The Journey To The Light (Part 1 of 3)

They are!!! :japanese_ogre:

Personally i think the same :smile_cat:



First of all, thanks @anon22855873 for this. Itā€™s a wonderful gift to everyone here on the forum, just give this a try! Itā€™s amazing!

With the first chapter (the light on and off) I immediately felt the pressure in the heart chakra. It felt so good, man. But the magic happened in the second chapter. I finally felt like I let go of some feelings that I have had in store for so many years. They evaporated like the little orbs of light in the image of the Light, and climbed through my ajna and crown chakra. Peace and love ā€¦ ufff

So angel suggested me, play around with the concepts a bit and spend 10-20 rounds asking the light to ā€œlet me know what I should work on nextā€ and man, did I work on concepts that I had never thought of, or had issues with them.

And then I slept like a baby.


this works
before I felt happiness etc when letting go but love was a lot repressed ( though I could feel it but the enrgy manifested in a dense uncomfortable manner ), now, I feel

the feeling of love is much more light
itā€™s crazy I always experienced love as a dense uncomfortable energy before


Thanks Angel for this :blush: Its not easy so far, but I will continue working on it as long as I need. I also have concluded that I have a blocked heart. I have a lot of heaviness and pain around my heart and find it really difficult to feel the light. I mostly feel heaviness when I focus on my chest. Will try to ask the light to help me let go of that blockage and heavy feelings.


One of my main issue with Satori has been the difficulty to feel and recognize emotions when focused on it, as well as my Mind acting out and blocking the process.

I am experiencing great healings and minimum resistance with Light so far, recognizing Love under its energy form (rather that the feeling itself) and how my heart center has been opening up.

I have been feeling so different over the last few days: feeling good as a whole and being peaceful & grounded whatever the environment and people I am with.

The way I feel this works while practicing is through energy shifts & openings, joy, but also the content of thoughts that come up.

Interestingly when I ask ā€œwhat I should work on nextā€ though, most of the times this is outer concepts that come up, rather than inner ones.

I am honestly blown away at the minimum resistance with the process man :pray::heart:
For Satori Iā€™ve always had to ā€œforce myselfā€ into it, while being gentle and patient, otherwise my mind structure would just block the process.

Would you have any pro-tips to improve that process?
Perhaps regarding the feeling part or resistance that could remain.


Oh, Iā€™ve got an update straight after posting my message and getting back into the practice.

Iā€™ve already done the:

  • Let go of my heart being blocked
  • Let go of not being able to feel.
  • etc.

This is working intelligently by layers to correct that :slight_smile:
Just need to be patient and keep working at it.


Yes! This morning while I was at it, more things kept coming up that relate to ā€˜more layers connected to the feelingā€™ where together they form the big release I was going for.

One thing about this, is once you truly surrender to it is when you really let go of it. Sometimes itā€™s not as easy as 4 seconds, but the amount of release that washes over you is something I honestly havenā€™t experienced to that level before. I have, but then it comes back because the deeper levels would be lightly touched, or need more sessions, orā€¦ orā€¦

With this, things are really snatchedd out of your root; up up and away :)


btw for me itā€™s sometimes really hard to use these kinda words or be in this state, Iā€™d learnt recently how Iā€™ve built up a lot of walls, and while they have served their purpose in the last few years, carrying them long after theyā€™re done is not optimal either. Iā€™ve grown out of this much rapidly this past month, and they feel completely melted out ā€¦ but then feeling how they arenā€™t here anymore is another step. For thisā€¦ it was helpful for me to show sincerity in wanting to let go of the feeling through words, but more so in a way where Iā€™m giving both my heart and mind the permission to finally do so.

I tried the sink your head into your heart way and it felt like I was dying lolā€¦ so thatā€™s when you know you wanna do it one more time :)))


Thanks for that, Boris! :pray: A true aha moment for me reading your words!

It seems that even though Iā€™m trying to feel as opposed to think, Iā€™m still holding expectations on how love should feel like and never once thought of love in its energy form.

Off to practice some more, starting with expectations. :blush:

And Iā€™ll give the sink your head into your heart way a try since itā€™s calling to me.

Thank you again for this beautiful gift, @Angel. I already feel profoundly changed and itā€™s only been a couple of days.

:pray: :pray: :pray:


Happy to hear this! Great work :raised_hands:t4:. Thank you for playing.

Happens, often we resist what we donā€™t understand in an attempt to protect ourselves. But Iā€™m called the statement helped. As I suggested before, keep asking the Light what to work on next.

Honestly itā€™s my favorite feature.


Same as I told @Reform those statement tend to be self imposed. He just sent me a message that he is starting to get the benefit.

Work the feeling of what you call ā€œblocked heartā€ and the concept. You should be fine.


Trust me, Iā€™ve gotten answers that Iā€™m like :flushed:

But it tends to end up in much benefit.

Great work man. Keep playing.


Play more. Thatā€™s all.




So Iā€™ve been giving this a go for a couple of days.

As soon as I saw the image I was overwhelmed with warmness and love.
As I kept reading the story I found myself relating to the character and seeing that the process and the little clues in the between the lines make more sense the more you read it. They make the process even easier and give you ways to be more creative using this.

At first it was hard to just focus on the middle my chest for more than like 5 mins. But when I bring all of the feeling in my body to that area I have no choice but to pay attention to it and focus on it. It made the feeling of love come faster and harder almost orgasmic when you release the unwanted feelings.

Iā€™ve worked on the list given in chapter 2 and 3 and I must say that I feel less heavy about those topics. I have had conversations with people close to me that have been really revealing after playing the game a few days. I feel smarter and wiser and like more in tune with the feelings I create. Knowing that if itā€™s not one that I wanna feel I can just pop a session to work on that and Iā€™ll feel better after. Rinse and repeat.


Just wondering if the mandala works from thought too?

I was running late today and pretty anxious so I decided to try using the mandala to release the emotion instead of releasing it manually with SEE.

I held the image of the mandala in my mind, thought Light On, and thought that I would like to release the anxious-ness from being late. The anxious feeling disappeared from me pretty fast and I immediately felt calmer.

Also, thank you so much for the automated releasing with this mandala! Iā€™ve only been doing your releasing technique occasionally for a few months but itā€™s crazy to think that you actually found a way to automate releasing.


You could use a digital image of the mandala as well

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If you read the game instructions again youā€™ll find some clues as to why you were able to do this :wink:


Definitely starting to feel it now. Also I just activated the light and smelled something sweet like cookies for a bit :thinking:. Interesting


They say love is sweet :wink: