The Immortal Caladrius (Perfect Health and Immortality Group) - NFT

6-7hrs. This one great to loop

No, Caladrius takes your blueprint at the right age, but as if you were in an optimally healthy state at that age


A field that would copy the health of another person to you? I can’t remember that. As for Caladrius and the mentioned field. For example, for my son, I ask Caladrius to use the negentropic scheme of his body at the current age in a perfectly healthy state. He has been ill since birth and was healthy only in utero


Yeah that’s what I was wondering if it will work even though it’s not in my wallet.


It will not

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I posted this in the topic of Asclepius, but this story is also about Caladrius:


Hi, i am new to this concept. Can you please advise how best to listen and achieve the benefits? Do i need to think of something, or just listen? Can i use wireless headphones? I appreciate your help. Thank you.

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Hi Matt22!
Are you talking about this particular NFT or all NFTs? There are forum guidelines that will help with general knowledge.

Welc to the Forum


Thank you for your response. In general all of them, and the energetic audios. I have a rare and serious autoimmune condition called Wegener’s granulomatosis. I am getting worse and can feel it all over my body. I’ve changed from being a complete atheist, to engaging the spiritual. I never would of thought i would. Thought it was all rubbish. But, when you feel there is not much time left, you reach for any branch to hold on to as your falling. In general, i need so much help. Brain is mashed, no concentration or interest in anything. No S drive. Hormones messed up. Massively high cortisol levels. Body so tense it has actually caused a bend to the right in my spine. I have a wife and one year little girl. I want to be around to look after them and protect them. Damn, 41 year old big man, tearing up whilst i write. Anyway, if you or anyone can suggest any fields to help, it would really help. Thank you.


Read the threads on the Ponr stack and JAAJs self love stack to get a better understanding of how to make them work best for you.

As first aid fields I’d suggest

Subconscious limit removal
Angelic Intercession
Higher Self Connection
Positive Power Waves

The spinal tapper
The symmetrical body
Brain regeneration
Smart stem cells


Thank you for sharing @Matt22. I am glad that you showed up on the gangplank of the Good Ship Dreamweaver! :slight_smile: This is a wonderful community and we have a magnificent Captain! If you create a thread here you will attract more crew to show up and help.

Sending blessings, hope and love to you to speed you on your healing journey. Angels are angles of consciousness that apply energies on your behalf. Be blessed!
angel healing


Thank you for your advice.


Its like $ 6000

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I’m really sorry to hear of your autoimmune issues. I have Caladrius to support me in my own physical issues sustained from a serious motor vehicle accident I was in so I really emphasize with you mate.

If you are willing to accept the support, would you like me to ask Caladrius to send you healing on a constant basis? I can let Cal know the details you have shared here and ask him to send you as much healing as possible on an ongoing basis. Please let me know if this is something you are interested in receiving.




I am sorry to hear about your issues also. I wish you the best in recovery. Do you feel support from Caladrius, if so, how does it manifest.

I am willing to accept the support that you offer. Its is very soulful and humane of you. How would such a process work and what do i have to do to receive it.

Many Thanks



Thank you Matt. I do feel support from Caladreus on a physical and mental/emotional level. Cal is helping to alleviate some of my pain at present with a hernia issue I am having in my stomach, but additional medical support is required at this time. For me, I can feel the energies of Cal working on various parts of my body and whenever I’m working with Cal he provides me with a strong sense of safety and comfort which helps my body to relax and tension to subside.

Your acceptance of this energy is all that is required Matt. I will inform Cal to deliver healing energies to you whenever possible; just like I ask him to do for some family members who have accepted this support. I can’t make any guarantees regarding Cal’s treatment effectiveness for your autoimmune issues, but I hope you do gain some relief as Cal starts to provide assistance.

I am going to connect with the NFT image and audio and request him to support you on an ongoing basis as much as possible.



Hi bless to all, can i ask for help me to cure My hypertension, and heart and lungs dissease.

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Wanna Buy this beautiful nft in future for my family and me. :heart_eyes:

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when the dragons meet caladrius :smiley:


Oh that is so cool! :slight_smile: