your Higher Self and this part of you knows what is best for you at any given moment.

Intercession part

You will meet and interact with your Higher Self in your dreams as well as also your guardian angels and ancestors.

  • Each time you awaken from your dreams you will remember your dreams clearly and will intuitively understand all the messages you received from your Higher Self. You will gain the ability to get clear message from dreams, and intuition to decode the message if it’s in symbol form.

  • You will understand the cluster of souls you are participating with.

  • You will realize that your incarnational self needs to become a completely sovereign manifestor of your reality in order for you to graduate.

  • Reach the level of sufficient enough absorbed experience so that emotional detachment from physical earth and the game becomes an easy choice.

  • Realization of why Free Will is so important for the ability to Love Oneself, and by this also love others. Because true unconditional love can only come from a free will decision. A decision that is independent from all the circumstances and factors. A decision that is unconditional!

The NFT owner will understand of the main goals of their Higher Self

They will also have:

  • A higher ability to love

  • more free will

  • more collected experiences in their data base

  • more wisdom

  • higher ability to manifest desired reality

  • Field encourages the user’s Higher Self to provide the user experiences that ensure that the user can fully trust its Higher Self.

  • A deeper understanding and trust that the path and challenges that they are going through as an incarnational fragment is totally worth it long-term.

  • The Higher Self will reveal to you how to take care of your Inner Child in a way that the Inner Child really feels appreciated and never ignored in its earthly and psychological needs.

  • Psychic understanding of situations where the Higher Self has their back and did some intercession for the incarnational self. With the incarnational self becoming aware of this help from their Higher Self, a stronger base of trust is created, further enhancing the connection to their Higher Self.

Waking Up

As the owner of the Higher Self NFT you will intuitively know what you actually deep down wanted to do and experience in the incarnation. You will know your life’s real PURPOSE and DESIRE you had for this incarnation. The Higher Self will now clearly guide and help you to accomplish all that you had set out to do before incarnating.


Mandala + Audio


Wonderful project - thanks for creating it! :slight_smile:


So many things to explore in this NFT!!!


This is Beautiful! Congratulations! Thank you, Captain! :sparkling_heart:


Wow! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Congrats guys! :clap:


What People think Higher Self Connection feels like

What it actually feels like


Things always happen at seemingly the right time. Thanks to the group and Captain for this blissful creation.


Thank you very much @hugo6406 for leading this project and of course to @Captain_Nemo for making it.

And of course to all the team members and their super valuable input, especially @lezeallion.

This may be the most important NFT ever made!
I mean, the Higher Self is literally one’s personal everything.
It is your god, your home, your family, your past and your future.

It also goes perfectly, visually and conceptually, hand in hand with Blueprint of Love:


Congratulations to everybody in this group specially @hugo6406 i for whatever reason have always felt your energy like of a little brother to me, so i feel super proud and happy for you!

I really appreciated you coming to me offering to buy a copy with the release. I rejected it not because i didnt think it was like a wow NFT, on the contrary i was positive it was going to come out being an absolute gem! But i thought someone else could benefit more or needed it more than me right at this point in my journey.

But as usual the final product surpassed even the highest expectation of it. And ended up being incredibly whole and perfected to detail.

Congratulations again!! And looking forward to witness your growth right in front of our eyes.



I don’t think many will drop crazy experiences or deep insights in this threard since this whole NFT is personal

but I’m able to say this much

whatever NFT you have to trade for this one, its worth it


Anything that you could possibly be seeking and will seek in the future of this lifetime, can be fulfilled through this.

For those that feel something is missing, for those that desire direction, this is like a Rite of Passage combined with Universal Consciousness with clearings, love, forgiveness and more.

Even if there is not much said on this thread, if you have an opportunity, please know, it is 100% worth it. I have spent so much money on fields until I finally stopped because I realized it would never end. I went to find myself and took a break from the forums a bit for all the creators I use.

My Higher Self called me back, solely for this. And I had some help from friends in the group to be da*n sure I made it back. A big thanks to everyone and captain, let the new journey, truly begin :heart:


This is one of the craziest NFT’s I’ve ever had and felt lol i feel so connected to a part of me that’s divine

I’ll write more later, but this is a must have for every one

Thank you @anon46074933 for looking out for me during release brother :pray:

I’m going to try going back to sleep now lol

Thank you dream :)


How can we possibly use this field to bring about our desired manifestations?


