The Inner Temple (Community Project)

Firstly thanks to Captain for making this possible in this Era, and feel so blessed to experience these rare creations! :heart: :pray: :heart:

I’ve been dreaming about this one for a few months, extremely happy about this!

Inner Temple

(Initially named as RRR - Rhythm, Rejuvenation and Raise)

The idea is to push the user to live in a rhythm that is in harmony with nature’s circadian rhythms and promote deep rejuvenation implanting an energetic power plant and physical rejuvenation and fortifying this temple with higher vibration sustenance.

All in this universe is in a certain rhythm and harmony as per their design, call it divine will or intelligence everything seems to be in constant motion within and without. Only when something is in resonance, and harmony can be Whole, perfect and balanced happy state. Isn’t this true negentrophy? I believe Harmony with nature brings natural negentropy and longevity as a result. Envisioning this mixed with a few negentropic rejuvenation techniques and higher devic vibrations can surely build an inner sacred temple as the final goal.

Aligning with circadian rhythm, The Chinese Clock

Chinese Medicine uses the theory of the Chinese clock to describe a set of activities that happen on a daily basis and also affect on our health. We respond to light and dark, hot and cold, and other natural polarities - in effect “yin and yang”.

Circadian rhythms describe regular events that happen to all humans, plants and animals on a daily basis. The influence of these rhythms can change sleep and wake cycles, release various hormones, influence body temperature and regulate other important bodily functions. There also appears to be a genetic component to our rhythms which explains why some lifestyle habits such as staying up late appear to run in families. Our bodies have a number of processes that happen at regular intervals throughout the day.
The meridians follow natural periods of heightened activity and of relative rest. Observing and respecting this rhythm allows our body to function more efficiently and to defend against illness.

The idea is to,

This will put the user into rhythm with the nature’s rhythm all the time negentropically.

Coordinated breath along with the circadian rhythm.

Production of hormones, endocrine & cellular functioning, Meridian system fully in align with the daily natures circadian rhythms.

Aligns and in sync the entire circadian rhythms internally – cells, organs, endocrine, meridians etc.

Best genetics passed on to the future generations to be aligned in circadian rhythms.

No ill effects from circadian rhythms anytime.

The circadian rhythms are controlled by our body’s master clock or what is known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). This will push the inner clock – the hypothalamus, always in sync with nature’s rhythm and bring the user system in balance and harmony.

Living more in accord with our environment may have much lead to much broader changes than we may think. Working with our environment is by most accounts a very easy way to improve our health and psychological well-being without medications, treatments, or other mechanisms.

Pranayama – Yogi Rhythmic breath

Installing the below idea of Pranayama and pushing the user towards ‘Yogic pranayama technique’ or captain’s choice pranayama technique. There is a technique called Yogic rhythmic breath that takes place in a rhythmic way in a certain ratio of inhale/ retain /exhale. Captain can suggest the best pranayama technique here.

Whatever the technique the central idea is to push the inhale:retain:exhale rhythmic ratio by 100 milliseconds everyday so that the users get used to higher vibrations. It should push strongly without any upper limit with longer and deeper breaths. Probably we might take each breath for a few minutes in a decade.

Idea - “Pranayama is the control of all life-forces by realising naught but Brahman in all things as the mind, etc.“ The negation of the Universe is the outgoing breath. The thought: ‘I am Brahman’ itself is called the incoming breath. The permanence of that thought thereafter is the restrained breath. This is the Pranayama of the wise, while the pressing of the nose is only for the unknowing.”

A Yogi measures the span of his life not by the number of years but by the number of his breaths. You can take in a certain amount of energy or Prana from the atmospheric air along with each breath. Vital capacity is the capacity shown by the largest quantity of air a man can inhale after the deepest possible exhalation.

Lung Trainer and Tummo Fire

The idea is to progressively build the lung capacity to adapt with the developing pranayama capacity. Along with it the breath power should fuel the Tummo fire inside the user burning down the toxins – mental and physical and helping in building the powerful digestion system.

Bala and Athibala Technique

Imbuing all the benefits of the bala and athibala into the user.

Bala and Athibala are two mantras mentioned in the Ramayana. The mantras were given to Sri Ram and Lakshman by Vishwamitra Rishi. It is believed that one who meditates on Bala and Atibala Mantras will not feel hunger, thirst and tiredness. No one will be able to defeat them in fights.

Although this mantra is mentioned in the Ramayana, it is not originally from the epic. The Bala and Atibala mantra is found in the Savitri Upanishad.

In Valmiki Ramayana the mantra is mentioned in the Balakanda – Sarga 22. But the mantra is not given in written format – it is mentioned that Sage Vishwamitra gave it to Sri Ram and Lakshman. The glory of it is also said in the chapter.

