The K2 Stone Energy - New Release

Update after 4 days:

I not only added to my to sleep night but to my morning 2nd stack :sweat_smile:

The one where i have The Blarney Stone x 2 + Plasma Flower Node.

In both stacks i noticed instant difference.

My night stacks start early like at 6pm because its the brain ones + conceptual realizations a bit long.

Then a break then the one to sleep with, which has imaginarium, torsion, gamayun, ipf, animal telepathy, enhanced vision (not in that order but just to give an idea) then i added this.
The reason why i knew what i saw in my dreams was due to this audio was because it was a couple answers to something i was waiting on my higher self to whisper in the past days :slightly_smiling_face:

The other audios let me see into the future possibilities or outcomes clear and with vivid images, but the strong connection to my higher self (which i already have it good) felt different, like it had already given me the answers before at different times but i consciously left them behind waiting for more things to unfold. So what i got was like a collection of the hints id got before perfectly displayed and in detail.

The 2 next nights ive asked new stuff to my higher self before playing the stack and falling sleep. Then ā€¦ i get them. Never i have got answers so fast and clear from my HS. I mean i thought i had but now i see the difference.

Mornings along with the Blarney Stone and Plasma NC:

Blarney stone one is really an enchanting magical flute :rofl: but here is the difference adding this audio, it doesnt matter what nonsense you say with Blarney, people just gets enchanted lol :woman_shrugging:t2:
With this audio now, you almost see the words in your head building the perfect sentence before leaving your mouth and you know for a fact that what you are talking makes sense and its understood by whoever you are talking to.

Super good combo.

@GianLee you might want to try this my friend :slightly_smiling_face:


OMG !!! Thank you very much dear Lunita !!! Youā€™re the best!!! Just today I am in a training session in person (Doing business for more fields lol) I will try it right now !!! definitely!!! You are the best, thanks for warning !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile:


We just want your love reaching out the whole world some how :hugs::two_hearts:


Hey, this sounds great! Iā€™ll take your inputs into account ^^

As said in another thread, this field is a part of my _OMaoshan Radio. Iā€™m temporarily working at home again and thereā€™s this radio playing almost 24/7 in one room (the Stone adds a mountainish touch and extra clarity to the rest), Live Meditation Radio in another room (several hours/day) and Plasma Flower (plain or node, depending on the time, 24/7).

But Iā€™ll also ā€œisolateā€ this field and go investigate according to what you said. Thanks :pray:t2: :hibiscus:




This reminds me of the childrenā€™s/folk story of an enchanted mill. ā€œIn all versions, the new owner took it to sea and set it to grind out salt. It ground out salt until it sank the boat, and then went on grinding in the sea, turning the sea salty.ā€ Why the sea is salt

Centuries later, in an era of peace and enlightenment (after the digital dark age of the 21st century), historians are going to attribute the shift of energy partly to ancient devices found playing in several individualsā€™ homes.:wink:


Wow i just realized something.

:point_up: My 1st review adding this audio to my morning 2nd stack which has Blarney Stone + PFNC literally is the same as the review about adding it to the night stack which focuses on lets call it third eye/higher self/intuition. But at first i didnt see it like that. The results at night were i was getting super clear answers from my higher self in my sleep.

So basically its the voice of my ā€œawake/consciousā€ higher self in the mornings and my deep asleep Higher Self during my dreams. I just thought it was giving me clarity to talk but its simply the higher self refine and on point.

I realized it right before coming to say that i dont have to think anymore anything im gonna say before because the bridge from asleep HS and Awake HS is built.

And that gives me more confidence to move forward in my every day life in what i do and say since i know it comes from my perfect place.

this one feels more powerful and faster than the higher self audio šŸ’šŸ˜
(My experience tho)



Iā€™m sorry, whatā€™s PFNC?


Plasma Flower Node Connector


No wonder you abbreviated it. Thatā€™s a lot to type!

Thank you for explaining.


@anon46520955 :partying_face: beautiful Lunita! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! For your wise advice! I had completely forgotten this wonderful gem! Let me get up to speed! This forum is so powerful by people like you who contribute in such a generous and detailed way their experiences! Thanks for lighting my way! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Any chance to put the K2 Stone also on patreon please? :pray:

but are often available on Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, as you maybe know.

However, this one is specifically labeled as:

So chances are low. But who knows, Dreamweaver is full of surprises after allā€¦


I feel sensations in my crown chakras :grin:.

I hadnā€™t paid much attention to this field when it came out.

After some research and reading on this thread this one is very interesting to connect to your higher self!! This stone also has other advantages, itā€™s great :blush:!


I was very fortunate to buy The Mountain of Mountains nft from Danny_Ho today! :raised_hands:


Is this field available for sale ?

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No, it isnā€™t! @Limael

Iā€™m selling this one at the moment. K2 Mountain energy infusion and much moreā€¦

The Mountain of Mountains Crypto NFT

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Thank you for the information .

Ok, Iā€™ll come to you when I want to buy it in NFT version :slightly_smiling_face:

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Only 5 copies were minted and 2 copies are from Captain himself! :relaxed:


Meditated to this on around three loops with hands in Hakini Mudra yesterday.

My mind went to some very interesting places.

Would recommend, for sure.