The Inverse Gateway (Mission Control)

thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Since this is an unwiring field, no need to worry about overgrowth if I loop this 24/7?

Also would it benefit from Artemis boosters or nah?


Itā€™s not to fix overgrowth and it wonā€™t cause overgrowth. You can use it 24/7 for sure.


So when it comes to removing perversions would this mean intrusive thoughts and thoughts/ behaviors that become addictive through the shock value and novelty that they provide? Also would this help to untangle the false value that your mind tries to give to these phobias and perversions? Lastly I wonder if this field would go down to a physical body level instead of just mental, meaning the bodies memory/associations?


Iā€™d imagine it even means sexual fetishes developed from porn. This may be one of the most important fields in a long time for me to help me both get off Suboxone and overcome sexual addictions. Just from looping yesterday I feel so much consciousness freed up.


Wish you full recover with thisšŸ™šŸ½


Nice, this is precisely what I was thinking when I wrote my comment.

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@Gnosticmedic27 , Iā€™m especially curious about your journey man. Best luck!


Does anyone have some early experiences to share? :slight_smile:

literally listening for the first time right now. iā€™ll check back in, in a few days :slight_smile:


This one has some visible physical sensations compared to other brain fields I used. Itā€™s like someone is literally plucking out the bad pathways out of my brain.

Just bought this today so canā€™t wait to see how it goes for the next 30 days.

Will play this for 24 hours.


It has been 14 hours since I last commented.

Two main things I experience is porn addiction not being there anymore, my habit would be to touch or edge my pee pee to feel good because habits created from addiction tends to be hard to stay away from and I havenā€™t touched myself down there the whole day. The sexual fetishss and kinks I developed over the course of years donā€™t seem as desirable as much to me, I kinda feel repulsed that I had a fetish for a specific thing towards that, most likely me returning back to normal.

I havenā€™t peeked at any sexual content like I would, the women I saw on the internet or at the streets just seem beautiful in a respectful manner, not like ā€œI want to fuck emā€ and most importantly my ability to be more empathic has risen drastically.

Now the second main thing is trauma, my biggest enemy, before I got this field I wouldnā€™t say traumas affected me as much thanks to other fields such as the revision field but there was still PTSD triggers that kinda lurked around, depending on the situation I perceive stressful to me but it was manageable but unmanageable at the same time.

Now with this field, the triggers didnā€™t exist as much! For example, going into a big grocery store (I prefer small stores to keep my anxiety in check) didnā€™t seem stressful. I felt comfortable with myself and the triggers I used to feel when I was around girls (shaky and scared of judgment) were gone too! Felt like myself for once, something Blueprint of Past and other self love fields didnā€™t do for me in a long time although they aided me in managing my trauma and low self esteem.

A strong side effect for me was feeling like my heart was about to explode (not literally) which was most likely due to congested heart chakra that needed to be cleansed. Secondly may be (in my case) feeling empty, like you are nothing without your addiction or trauma, when that feeling comes, meditate and accept it :) itā€™s already hard as it is so forgive yourself and move forward.

Pair this with Spiritheon Max, your life will change much more beautifully


yus, true

it has been on loop about 14 hours as well actually. i woke up feeling quite empty with some psychological discomfort

i took a long walk on the beach (so beautiful. such a nice day. photos never do it justice) and worked through some things.

my thoughts on this is: although they are great and profound, how direct is their effect on neurology? a great majority of our human experience is effected by out physical body and brain. we are not just effected by subtle spirit. i suppose more indirectly if the spirit is changed in a certain way, our body will eventually configure accordingly


thereā€™s nothing to forgive , those were experiences youā€™ve been through , and then you took decisions and moved forward in your life


Incase thereā€™s emotional charge when you recall the event, in such cases forgiveness helps :pray:.


I cannot put into words my gratitude to Dr. and Dream for creating this.

Having slept with this the last 5 nights, I donā€™t feel weighed down by shameful perversions of my past, or being afraid of the dark. Nor do I desire anything lustful except to make true love to my girlfriend. To see her beauty inside and out.

For those of you addicted to the dirty websites, this will help.

For those afraid of the dark, this will help.

For those who feel burdened by years of accumulated junk, this will help.

As Gnostic mentioned, it really does feel as if my consciousness has been freed up.


A quick review after using this field approx. 8-10 times today, after purchasing it today. I have a mega sweet tooth, and I compulsively ā€œneedā€ to eat something sweet after every meal. Often, one piece of chocolate can easily become 4-5 pieces. After listening to this field, I had a meal, then ate 1 single piece of chocolate and was completely satisfied! I had zero craving for another bite. Thatā€™s never happened before. Simply amazing!

I am eternally grateful to Doc and Dream for this wonderful field. :pray:


So as I also listened to this the whole night after posting that comment, I found that energetic cords that drained my energy were disappearing as well, which makes sense because if you diminish the pathways that caused destruction in the first place, as a byproduct the leeches that drain your energy canā€™t really drain you because you arenā€™t entertaining those thoughts and actions as much.

This is not to say donā€™t ignore other tools like negative energy clearing and voodoo detangled, in fact add those two bad boys and by good energy you will feel so much cleaner and happier.

Just feels good to not unconsciously be bound to something I try so hard to overcome for many years.


Of late, Iā€™ve been worried about my smartphone use. Its screen is my first contact in the morning and my last at night. I could just start my day, stretch some, take a cold shower, eat, etc., and then find out about the world a little bit later, but thatā€™s what crazy, unplugged people do.

Since most people stay plugged in, I need to unplug. Thereā€™s no advantage in being with the crowd. The Inverse Gateway is the ultimate unplugā€”LOOK AT THE INFOGRAPHIC! I played it for a few hours. It was fairly light on my brain, so I put it in heavy rotation.

I woke up this morning and, yeah, I did grab my phoneā€”and then I put it back down. This happened a few more times, but then it stopped. I honestly never want to read anything again on my phone that is not work-related.

This is a good use case. Iā€™m reforecasting my days and Iā€™m seeing both time and mental energy freeing up. That could be you.