The Journey To The Light (Part 1 of 3)

Thank you for the gift! I’m excited to incorporate this practice.

Also it’s heart warming and really cool to see your growth angle.


:pray:t4: :heartpulse:


I can’t believe how good this has been so far, your story as well as the game :slight_smile:

I have been experiencing so much peace since its first activation yesterday, and I’m just out of the first release phase… I don’t remember the last time I’ve experienced my heart so deeply and widely opened.

Feeling honored to have access to this work.
So much gratitude & respect Lightbringer.


Enjoy it brother. We are going deep soon.


Going to the moon :rocket: :rocket:


Light is felt very strongly there isn’t place for doubt. the feelings she brings up are also felt super strongly. I have let go of a good amount of sadness and wanting and feel so much lighter, phew ! lol I have a long way to go but just wanted to say this is supeeeeer strong. thank you ! My head is floating right now:). surprised myself going deeper into meditation but always brought back by the " wanting " feeling. heart is also much open
just laughing smiling and feeling some bliss, amazing :D


So i’ve yet to dive deep into this, there is so much going on around the forum lately, its a big party everywhere.

But by exploring the first chapter, there is something that keeps making me come back looking at that Mandala/Image.
As soon as i saw it, i fell in love with it, hard yet simple to explain; it feels to me like it connects me to something so vast, so deep; some very reactive, intelligent, alive “presence”.

It embraces me thoroughly, giving me feeling of elation, euphoria and love, mix of blissful tingles. It is willing to take my hand, it kinda “desires” to take my hand,

Even gets me to a point that makes me need to take a break such strong energy it has
This is something next level,
(no one is ever alone…)


@anon22855873 is it ok to print it with no color?

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Should be fine but test, I haven’t tested that.

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Hi @anon22855873 is it oksy if we download the photo to our computer/phone gallery and just bring it up when needed? I’ve been trying the first game doing this off my computer and it seems to be working, but I’m not sure if thats just my mind causing a placebo.


Absolutely, the locks are that people have to be members of Sapien Medicine and they have to get it through this post. So go ahead and put it on your phone :slight_smile:


Cool, and thanks for sharing this! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey, I took a Screenshot of one of the Members wallpaper with the mandala on

This one.

Is it okay when I take this screenshot and use it as my home screen?

Best regards


Should be :slight_smile:

Your experience confirm it. Say the commands and test.


The first feeling I released was sadness. I’ve been feeling it a lot lately so I thought if I tackled that first, it could possibly clear some other things with it. The result was remarkable! Several thoughts, memories came up but I was able to stay in observer mode and not grab on to them. When the feeling faded, my heart was filled with so much energy and love! It was amazing. Later, and even now, when I try to remember what came up, I can’t remember any of it! True release.

By “coincidence”, I came across this quote from Dr. David Hawkins (Power vs Force):
Hawkins Letting Go

funny how I always seem to have whatever I need, when I need it lately - True Abundance!
Thank you again for this beautiful gift!


:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat: exactly how it’s designed to work.

Your permission to release is to focus, then the process kicks in along with everything that would stop you from letting it go, and lastly a gift of being filled with love.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Keep playing :two_hearts:


@anon22855873 I’m mildly sensitive but for some reason I don’t feel the light on light off. Can you check if there’s energy coming from this?

Maybe my heart chakra is too blocked?


Yes I can feel it.

The main issue I found people having when testing is that they are expecting the effect through their mind.

A little tip that helped some is to drop your head into your chest and focus fully on feeling the middle of your chest. Eyes closed helps.

With a quiet mind as best you can, under your breath say “Light on”

Let me know


Yeah I’ve just come to the conclusion might heart chakra is blocked. I feel the mandala working on any subject I bring up and the feeling has less hold on me, but I can’t feel the light on light off still. :confused:

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Try this, light on.

Go through chapter two, read the activation statement and say

Light, I wish to let go of my heart being blocked.

Personally after so many test usually those blocks are a self imposed concept but I’ll be open to be proven otherwise.