Although Bala and Atibala Mantra are two mantras – they are considered as one and are chanted together.

Apart from control over physical urges, knowledge, intelligence, beauty, and oratory powers of a person will increase as a result of the chanting of the mantra.

The Rishi of this mantra is Virat Purush and the meter and Goddess is Gayatri. This mantra is very powerful and it looks like gAyatri mantra. It has additionally some beejas and other words hence it is a very long mantra. It is capable of slowly making one evolve to higher spiritual level of super-consciousness and helps one to go beyond the pull of lower forces. After the purashcharana (the process of realization of the power of mantra) one starts feeling the divine grace and becomes a medium of the divine power.

Prana Cultivator through Life Force

According to Vedas and Kriya Yoga technique, there are 49 pranas or vayus that take care of each and every cellular activity inside our body. There are even names and functions specific to them. As some say these are equivalent to sounds of Sanskrit letters in the chakras and the end goal of all the spiritual practices.

As I could find these 49 Marut’s are divided into 7 chief category maruths. They are:

  1. aavaha, 2) Pravaha, 3) vivaha, 4) paraavaha, 5) udvaha, 6) samvaha & 7) Parivaha.

These 49 maruths or Vayus or pranas are existing within and without. That is the reason of relationship of existence in Cosmos, Mind, and Body.

This feature automatically cultivates, cleanses, balances and enhances the 49 vayus and upavayus in the negentropic way or the flower of life Plus the combination of Life force (captain’s choice). I think this should be a great tool for vibrant health, reverse aging, and spiritual vibration enhancer.

Dhatu Rejuvenation

In Ayurveda, the seven types of Dhatus are plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid. they are called Sapta Dhatus - Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja and Sukhra respectively.

This feature will speed up the process of dhatu creation/rejuvenation/strengthening in negentropic way and bring the production to that of 16-18 year young. Normally dhatu creation happens step by step from food to rasa(plasma) to raktha(blood)…… to shukra(reproductive fluid) and shukra to Ojas, Tejas and Prana and almost takes a month in healthy Young individuals and more time as someone ages or diseased. There will be flaws in dis-eased individuals a few steps in the process and that’s how aging starts. Example no raktha dhatu in anaemic persons, no asthi dhatu in osteoporosis etc…

The idea here is to correct the dhatu creation/Regeneration and progressively pace up the whole process towards youthifying (16-18 years).

Higher Vibrations

Having built such a robust physical and mental system with above fields is to progress and develop on the spiritual level and push ourselves to live and retain and progress on the higher vibrations. I’d like to propose fortifying the user with the higher being vibrations like ‘devic or angelic vibrations’ plus the ‘m-state Gold’ expressed deep from within all the Koshas. I imagine this as expressing from deep core within of a being expressed in a 360 ° degree ripple effect to outside physical being.

The above idea is a mix of seven different sub-fields, remaining left to captain for further improvements to make the best powerful creation of this year :)

Thanks to all my members for the support and contribution! :heart:

Audio + Mandala


Is this a public project?

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No, community project; Private !


Playing this from 30 mins, its extremely rejuvenating and tingles all over the body inside.

I feel like brand new playing this.
Fatigue, yawning all gone in couple of loops that was felt since morning.
I’m sure there is a lot to experience, awaiting to share in the coming days…


Such a lovely idea & creation.
Am in love with this!
Head ache, ear inflammation, tight back all relaxed after a few loops of this despite a really stressful day at work.
Looking forward to a restful sleep as I seem to have tuned into my natural rhythm now


We need to be careful about this mantra as it is also an Astra (weapon). Sāvitryupaniṣad, a quasi-Upaniṣad, not accepted as a valid Upaniṣadby the likes of Shankara and Rāmānuja, notes a “corrupted” version of this mantra.

Karapātri Svāmin notes that this mantra needs to be practiced only after one completes the fructification of Gāyatrī (the popular form), Brahma Gāyatrī, and Turīya Gāyatrī and has maintained celibacy for 12 years (which Sri Rāmachandra and Lakṣmaṇa did). Yōgāvāsiṣṭha notes that celibacy maintained by Sri Rāma was not forced, but kāya - vāk - citta, of body-speech-mind. Celibacy here was not refusing to ejaculate, but eliminating the impulse to need to ejaculate by having a perfectly still mind through training of body (Haṭhayōga), Mind (Rājayōga), and Consciousness (Jnānayōga).

This mantra utilizes the power of Vīrya (or its subtle form, śukra aka semen) and transmutes it. As this process can cause problems, hence the restriction of needing to perfect three corollaries of the Gāyatrī (or technically Sāvitrī), mantra before attempting this “weapon” mantra. Gāyatrī itself needs caution as it gets assumed to be a “simple” mantra - it has various “weapon” forms, Brahmāstra, Brahmadaṇḍāstra, Brahmaśīrṣāstra, etc.

The authentic prayogas of these related mantras are preserved by descendants of Kauśika and Viśvāmitra gōtras (clans) in Karnataka and parts of Maharashtra. This was one such luminary who had perfected this mantra in recent times.


Thanks for the details. Always feels so good to learn from you.
I was aware a bit that these are not available in practical and are hard to practice in this kali yuga with such feeble minds and bodies. Not to forget the difficulty of finding a qualified Guru.
So much gratitude to the captain and all his creations in this regard.
No other better way than this to practice these in this age.
I’m treating this entire creation with great reverence :pray:
I didnt realize but Now I see the link to why I wanna do ‘Urdhwaretas yogi’ as my next project.


(Long rambling warning :laughing:)

There is a reason why I am not too interested in Vedic mantras.

In Indic Spiritual System, there are two distinct paths:

  • Nigama (originating from the Veda)
  • Agama (originating from Tantra, and to an extent from Purāṇic lore)

These two, while complimentary and even overlapping at times, have distinct approaches and differences in their aspects of energetic alchemy. Some famous philosophers like Abhinavagupta even contend that the Vedic path is unsuitable in the current cycle of time (called Kaliyuga according to the Hindu calendar). Why is that?

  • The Vedic system is a “way of life”. One tends to pick a mantra here, a ritual there and they often grant little to no results and may instead cause harm. The system was designed and practiced to be a holistic way of life and when you strip disjoint aspects from it, one does not usually get the intended results.
  • The Vedic system can be roughly categorized as Solar/Fire Alchemy. Hence the central importance of the formula/mantra called Sāvitrī (that popularly gets called Gāyatrī). A key aspect of the Vedic system is the Fire Ritual - a daily performance of Agnihōtra, and occasional performance of the much larger and complex Yajnas. The Veda does not teach worship in the sense of temple/deity worship. Agni or Fire is the means to access the power of the Devas and this is the central tenet of the Vedic system.
  • Also, the Vedic system is very precise and rules are strict. How one leads daily life (physical and mental purity), a strict regimen of daily rituals, following of āśrama system based on one’s stage in life (celibacy, householder, renunciate, monk), and a lifelong adherence to the Vedic way of life.
  • The pronunciation and intonation of mantras have to be very specific. These days, folks even record the sacred Gāyatrī in various tunes - no wonder people cannot unlock the Solar Energy embedded in this mantra.

So, the Vedic system is not easy to follow in this day and age and requires a lifetime of commitment. The Tantra and Puanic systems are more heterodox, evolve with time, and customize their systems to match various needs. Also, the Vedic system follows Vamśavr̥kṣa - the genealogical tree. The seed of the mantras was planted by original seers (sages who were revealed the Vedic mantras), and this was passed down in their families (gotra). For example, a certain family descendent from sage Bhr̥gu will follow a certain Veda, and there too a specific branch of it (śākhā) that practice the rituals, and mantras inherited from their ancestors. They are expected to have the necessary attunement (dīkṣā) in two forms - by way of initiation by the father, and dedicated practice that unlocks the mantra through their genealogical connection to the original seer. Even the Gāyatrī one needs to recite depends on which Veda they follow and which specific branch of that Veda. There is no one standard Gāyatrī mantra for all.

In Tantra, the system follows Vidyāvr̥kṣa, the tree of Knowledge, where genealogy does not matter much. The initiation from a capable teacher who can impart an awakened seed mantra to the student is all that is needed. Even here, not every mantra suits everyone. Some mantras are “ari mantras” (foes) which disrupt one’s life, energy, prosperity, etc. I had a student who came to me for initiation into the mantra of a certain form of Kālī - I tested his horoscope and also via my guides, and found that this mantra was not suitable for him. He decided to do that anyway and within a year, had to abandon the mantra as various misfortunes hit him. There are mantras however that are suitable for all - Shiva Pañcākṣarī (śivāya namaḥ), Nārāyaṇa aṣṭākṣarī (oṃ namō nārāyaṇāya), Vāsudēva dvādaśākṣarī (oṃ namō bhagavatē vāsudēvāya), and Kalisantaraṇa mantra (harē rāma harē rāma rāma rāma harē harē, harē kr̥ṣṇa harē kr̥ṣṇa kr̥ṣṇa kr̥ṣṇa harē harē).

Let’s see the reality today. Many people recite Gāyatrī but how many really get any benefit? Very, very few. A mantra has to be imparted from the teacher to the disciple as an “awakened” seed that can instantly connect the disciple to the entire lineage of teachers and eventually to the Deity whose sonic form is the mantra. The disciple has to still nurture this tree and water it by constant mindful practice to get a fruit, but at least the seed is “alive”. These days, folks pick up the mantra from YT and this mantra is neither empowered nor a living seed, so how would it grow into a tree and produce a seed? Even the Gāyatrī is given by fathers to sons via a ritual named Upanayana, which has unfortunately become just that, a ritual. If the father has not perfected and awakened the mantra, he will pass the dead seed to his son and this will continue for generations until a capable descendant appears.

It is still possible to get siddhi from such dead mantras, but it would take a monumental effort (tapasyā) to first awaken the seed, and then nurture it to grow into a tree and produce fruit. To a large extent, this applies to Tantric mantras too, but the Tantric systems are more adaptable (Lunar Alchemy) in the current age. Most traditionalists today supplement their mandatory Vedic rites (which they perform more as a duty) with Tantric mantras for spiritual and material benefit.

There are still a few Vedic ritualists left today who can perform complex Vedic rituals and activate the Solar Alchemy, but their numbers are dwindling rapidly due to the extreme materialization of the world we live in…


Wow amazing project, hope I may be an NFT user of it very soon.

Artwork itself is amazing as always.


Oh, how much can I express my love to you, Mr. Maoshan.

I’ve told people that Vedic religion and Hinduism are different, and some Indians got angry at me. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: So I shut up.


I don’t say it’s 2 distinctive approaches. Everything links back to Vedas in one way or another.
This is entirely my perspective,
Vedas existed in all the time-space, I mean since the creation (unmanifest to manifest) . It has all the wisdom , it includes everything since the beginning ( even the agamas). Later Veda vyas maharshi has split the Vedas into 4 as we know it. Better organised all the shakas.
Even the Upanishads by name/ meaning came from Vedas , and ofcourse the puranas. Superficially they look different to each other but the core is the same teaching about The One!

But vedic traditions werent for everyone, so agamas process came through from rishis again. Till then all vedic process involved fire god as the medium (havans etc.) to please the gods for rains, grains etc.
Many say Vedas came 5000 yrs or 10000 yrs back but they exist all the time. It’s the drasta, the Rishi who brought them to lime light. But there r only few families where the system is still intact and practiced in authenticity. It’s something like ‘all characters/stories of any era can be seen in Mahabharatam’ , similarly all things knowledge base ,wisdom is Vedas even if we can’t understand it or written in books or websites (lol)

It starts with 2 and splits into 1000’s of combinations with different rituals, pronunciations and customs and don’t can’t forget the intentional /unintentional manipulations that happened from ages on the scripts that we read and assume.
One can see how a simple word changes its accent, spelling in one century thr etymology, can’t imagine for mantras.
Forget about vedic customs, how many are following Sandhya vandanam in this age ? Hardly any …lol;

Anyways personally I mostly care about the end goal of the teaching, and all practices teach the same thing. Para Vak supersedes everything! Yad bhavam tad bhavathi!

Moreover I follow SM ‘Royal’ path and that itself is unique, and don’t have to bother about the risks, approaches, likes or dislikes of a system. Following a right path with the right goal is the key to progress to me. Simple!

कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरी उमा शङ्करी
कौमारी निगमार्थगोचरकरी ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी ।
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी !!

Open to learning…


This is damn powerful energetically, feel both energetic and later fatigue if not eaten for sometime. Dhatu rejuvenation seems to be demanding more fuel, and could feel the life force impact at core + Tummo Fire effects.
Lot of prana and not at all sleepy despite lot of work.


Yes, exactly how I feel too.
Individually, these two nfts are very powerfully focused on transforming & guiding our energies/vibrations towards our spiritual progress goals.
But together, the process is at a totally different level. Very much feel like am smothered in a cushion & being propelled forward! I don’t know how else to describe the feeling!


My long due review on the Inner temple.
I’ve played this daily 45 mins for 45 days during my breathing exercises. Amazing results’
with overall metabolism increase
High on energy levels with boundless Joy
No cravings for food and
More feeling of lightness in the body. It cant be explained, I feel like a feather inside.
I really like the higher vibrational state that I carry through out the day/night.
No scope of negative thinking whatsoever, even though I try to do it isn’t registering in mind…lol

As nft title says It does transform this vessel to a temple!
Thanks to dream for creating such a Divine nft.


Any latest reviews for this NFT project ? I Would be grateful for the NFT owners to share their reviews especially because this project supposedly works on the Sapta-Dhatus of the Human body.