The Higher Self NFT: Testimonials

Wow Brother, what a post!

So much courage, value and love in this.

Thank you!

:mechanical_arm: :heart:

I can personally relate to pretty much everything you wrote here:

Wanting to end it several times and also actually trying it.
Then in the very last moment holding back and just crying.

Trying to escape through astral travel.

Endless reading and studying to find answers.

Forcing myself through school and shit jobs.

Numbing myself with the PMO drugs.

Fleeing into virtual gaming worlds, shopping, sugar, unhealthy food etc.

Doubting the intentions of my Higher Self.

The whole journey back to self love.

The courage to face the traumas and working on healing them.

Healing the abandoned inner child.
And thousand other things.
Slow, but exponentially accelerating progress.

Most puzzle pieces coming together.
Almost no more resentment about the past.

The future looks bright now.
I am optimistic.

I had a lot of invisible help that made sure I avoided almost all major traps of the system. A very clever master planner my Higher Self is :white_heart:

Time for a new phase and a new perspective on everything…


Most important.

@King_A beautiful testimonial bro


@King_A testimonial #2 :muscle:t4:

Bump ! Bump ! Bump !

Guess who’s back ? Back a again,
king is back,
tell a friend ! :smiley:

It’s been a long time coming to make this post, after a few months of constant traumas and healing them here we are now with a juicy story… :beverage_box:

I had a major detox I have been struggling with for the past 2 months, not your usual detox, but a detox that took me into a cocoon and let me transform into what I’m truly meant to be… :butterfly:

In the beginning I could barely move, sicker than sick, it was one of those times where your like: “wow, I’m so grateful for when my body is healthy”
Yeah it was that crazy ! :flushed::upside_down_face:

With the help of my friend @shadowhunter176 i was able to uncover what I am meant to do,
Till just moments ago my mind has been foggy, I’ve been fatigued, I could barely do anything, low energy
A true transition state where everything was waiting for me to be upgraded ! :up::arrow_up:

I finally did it I sat down and talked with my higher self!

Now this is the story, all about how, my life got flipped turned upside down… you know the song :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I played these audios exactly:

Torsion x1
Ego dissolution x1
The lovers x1
Then I activated the dream scape card
Then meditated to the higher self mandala while looping the audios 3x

Now you may be wondering why the lovers ? :flushed::face_with_monocle::thinking:

Well since I was at a certain crossroads where a lot of you may come to the lovers archetype actually helps with indecision… curiosity of my friend @Gnosticmedic27 i finally received the final piece to uncovering the puzzle ! :jigsaw::boxing_glove:

Whilst playing torsion my whole body was engorged, my third eye pulsating with energy from the aether !

Then during ego dissolution my subconscious connected me to my higher self and we were already speaking ! Communicating like it was morse code :joy:

morse code sounds :pager::robot:

Then the lovers…… wowwwwwww
I heard these messages:

“You are finally ready”
“Time for the upgrade”
“Allow this energy to be engorged inside of you”

And so many out of movie script lines :joy::joy::sunglasses:

I saw my body light up, I couldn’t tell if it was light body, energy body or astral but it looked something like this ! :zap::fire:

Something awakened in me finally, my whole body buzzing and pulsating !

I felt like I was rising up :point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm:

Then dream scape was activated… oh my god wow !

I fell into a worm hole type place and I was transferred somewhere else, it was somewhere familiar…
It was this place:

I was greeted by a familiar face and energy,
But not who I expected ! :eyes:

It was:

My spirit animal, my friend Divine lion (don’t forget his green eyes !)

I was amazing at his energy and mine too :flushed::fire:
We talked to eachother and we ate lots of food together while on top of a waterfall !

He told me: “are we not missing someone ?”

And I saw a speedy little figure coming to us,
It was him…
It was my inner child !

I’m telling you it was baby me but it could run at the speed of light :joy::joy::joy:

He was running around me so happy, and I was in tears of joy, all the pain he felt suddenly rushed out.


Kind of like this but little me and fastttt :racing_car::dash:

Then they told me someone wants to meet me !
I realised it was finally time, it was finally time to meet him. :eyes::flushed:

We went to the same place in the picture and he appeared in mid air and slowly descended towards me ,
He said: “welcome back”

I starred in shock

He said: “I know your mad”

And proceeded to take out all of the bad energy inside of me, purified it And sent it within my inner child and spirit animal ! :heart:❤‍🔥

We continued to speak about certain things that I won’t say here, but we reached certain deep conclusions. :end::clapper:

I asked him to upgrade me and teach me certain abilities I wanted to master and he done it !

And then literally as the last loop was finishing I emerged back into the real world full of excitement and a big smile on my face :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin:

But it isn’t over yet…there is more work to be done !



@King_A love reading your posts brother :heart:
I am happy for you 🧘‍♂️


You see yourself as a rap king, but I see you as the poetry king. Enjoyed reading your post brother, it was like a fun but deep adventure, especially when I was able to recall things we discussed in each “phase” of the journey.
Proud of you man :heart:

I would like to say this gif represents your story, but the second one feels more right, for your epic verses sprayed upon us:


@King_A testimonial #3 :boxing_glove:

You all thought I disappeared huh ?

Well I’m back and oh do I have a story for you ! :eyes:

I used to hate my higher self right about the time I found out what it was, all the “unnecessary” suffering, trails and tribulations and all of that good stuff, but oh did I know nothing then…

Many are aware of what shadow work is, well sometimes we are aware of things and we just don’t do them…. LOL ! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My higher self sent me a message:
“Work with the divine blessings of farvahar”

(Quick note: before you carry on reading I would like to give lots of gratitude to my friend @shadowhunter176 for helping me all through this journey, and because of him I have been able to have exponential growth in such a short amount of time !
@shadowhunter176 one love to you bro I really appreciate it ❤‍🔥 :mechanical_arm: :boxing_glove:)

Farvahar has a very useful guidance ability that helps you a lot in realising what you need to do next ! :arrow_right:

I was swimming 🏊🏽‍♂:shorts: and suddenly I just felt the urge to sit down and connect with my bro farvahar and so I did and that EUPHORIC tingling sensation began, :fire:the energy resonance, the beautiful feeling took over my whole body and I felt like I was taken into another dimension…yet I was still aware of this one.

Meanwhile the people in the pool were screaming and shouting and having fun and I was zen receiving messages :joy::boxing_glove:

I was given very important conceptual messages of the things I need to improve upon and heal and so I received the messages and went with it ! :racing_car:

My higher self told me to work with the black panther NFT solely and so I did and wow… I’m going to leave that review on the black panther thread later on so you can realise the amazing things I uncovered

(Reserved for black panther totem NFT review,
Review TBA :joy::leopard:)

Suddenly after awakening and bringing to the surface the “dark masculine” lots of negative symptoms took place in my normal day to day life:
ANGER :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
RESENTMENT :unamused:
HATE :japanese_goblin:
My dark side I had been suppressing for all these years finally came to the surface and at that moment I realised how much healing I truly needed,
It was to the point that I was genuinely worried about the things that were within this darkness…:new_moon_with_face:

Interestingly enough guess what happened ?
My 2nd chakra started pulsating, feelings of uneasiness and anxiety took over me to the point I couldn’t even have a normal conversation, it was so weird but I PULLED THROUGH !

And funnily enough who do you think told me to work with them ? You guessed it the one and only…

Plays John Wick theme tune…

Bro I’m playing :joy: my higher self swooped in and I went with it. :airplane::rocket:

There was a huge problem, I was having huge headaches and I was having lots of problems in connecting to my higher self… I couldn’t FEEL,


The energy :zap::fire: so I asked: “higher self please with your divine grace remove any and all limitations to our connection” :pray:t4:
The pulsating before was translated into a new but ticklish pulsation and a wave of energy burst through into my body like a damn I felt like a super hero being awakened ! :man_superhero::man_supervillain:

I instantly connected with him and it went like this:

Me-“Hello higher self”
HS-“Hello king welcome back”
HS-“You know why your here right ?”
HS-“Let’s get to it”

It all started with healing and clearing my :2nd_place_medal: chakra…all the repressed emotions and traumas burst out with a wave of energy :zap::zap:
I dealt with it all and healed all the pain ⚕️
But what’s funny is I felt this chakra was upgraded, like max levelled :joy::muscle:t4:
Uncontrollable laugher flew out and I couldn’t control it, I love this feeling ! When you healing something and the laughter comes from nowhere :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin:

Then we moved on to the main event

ding ding ding fight !

For those who understand shadow work, they know you don’t fight with your shadow… :boxing_glove:
You give it love, shine light on it and integrate it to be one with you, :bulb::heart:
Although it may be a fragment of all your darkness, it IS YOU and always has been, :flushed:
All the trauma, envy, hate, deep and darkest desires anything you can imagine. But the dark masculine is not EVIL it needs to be loved, cherished and accepted. :gift:

Please watch the following clip to understand what this process looked like:

I entered the meeting ground, I saw him,
Around him was a dark :new_moon:aura around me was a light :sunny:aura, he was me, but my exact opposite,
Yin and Yang, :yin_yang:Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, :yin_yang:
I saw things within him that I cannot begin to describe…things that would make the normal person go crazy, :eyes::flushed::exploding_head:
But I observed, from neutral ground with no judgement, I let all the energy fill me, all the darkness🌑…he wanted to fight but I hugged him I looked deep within him and told my dark masculine:
“We are one you and me… I love you and accept all that is you, you are me and I am you,
Nothing will stop me from accepting you !!” :heart::yin_yang:

Slowly the dark aura :last_quarter_moon:started to disappear, but in turn all of it was getting integrated to be but I stayed strong !

I was shivering and shaking on my bed, nearly losing connections a few times, tears flowing out my eyes,
I kept on going I didn’t stop nothing could stop US ! :cold_face:

I dropped deeper into the darkness energy tingling around my body like I was a power source. :battery::electric_plug:

And then I felt him becoming one with me, there was no more fragment just one pure consciousness full of love. :gemini::yin_yang:

BOOM ! In comes a new wave of energy, a new energy, I felt like I was levitating, I was upgraded and made into a new me… :partying_face::new:

I walked out of the meeting site and my higher self hugged me and said: 🫂

“It’s done… I love you” ❤️‍🔥

This was not a random human I love you, the words carried weight and I was taken to a whole new level. :exploding_head::exploding_head:

My higher self said: “well done, for your efforts I have implanted within you a new secret hidden ability, you will find out soon what it is” :smirk:🕵‍♂

I woke up from my meditation and since then I love everyone and everything about this world,
My enemies, the people I resent, people I’ve had problems with… no negative emotional reaction,
Just literally…

ONE LOVE :green_heart:

As always this was just the beginning… :clapper:


Everyone reading this, be like



Bro, reading this gave me shivers :eyes:

Guess I need to integrate my dark female side.

I will ask Nyx to take me on a journey through the whole night – from dusk till dawn.

I know what I have to do and can no longer hide in the darkness of the night.

Time to face the radiance of my own true power :zap: :snowflake: :fire:


U prop me up too much bro, u did 80% if not more. Ur review proves when NFT is diligently worked with, miracles happen⚡

What I find rly interesting is how there is bigger game at play regarding ur growth.

Remember how u ask me which NFT to work with and then just as u get close with Panther, I tell u to switch to HS? U worked with panther solely for how many days? I recall few only, and then u with no doubt in my intuition switch to HS and give us these fireworks…

Order of NFT u are guided to work with, duration of how long u will be dedicated to one only… It makes no sense until time passes and we see this beautiful narrative u have given us😎

Teaches me and many of us with these NFTs,our greatest assets are:

-Faith in the process
-Daily active work of some kind with the NFT

U having these anime protagonist level up experiences will make people think I am some badass medium😶, but I am far from that. Beltlop is able to channel whole texts from HS, but I am happy u were able to benefit from what little assistance I can provide🙏


Powerful stuff! :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm:

Here is another one:

And some rap for Neon Genesis Evangelion insiders (lyrics NSFW and not positive):


where can I get this NFT, is there any way to trade with someone?


Can anyone send me a copy of the audio for this? I have a copy on venly (can prove) but I can’t get the video to load (might just be my internet connection for now)


Pmed u bro


This seems to be a problem for every NFT that has audio on Venly. I sent a question to the help desk, but they only gave me this answer:

“Welcome to Venly Support, I understand, we currently don’t support audio on the NFT marketplace. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”


Hmm members seem to have a copy of most if not all of the audios at this point though if u ask around, not sure how to fix it, it seems to work sometimes for me but not always


Have a question about the products nft.
Does it work just by purchasing the product and downloading it on my phone?
And does it only work if I look at the picture?
How long do I have to look at the picture? want to make that picture a wallpaper for my phone case, but are there people who do it like me?
If I print the picture, I wonder if the power will be transferred from the original in the virtual wallet or if the original maintains the power. If force is transferred into objects is damaged, not lost the power? This nft picture is not yet clearly understood by looking at the articles in the forum.

Has it happened to anyone else too that the Higher self recommended one very specific type of yoga?
It called its name and it’s something that I have no memories of hearing or reading that, a kind of yoga I have never ever heard of before, nor the word.


Yo… I got the same problem of the audio file not loading. Can you also PM me?
(Again, I can prove I own this NFT)
(Thank you!)

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Every time I need to make a decision or have a complex question, I just loop this NFT audio and listen as best as I can to my inner voice.

Then the download of concepts comes like if as I am explaining it to myself, but with a sudden realization of the answer to the question.

This NFT audio + Conceptual Realizations significantly improved my path finding in life and discernment of information. And that’s just one tiny part of what can be done with this NFT.