Everyone’s Higher Self will work differently with them. Do not think of them as some type of other deity or a being that is not an exact version of you with more wisdom. It is the real you in your highest, godly form. And they want, what you truly want. whether you know you desire it or not. This latter part is the hardest to realize.

Simple tricks to assist you that have helped me, is mine doesn’t really use the word “no.”

If I desire something that is not for my highest good, it comes with a “now why would that be helpful?”

They will get you to start thinking about why you are desiring such things in your reality. Why do you not feel fulfilled NOW. There is no reason you should feel unfulfilled or unhappy in any present moment. This field will lead you to that realization, that you are choosing to desire something you lack when you are already complete, perfect and have the capability to feel at bliss like a buddha NOW.

Not only does it connect you gradually to the archive of wisdom and knowledge directly thus impacting your actions, thoughts, and self inquisition abilities - but keep trying to talk to them. They’re there and your ‘deep thoughts’ are much more “one” now than ever.

Ask questions about your desired manifestations, and ask deeply and truthfully for what you want to know. Be open to the response. Think about it like this, if your higher self disagrees or says wait, it’s because YOU have a better idea for YOU. This isn’t a parent saying no to you, it’s you doing you a favor for your own highest good. They know more about you, than you could even try to conceive about yourself in a single lifetime - because that’s how massive their library of all their versions of “you” are.

Open the door, step into the library of your Soul, and begin re-learning the forgotten wisdom of your lives. You will thank yourself later. ;)


Really appreciate your lucid explanation @lezeallion. Thank you.


I cannot explain my gratitude for you @Captain_Nemo

Nothing I am about to say can possibly capture the current undergoing transformation.

For the first time - the world is alive. There is a divinity in everything and everyone. This world’s beauty is remarkably hidden beneath layers of programming and our own inner realities. My mind is clear. A clarity unknown to a mental landscape that is usually muddied with thoughts of my past. Memories, experiences, attachments that never let go, that I never let go. The canvas is being washed.

Forgiveness. “Sorry” is something that I could never quite say. Just the thought of the word is something that caused my throat to dry up. “My bad” and any other similar phrase always seemed easier. Perhaps there is an innate humility, a surrendering to your error associated with “Sorry” that I have always avoided my entire life. Today was the beginning of me expressing that word verbally to someone in the present now - and what has already begun is the forgiveness of myself and others for all time.

Mindfulness. Whether that’s insomnia or an inability to keep my eyes closed during my shoddy attempted meditation sessions of fidgeting, blinking, scratching my face and everything in between, meditation is effortless. A natural state of being that goes deeper and deeper endlessly connecting me to the core of a being I longed for, but never reached. It was so enjoyable today, I didn’t even want to stop. And I’m excited to go back. It’s not a chore or something that takes away from what I call “me time” consisting of fun hobbies and mindless media binging. It IS “Me Time” - Time for Me to spend time with Me - Meditation, the hyperbolic time chamber where you can chill with and pick the brain of the most wise, humorous, kindest and coolest being ever…Your Higher Self aka YOU.

Happiness and Wholeness. The untouchable state of bliss. I lost something today…my old patterns of negative self talk. I would use them as a burden, a motivation to push myself to keep sprinting forward towards ‘destiny’ and goals. It was a weight that was holding me back. Now that the weight is gone I don’t even have to push myself anymore. Because I had wings the whole time.

Every moment of life is exciting and new. The “Now” is eternal. I no longer get lost in my head looking back to the past or imagining my future - I’m alive at all times in the present. There is never a dull or boring moment no matter what the situation. The eyes of the child have been returned to me - and I surely won’t be growing up again.


The best NFT for me without a doubt.

Feeling of returning home.
Meeting the old friend.

The best is yet to come.

My life goal started being clear again.

Thank you @Captain_Nemo
Thank you @everyone in the NFT group. You helped me in many ways, inspired me to do things differently.


This Higher-Self Connection NFT would give me no peace until I acquired a copy! :grin:
I was excited to find one willing to sell their precious extra copy on our Buying/Selling thread! Thank You, you know who :sparkling_heart: :boom: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and Thank You dear Captain! :sparkling_heart:


You can throw away all your other manifestation NFTs with this one because its genuinely all you need.


With all due respect for this nft and it’s attributes, I think it’s not fair to other creations to say this, at least in these terms.