The K2 Stone Energy - New Release

I present to you a track infused and inspired by the K2 Stone, What is this stone? and why is it named so oddly, well, it named after the mountains where it was found, K2 in Pakistan.
Here is the wonderfully written marketing description below;
“With its silvery gray color marked with perfectly circular blue orbs, the K2 crystal has an almost otherworldly appearance. Like a magical Faberge egg gifted from Mother Nature, this relatively new stone has been creating a buzz at gemstone shows across the country.”
The stone itself is a mixture of Granite and Azurite, which in earthen alchemy it may provide a natural grounding for the Azurite. Who knows? but I hope you enjoy this channel exclusive track and energy

[The K2 Stone Energy - YouTube]


@Captain_Nemo must have known how obsessed I am with K2 :stuck_out_tongue: such a beautiful powerful mountain!


Obsessed huh?

So you know any benefits of the stone?

Edit: scratch that I’ve learned the art of googling things myself.


Not the stone, but I’ve seen every climbing documentary on the mountain :smiley:


Some good info about the stone here:


It rewards its owner with honesty and straightforwardness. He teaches you to be yourself, live in the present, and also overcome insecurity and fear. The K2 stone develops communication skills, openness, sincerity and courage.

perfect addition to the Blarney Stone concept


K2 benefits from site:

It connects to the third eye and opens the highest levels of consciousness, allowing one to receive guidance from higher dimensions. This stone helps you control your emotions by centering and balancing your mind, body, and spirit. K2 promotes group harmony and deepens emotional ties with friends and family.

K2 is believed to soothe headaches, as well as the bones and pain receptors.


Thank you :)


I was just thinking about this and Knight :sunglasses:



Playlist just keeps getting longer and longer but I love it :slightly_smiling_face:


The stone that came from this beautiful mountain. K2 has such a powerful presence. The way it rises up from The Baltoro Glacier. I felt a lot of inner strength when meditating to the audio :slight_smile:


I agree. :)
but on the other hand, the new fields force us to take a more responsible approach to compiling the playlist … the new fields are more complex …
many of us are limited in time …
a detailed study of various concepts sometimes even allows you to shorten the playlist slightly …
of course, we want everything at once :)


So beautiful. I love the mountains ! Maybe we can get a k2 portal or k2 energy infusion?


I keep getting a playback error, is it working for anyone else?

Lol i haven’t listened to this yet haha imagine that :scream_cat:

Thanks x the reminder :two_hearts:


I really like this one


Working for me now. Wow, gave me a major clean and comfortable energy boost. Thank you!


I feel like this one is being slept on…

Benefits from this site:

“K-2 opens and unlocks our third eye and crown chakra. This stone helps strengthen the third eye to enhance psychic abilities on all levels (lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy) and assist in the opening of the crown chakra. When our crown becomes open, endless amounts of higher knowledge soon begin to spiral down within us. The third eye connection to the crown is vital at this point, and aids in “seeing” what this knowledge truly means. This information is here to serve you on the path to your higher self, and K-2 is the key to accessing this knowledge.”

I feel all of that when I play it as well as feeling balanced emotionally.

Does anyone know if it’s going on Amazon or somewhere? I’d like to buy the mp3 lol.



This field is totally underrated :two_hearts::two_hearts:


“… It has a rare energy allows us to reach the highest “peak” of consciousness, combined with the Earthy energy of Granite that keeps us grounded. It is connected to our Third Eye Chakra promoting a higher level of awareness along with clarity and insight into what is “right” for us. Once we are open to a higher level of consciousness we can receive guidance from our higher self, as well as the Divine allowing us to make decisions aligned with the greater good. With its extremely high vibration, K2 helps us take control over our emotional health by keeping us centered and balanced. It promotes not only inner harmony, but harmony in groups as well. K2 is also connected to our Throat Chakra, encouraging us to be empathetic to others and by doing so we begin to open our Throat Chakra and feel more comfortable sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with others.” (From soul sisters design)

We can add it to so many stacks.

Specially to develop a stronger connection to our Higher Self

And to be more comfortable opening up, expressing feelings and having better interactions.

What i love the most about it is that it literally bridges your higher self - You - Earth/Grounding synergistically.

Like going up there to gather info to bring to this plane (Earth) to use. How beautiful is that? Easy and fast.

This going right into my night stack :smirk:


:100: I love this one.